Month: September 2022

Finding Happiness After 60: Following Your Bliss Is Just Doing What You Love


The phrase, “Follow your bliss,” was famously said by the author Joseph Campbell. It seems like one of those New Age truisms that we respond to with, “Sounds nice, but who can afford to do that? Rock stars? Celebrities? Very rich people?”

Really, bliss? A marvelous concept, but which seems light years away from our ordinary lives.

Achieve Your Goals to Find Happiness After 60

Research shows that when people enjoy what they are doing, they do more of it. And that’s all “bliss” really is. It is about doing what you love, doing what you enjoy.

Bliss is found in the smallest as well as in the greatest aspects of our lives.

A study done by K. Woolley and A. Fishbach, published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, examined the behavior of people who went to the gym because they thought it was good for them compared to the behavior of people who cared more about a fun workout.

Those who cared more about having fun while they worked out also recognized that a workout was good for them. However, they exercised longer than those who cared less about having fun.

Similarly, students who found the material they were studying interesting studied longer and better than those who did not. Among people who wanted to eat “healthy,” it was found that the people who focused more on eating healthy foods because they liked the taste, were more likely to stick with a “healthy” regimen.

Following your bliss works. When trying to reach any goal, it’s worth figuring out what you like to do, what you enjoy along the way.

Do What You Love

You couldn’t get me to jog or bicycle if you paid me. I don’t enjoy either activity, although I know perfectly well how good they are and that exercise is important. Instead, I take ballet classes twice a week.

What keeps me going, week after week, despite the challenges (and how much my body aches after class), is the incredible joy I get out of working through the positions, the steps, the routines. Ballet is my moving meditation, my therapy – my bliss!

What spells bliss is different for everyone. Gwen Gleeson, for example, an 86 years young Australian, loves to compete. Her specialty is pentathlons. This consists of a 100-meter sprint, shot put, long jump, javelin and 800-meter run all done in a limited, defined time.

Gwen could get the same physical benefit from pursuing these various sports on her own. But she says it is the camaraderie she enjoys with her fellow athletes that is important.

Her bliss lies in the friendships she forms through the competitions, which goes beyond the joy of maintaining her healthy physical vigor.

For Hu Limei, 76, a now retired executive chef at the famous Park Hotel in Shanghai, prepared dinners for 50 people three nights in a row as a guest chef for the “China Master Chef Banquet” at the Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, China.

Her bliss isn’t in the exceptional chef status she enjoys, it’s in – wait for it – the joy of seeing her patrons finish everything on their plate. Hu says that cooking makes her happy.

For her, nothing is more important than being happy. Hu totally nailed it.

Enjoy the Journey

It doesn’t matter what you want to accomplish. It could be fitness, healthier eating, volunteering, completing a work project, writing a romance novel or learning a language. Find a personal goal that you enjoy and let that be your focus.

Let your “bliss” be what pulls you forward towards achievement. The journey itself will become every bit as enjoyable as the day you say, “Done! Yay!”

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What goal did you have the most fun achieving? What are the goals in your life that you may have trouble “blissfully” reaching? What are some of the unique ways you find bliss in your life?

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6 Ways Adopting a Pet Can Improve Your Live as an Older Woman

6 Ways Adopting a Pet Can Improve Your Live as an Older Woman

I’ve always loved dogs, but allergies in the household kept me from having one. After a painful divorce 20 years ago, I decided to buy a little non-shedding poodle/terrier. On the way home from the pet store I tried out a raft of names as I waited for her to pee at a roadside stop.

“Piddle, Blackie,” “Piddle, Lulu,” and
“Piddle, Irma” just didn’t cut it. But when “Piddle, Libbie” brought results,
the die was cast. Libby became my number one companion.

Having Libby

When my son learned of my new
acquisition, he said, “I’m so glad you have a dog, Mom. Now you won’t be

Actually, I hadn’t been bothered by
loneliness (I’m a busy woman), but it gave me pause. What had changed in my life
was that Libby made me laugh, often and well. Her antics were forever amusing,
and I had to admit that I did enjoy having a little buddy.

