Month: April 2020

Sharing These 4 Money Mistakes Will Kill My Image as “Super Grandma” (But, I’ll Do it Anyway!)

4 Money Mistakes Will Kill My Image as “Super Grandma”

Like most children, my grandkids think of me as a superhero. I am a bringer of gifts and laughter. I am their “baba with a backpack” who Skypes them from mountain tops and cruise ships, desert villages and London hotels. At their ages (9 and 3), I’m pretty sure that they are the only people in the world who think I am perfect… although that will probably change when they get a little older!

What they don’t yet realize is that, like all people, I am far from perfect. I have made my share of mistakes – both financial and personal – during the course of my long life.

Of course, I could keep my mistakes private in order to protect my ego (and their innocence). But, as a baba, I think that this would be a selfish choice. So, I have decided that, for better or for worse, I am going to show them the real me, warts and all. Hopefully, as we grow together, this will make our bond even stronger.

So, to help organize my thoughts – and to encourage you to share your own ideas with your grandkids – I wanted to share 4 money mistakes that I plan on sharing with my grandkids.

But, first, a word about grandparents and parents.

Parents and Grandparents: Danger Will Robinson!

I don’t know why, but, more often than I would like to admit, I actually hear the voice of the robot from Lost in Space saying “Danger Will Robinson, Danger, Danger!” whenever I am about to make a mistake. Does that make me weird? Oh well!

Before I share the money mistakes that I plan on discussing with my grandkids, I wanted to make a quick point about the importance of talking to your grandkids parents about any issues like this.

Like most parents, my grandkids parents are always busy. They are running their own companies, looking after their kids and trying to keep their personal relationships going. I remember what this was like from my own parenting days and I know how tough it can be!

As a result, I have found that, when it comes to my role as a grandparent, it pays to over-communicate with the rest of the family. If my grandkids parents feel involved in my decisions, they are far less likely to have an emotional reaction.

So, before I started discussing money with my grandkids, I started by outlining my plan to their parents. With their permission, here’s the advice that I want to give my grandkids. The stories that I tell will vary with their age, but, the messages will remain the same.

Mistake #1: Not Paying Myself First

I felt physically sick when I read the book “The Automatic Millionaire,” by David Bach. In it, David explains how replacing your daily Starbucks with home-brewed coffee could help you to save $100,000s for retirement.

By my own calculations, had I started investing $5 a day when I was 25, I would have had $500,000 by the time I reached retirement.

Instead, like many Americans, I lived in the moment. Even when I had a high-paying corporate job, I still saved next to nothing. Then, when the Great Recession hit, I lost most of what I had left.

Since then, I have worked my butt off to claw my way back to financial freedom. I have paid off my debt, started multiple businesses, saved and invested. And, now, finally, I am back on track.

I just wish someone had told me to pay my future self first when I was a young woman. It would have made my retirement so much easier!

I hope that I can encourage my grandkids to start putting away 20% of all the money that they make from the very beginning. Even $100 saved when they are kids will turn into $10,000 when they need it in retirement.

Maybe I’ll even go so far as to match their savings instead of just giving them money at Christmas.

Mistake #2: Letting Others Control My Financial Life

They say that the person you marry is one of the most important financial decisions that you will ever make. And, they are right!

I don’t regret my previous marriage for a second. My partner was a wonderful man and we spent several decades building a life together. However, looking back, I now see how we both brought out the worst in each other from a financial perspective.

I don’t wish that I had chosen someone else to spend my life with, but, I do wish that I had taken control of my financial life. Rather than be carried away on a river of consumerism, I should have kept my money separate, worked on my financial literacy and planned for the future.

Over the years, I hope that I build a strong enough relationship with my grandkids that they are actually willing to listen to my observations about their friends. Maybe this is wishful thinking, but, heck, it’s more likely that they will listen to me than their parents… I know I would have!

Mistake #3: Not Giving Back Early Enough

If there is one thing that I have learned over the years it is that nothing will make you happier than helping others. I’m ashamed to say that, while I always understood this truth in my heart, I didn’t systematically give back to the world until the second half of my life. And, when I did, I always funneled my contributions through organizations rather than getting involved directly.

In his book, “Money, Master the Game,” Tony Robbins talks about how his life was changed by a random act of kindness that he experienced in his childhood. When his family was struggling, a neighbor gave them enough food to have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. The experience led Tony to start his own effort to feed families around the world.

In the beginning, I hope that taking my grandkids to soup kitchens and neighborhood cleaning events will help them to see the value in giving back. But, as they grow, I hope that they will think out of the box and use their unique skills to find ways to contribute to the world.

Giving back is not just about finding happiness. I am also a firm believer that true wealth comes from making a difference in the lives of others. By helping my grandkids to develop empathy, I will be helping them to become better business people… not just better people.

Mistake #4: Putting All My Eggs in One Basket

At one point in my corporate career, I was fortunate enough to receive stock options in a publically traded company. The company became hugely successful and, like many people, I enjoyed the lifestyle that came with my new wealth… and, if I am honest, I believed that the party would last forever.

Then, the stock market crash of 2000 happened and my stock dropped in value overnight. Worse, I had been counting on my stock to pay my tax bill for the year and I was forced to sell most of my other assets to avoid problems with the IRS.

Had I just taken things about more slowly and diversified my holdings over time, my financial life would have turned out much differently.

I hope that telling this story to my grandkids will help them to understand the value of putting their eggs in more than one basket. Come to think of it, maybe I’ll make up a story about a farmer who quite literally puts all of his eggs in one basket. That would be fun!

What money mistakes would you like to share with your kids or grandkids? Do you think that grandparents have an important role to play in helping their grandkids to understand money? Why or why not? Let’s have a conversation!

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5 Tips to Help You Relax at Any Time of the Year


These are five simple tips that I use regularly to help me unwind after a tough day. If you have anxieties, trouble switching off after a long day or have trouble sleeping at night, feel free to try them for yourself.

Remember to Smile

As silly as it may sound, we often forget to smile. If you keep a gentle smile on your face, this calming practice can help to clear any blocked energies.

Release in Child’s Pose

This simple technique helps to create a feeling of safety, hence the name, while releasing any back and hip tightness.

Simply kneel on a blanket and then rest your head and torso in a comfortable position on a cushion in front of you. Then, place your hands either side of the cushion with your hands higher than your head to soften the shoulders. Breathe gently and rest in this position for 3-5 minutes.

Do Neck Stretches

Neck stretches help counteract the usual physical symptoms of stress – lifted shoulders and a tilted forward head, which usually result in shoulder pain and tension headaches.

All you need to do is to interlace your hands behind your head and then drop your chin to your chest. Relax and drop your shoulders away from your ears. Then, turn your chin to one side for 5-10 gentle breaths, repeating the same on the other side. Now, bring your chin back to the centre, and slowly lift your head.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

An excellent tip for clearing the mind and calming the nervous system is alternate nostril breathing. It helps you to relax and unwind.

Make sure to find a comfortable position with your shoulders relaxed and eyes closed. Use the flat palm of your right hand to close your left nostril. Take a deep breath in through the right nostril, then release and work on the opposite nostril with your left hand. You can alternate nostrils for 5-10 rounds.

Legs Up the Wall

During my years of nursing school, I found myself doing a ritual after a long shift and found it gave amazing results. It is a simple act of inverting which triggers the pituitary gland to release relaxation and sleep hormones as well as being excellent for blood circulation.

What you need to do is place your legs as straight as possible up against the wall, with a cushion under your hips for support. Focus on your breath.

A good tip is to place your hands on your belly and feel it rise and fall, this way you are checking into your diaphragm and working it properly. You might want to do this while listening to relaxing music. Close your eyes and forget the worries of the day.

You do not have to do all these tips at once. Mix and match them up and try a new one each day.