For 17 years, Libby took me on morning
and afternoon walks, also accompanying me on countless hikes, kayak outings,
and canoe trips.

She moved overseas with me for a stint
teaching in Turkey, adapting quickly from chasing chipmunks to chasing the
local felines. She was forever my best pal, and I got a lot more exercise with
her in my life.

Pets Bring Joy

Research has repeatedly shown that pet
ownership improves quality of life, particularly for seniors. Human
Animal-Companion Interaction (HAI) can have a significant effect on the lives
of both you and your animal.

Many people believe that interaction
with a pet increases oxytocin. In a collaborative collection of
numerous HAI studies
an international team of researchers concluded that both HAI and oxytocin were
found to promote social interaction, to reduce stress and anxiety, and to
enhance human health.

The researchers concurred that
“evidence exists for positive effects of HAI on: reduction of stress-related
parameters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine; improvement of immune system
functioning and pain management; increased trustworthiness of and trust toward
other persons; reduced aggression; enhanced empathy and improved learning.”

If that sounds a little too academic
(which it is), read on.

Rebecca A. Johnson, Ph.D., is director of the Research Center for
Human-Animal Interaction at the University of Missouri’s Sinclair School of
Nursing. Johnson’s online report of her own research, as well as that of other researchers, includes numerous advantages to pet
ownership, such as:

  • Post
    heart-attack patients with pets had an increased survival rate of one year over
    non-pet owners.
  • Elderly
    pet owners had lower blood pressure, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels.
  • US
    adults who walked dogs accumulated at least 30 minutes of walking in bouts of
    at least 10 minutes.
  • Older
    adult pet owners are less likely to be depressed.
  • Hospitalized
    patients reported less pain and used fewer analgesics during and after an
    animal visit.
  • Dog
    walking is associated with lower body mass index, fewer limitations in activities,
    fewer doctor visits, and more frequent moderate and vigorous exercise.

The Pet Species Is Up to You

My research has shown evidence for
these positive results with any kind of pet, except that cats, lizards, and
tropical fish don’t require daily walks. Go figure. Of course, if you have an
aversion to dogs, dog ownership is probably going to do you little good.
Consider a fish tank.

Incredible results have been found with equine therapy, a system of therapy involving contact with (not necessarily riding) horses. Years ago, an interview done with Julie Rovner, a pet therapist, was published by National Public Radio’s Talk of the Nation.

In that interview she shared some
amazing stories about breaking through communication barriers with patients as
they connected with horses.

Many kinds of animals can elicit a
strong emotional response from people upon interaction, possibly because HAI
involves four of our five senses: sight, smell, sound, and touch. That
multi-faceted connection can break barriers that we may have built around
ourselves – around our emotions.

Pets Provide a Purpose

Another finding revealed in this
interview was that owning a dog (or being responsible for any pet) gives us a
sense of purpose. Our pets need us for their well-being, and they usually
reciprocate with affection. How could you possibly think your dog didn’t love

Research and personal experience have taught me the value of a relationship with an animal, and for the past 17 years that animal was Libby Lou. It broke my heart to put her down , and I understand why a lot of people resist taking on a pet because they don’t want to lose them.

I’m thankful for all the great years I
shared with Libby. No other dog can replace her, but I’m confident that I’ll
bond with another one before too long – just not quite yet.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What kind of pet do you have? What’s
their name? What do you do with them? How long have you been together? What benefits
do you experience from having a pet? Please share in the comments below.

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3 Quick Tips for Online Daters That Will Save You Time

quick tips online daters

You did it! You took the online dating plunge, ignoring naysayers, your nerves, negative thoughts and fear of the unknown. You are now part of the millions of people over 60 ready to date. Congratulations!

Moreover, you are on the right online dating site/app, have an engaging profile and fabulous real current photos. Well, that all seems like a recipe for success, yes? Nope. The key ingredient is coming up – your messages to singles you are interested in. It’s an art and a science.

Yes, it’s partially a numbers game – the more you send, the more you receive back, or at least that would be the conventional outcome. However, that’s not always true. It’s all about what you write – and it can’t be a bunch of cut/paste sentences from previous messages as all that will result in frustration and discouragement.