This is your time to pamper yourself and be mindful. Remember to breathe and know that you are loved and that you are worth loving.

Do you have a healthy ritual you would like to share? What do you do to help you relax after a long day? I would love to hear your tips in the comments below.

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4 Amazing Brands that You Can Find Exclusively at QVC

4 Amazing Brands that You Can Find Exclusively at QVC

Ok, I admit
it. I LOVE to shop online. Of course, like most of you, I still get out into
the real world to window shop and, from time to time, I enjoy browsing through
style magazines. But, when the time comes to part with my hard-earned money, I
know that I will find the best deals online.

Of course, not all online stores are created equal. Some have excellent selection, but, little flare and exclusivity. Others are laser-focused on one category, but, lack the heart and soul that makes a shopping experience fulfilling.

Perhaps this is why I have always been a fan of QVC – they have selection AND uniqueness, reasonable prices AND quality. And, more than anything, QVC makes the shopping experience pleasant, whether you are watching on TV or browsing on your PC.

And, right now, our readers can take advantage of QVC Easy Pay® benefits on all purchases. They enable the option of making payment in monthly installments at 0% interest and no fees, but will deliver your full order upfront, as a service to customers.

So, today, I
wanted to introduce you to a few brands that are exclusive to QVC that I
absolutely love. I hope that they bring a little color, positivity and fun into
your life!

QVCs Exclusive Proprietary Brands Are
a Step Above the Rest

brands are not just about exclusivity. When a company like QVC decides to work
with a company to develop a brand that only they will carry, they are putting
their credibility on the line. They are saying “This item is special. It
deserves our attention… and yours!”

Of course, as
the owner of the world’s two largest home shopping networks, QVC has the scale
to work with hundreds of brands. But, today, I want to talk about 4 of my
absolute favorite QVC
proprietary brands
– Denim and Co, Diamonique, Breezies and Belle

Diamonique: Stunning Jewels at Surprisingly Affordable Prices

Diamonique is the brand name of QVC’s cubic zirconia line. It features a collection of stunning simulated diamond gemstone jewelry.

I always loved
the quality of Diamonique’s products. Years ago, I bought a tennis
bracelet like this one
, which I wore every day like a watch!

Every woman deserves a piece or two of jewelry that makes her sparkle on the outside as much as she does on the inside… and this bracelet helped me to make a statement that was subtle and strong, beautiful and understated.

The Diamonique
collection includes beautiful rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. In
addition, the sparkling cubic zirconia simulated diamonds are often mixed with
gorgeous colorful simulated gemstones.

More recently, the QVC team has collaborated with Courtney Cason to produce a totally unique collection of artisan-crafted pieces. This line is continually evolving and, as a huge fan of evocative and unique necklaces, the QVC collection is a treasure chest dream come true.

From simple tennis
necklaces to combinations of Diamonique and opal or stunning gemstones, this
collection offers a fabulous way to add sparkle to your life.

Denim and Co: Yes, Women Our Age Still Love Our Jeans!

The women in our community tell us
that fashion is a form of personal expression. We don’t want to be boxed into a
corner by “experts” who tell us what’s “appropriate” for our age. We love our
jeans, leggings and colorful clothes… and we’re not going to give them up any
time soon!

Of course, one clothing item of
clothing that most of us couldn’t live without is our jeans. They are versatile
and comfortable, strong enough to survive the grandkids and dressy enough to
wear into town.

QVC has many amazing denim brands,
but, my personal favorite – and also a QVC proprietary brand – is Denim and Co.
This line is incredible! It offers affordable products that tick all the boxes
for women who are focused on comfort and stylish clothes.

From joggers to capri pants, skinny
legs to pull ons, there is something for everyone. Many pairs are stretchy and
super comfortable, while managing to look fabulous and stylish at the same time…
a tricky combo to pull off!

One of my favorites, the Denim &
Co. Regular Classic Waist Stretch Jeggings
come in 15 (yes 15) colors and are available on 6 Easy Pay payments. The Denim & Co. Original Waist Stretch Regular Pants w/ Side
, which are also on Easy Pay, come
in 40 colors and sizes from XXS to 3X.

The tops in the Denim and Co
collection are made for real women. This round neck Henley Knit top is one of my personal favorites. I
love the color choices and style which is so complimentary for my ahem… larger,
hips. You can check out the entire Denim and Co collection here.

Breezies: What You Wear Under Your Clothes Matters!

A well-fitting bra is essential for
women of all ages. My favorite QVC underwear brand is Breezies – They are beautiful to wear, stylish
but have support and substance. The colors, textures, styles and range of sizes
are just wonderful. I honestly have a whole collection!

Breezies make you feel feminine, while
still providing full support! The sizes on most of their bras range from 34B to

Here is one of my favorites, the
Breezies Lace Eclipse Underwire Support Bra. It comes in 4 colors and is
available for $32. Easy Pay is also an option.

Belle Beauty by Kim Gravel: Fabulous Makeup for Everyday Women

When it comes to makeup, we are all
looking for great value for money. One makeup brand that I love is a QVC
exclusive, called Belle Beauty by Kim Gravel.

For the price of a single high-end
foundation you can buy this entire full face of makeup
collection. In
it, you get a Hover Cover Hi Definition Full Coverage Foundation, Back Lash Mascara,
two shades of Shero Shadow Sticks, Kisser Fixer Lip Liner and a Kisser Fixer
Lip Gloss – all for under $53.

The Belle Beauty line also includes brushes, sponges, liners
and a wide range of lipsticks and powders! It’s another fabulous example of how
QVC works with its partners to produce unique products at affordable prices.

Why I’m So Passionate About QVC? It’s Personal!

Of course, as you can tell, I’m a big fan of QVCs products –
especially their proprietary brands. But, this isn’t the only reason I love

So, why do I adore them? It’s the people, the presenters. When
I was going through my divorce, I sat up late into the night watching QVC. I
didn’t intend to shop (although I did find items that I loved and ended up
buying). Instead, I watched because the women presenting were so kind and genuine.

The presenters felt like family. They were mothers, sisters,
daughters and wives. They had real lives and their authenticity always shone

This is why I am delighted to be partnering with QVC on a
series of articles. I only work with brands that I love and QVC definitely
falls into this category!

Are you a fan of QVC online shopping? Can you name one item
that you have purchased from QVC that you treasure? What are your favorite QVC
brands? Let’s have a chat!

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Budget-Friendly Products Making Their Ulta Debut This Month

There is no telling what the next week, let alone the next couple of months, hold. But if there’s one piece of advice worth repeating right now, it’s this: stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. And as someone who is all about protecting her positive vibes, I’m going to assume the upcoming summer will include plenty of nights out and day trips to the beach, all of which I’ll want to get gussied up for, just because. Thankfully, the universe appears to be on my side, because an avalanche of new Ulta products launching in April is not only summer-ready but affordable too.

Beyond that, some of these drops are undeniably unique and worthy of a double-take alone. For instance, I just have to know if the body version of tarte’s Shape Tape concealer is as good as the under-eye makeup. And AG Hair has harnessed the brightening benefits of vitamin C in a way I couldn’t have predicted. Ahead, more on these two newbies and other budget-friendly products you can shop on Ulta Beauty’s website this month and beyond.

AG Hair Reconstruct Vita C Mask

AG Hair.

AG Hair Reconstruct Vita C Mask

If you thought vitamin C was only beneficial to the skin, think again. AG Hair’s latest haircare range has already got me excited for summer with an intense reparative mask, as well as cleanser and conditioner, all infused with vitamin C, squalane and protein for stronger and shinier hair.

Alterna Glow For It Universal Gloss


Alterna My Hair My Canvas Glow For It Universal Gloss

Included in Alterna’s new vegan “My Hair My Canvas” line is a antioxidant-rich multitasking hair gloss that not only locks in moisture but provides heat protection when you want to use a flat iron, blow dryer or other hot tools.

Carol's Daughter Monoi Styling Milk

Carol’s Daughter.

Carol’s Daughter Monoi Repair + Protect Multi-Styling Milk

If you’re anything like me and have been a fan of the brand’s monoi mask for years, you’re going to love the brand’s newest addition to the long-running range: this lightweight leave-in conditioner that allows you to get the rich moisturizing benefits of the heavier mask every day.

China Glaze Trolls World Tour Polish

China Glaze.

China Glaze Trolls World Tour Collection

Less than a month after the debut of Pur’s vibrant Trolls-themed makeup collection, China Glaze comes through with the assist: an equally colorful collection of nail polish colors.

Honest Vitamin C Radiance Serum


Honest Vitamin C Radiance Serum

Of all the Honest Beauty Ulta launches ( over a dozen, to be exact), I’m most eager to get my hands on this brightening serum, also infused with hyaluronic acid for moisture retention and artichoke extract for minimizing the appearance of pores.

KKW Beauty Loose Shimmer Powder for Face and Body

KKW Beauty.

KKW Beauty Loose Shimmer Powder For Face & Body

Kim Kardashian is also in a summer state of mind with her latest range of body makeup products, including this subtle, vitamin E-infused illuminator available in three different shades.

Redken Extreme Bleach Recovery Cica Cream


Redken Extreme Bleach Recovery Cica Cream

Whether your hair color is done in a salon or at home, this hair strengthener and split end repairer is meant to be a targeted solution for bleached hair.

RoC Daily Resurfacing Disks


RoC Daily Resurfacing Disks

Textured on one side and smooth on the other, these daily pads remove makeup and impurities, while also improving tone and texture in just a few weeks.

Tarte Shape Tape Waterproof Body Makeup

tarte cosmetics.

tarte Shape Tape Waterproof Body Makeup

The brand’s iconic Shape Tape is no longer just for the under-eye area. This new skin-perfecting formula is a no-fuss way to cover up body blemishes, varicose veins and more, while also nourishing the skin with its antioxidant-rich formula.

Tula Beauty Gummy Vitamins


Tula Balanced Beauty Gummy Vitamins for Strong Hair, Skin & Nails Plus Probiotic

These vegan and gluten-free supplements are filled with probiotics for improving digestive issues, biotin for healthier hair and nails, and more.

Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale and the retailer may receive certain auditable data for accounting purposes.

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These Durable Resistance Rings For Pilates Can Elevate Your Practice Tenfold

To say that pilates is an “intimidating practice” would be an understatement if we’ve ever heard one. Through low-impact movements, each session works to tone and strengthen your core, improve your flexibility and torch major calories. In other words, pilates is going to put your body weight to work in ways you’ve never imagined possible. But for anyone brand new to the practice, props like toning balls and cords can play a significant role in getting you accustomed to this level of muscle work. If you’re having trouble finding your center, however, rings for pilates, also called “magic circles,” are the most essential tool.

Reports show that the first “magic ring” was actually invented by none other than Joseph Pilates himself. The story goes that Pilates constructed the prop from the metal ring around a beer keg — how’s that for being resourceful?  Since then, rings have become one of the most popular pilates props to date. They offer low to moderate resistance, help to strengthen your muscles, improve your alignment, balance and overall posture. 

When it comes to purchasing the best pilates ring for your practice, there are a few things to keep in mind: First, the materials. Rings for pilates are generally made using either metal or rubber. Both are flexible, but rubber is almost too malleable, so if you’re looking for optimal stability, seasoned pilates practitioners recommend sticking with a metal ring. Second, pilates rings come in different sizes, with loops ranging from 12 to 16 inches wide. Choose according to the height and weight chart recommendations by the manufacturer, and get ready to take your practice to the next level with these picks. 

Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale and the retailer may receive certain auditable data for accounting purposes.

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