Spending a minimum of 30 hours each week online as a dating coach with clients on all dating venues – from Bumble, Zoosk, Match to Our Time, etc. – helping craft messages that get good responses from quality singles you’d like to meet in real life is key. Thoughtful, fun messages reap rewards; bland messages pretty much give back nothing – no matter how many you send.

Clients constantly ask me during the coaching process if there is a booklet of responses I can send them. There is not. We need your voice and your personality injected into each message to get the responses that will result in a first date. That’s what I teach!

So, here are my 3 tips for you.

#1: No Long First Messages

If it can’t be said in under 3 sentences, skip. Remember, this is cyberdating – it’s a fast-played game and as our attention spans have grown shorter, no one has the patience to read 2 paragraphs.

#2: Evaluate Your Message

Is this message fun, a bit flirty and casual like you are talking to a friend? Formal won’t work.

Example: Susan (a client, 62, living in Boston) and I read an interesting man’s profile this week on Our Time; he had bullet-pointed a few things that were important to him. Susan’s response?

“Hey Jack, Cute photo with your daughter. Tennis? Check. Stand up paddleboarding. Check. Indie Flicks. Check. Ready for a glass of wine or lunch this week? Warmly, Susan

Two hours later, she had a response – and they had a glass of wine (oops, 2) on Friday. No long sentences needed and while it might look like I’m breaking Tip 1 it was short, sweet and had an end goal!

#3: It’s Unique

If your opening salvo could have fit 500 women/men online, well, it is not unique at all.

Another example is Jack, 59, from NYC. We were browsing via his Match account, and we spotted an interesting 63-year-old woman who also has the travel bug – and has traveled to many of the unusual places he has. Jack wanted to say, “Hi Christa, wasn’t climbing Denali amazing? Love the souks in Marrakesh too. Never thought I’d sleep in a treehouse in Kenya. Best, Jack.”

You’d think, “Ok, what’s wrong with this? He regurgitated back that they’d been to the same places.” The issue? No question asked at the end, so what should he expect?

Instead, I said, “Jack, let me type it.” (Yep, my job is support all the way through.)

“Christa, great pic with the Māori Chief. Ok, up next for me, I’m thinking of the Orient Express and perhaps Quito – looks gorgeous. Perhaps lunch Thursday or Friday as I’m totally interested in meeting you?!? —Best Jack”

So why is this a better message? He identified she was with a Māori Chief without there even being a caption identifying this. He shared some new things about himself not in his profile. He expressed interest and asked for a lunch date. We’re making progress here to a meet in real-life versus a long texting/messaging chain.

Also, an exclamation mark adds excitement and interest. But don’t use more than one.

Bonus Tip:

Finally, Be Confident!

Assume the date will go well. We all know likes, hearts and winks get you nowhere, but an enthusiastic message followed by the suggestion of lunch, coffee, or a drink oozes self-confidence.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How many messages do you send when actively looking for a date? How many do you receive? What do you notice that spikes up interest – yours and others’?

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Best Ways to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain from Computer Use

stiff neck computer use

Do you spend hours at your computer every day? If so, you’re probably familiar with the pain and tension that can build up in your neck and shoulders. This blog post will discuss some of the best ways to relieve neck and shoulder pain from computer use. It will also provide some tips for preventing pain from occurring in the first place.

Why Do I Get Neck and Shoulder Pain with Computer Use?

Neck and shoulder pain with computer use is a result of sitting for long periods in the same position. So often, we lean forward to look at the computer monitor directly and forget about proper posture or neck position.

Over time, our body adapts to our position, and our shoulders roll forward, our head moves closer to the screen, and our low back starts to collapse as the force of gravity kicks in. Pain from this posture most commonly manifests in the neck and shoulders and can lead to headaches and back pain.

Let’s take a look at how to avoid all this!

Make Sure You Have an Ergonomic Setup

If you work at a computer, it’s essential to have an ergonomic setup to avoid neck and back pain. So, the first step is to make sure you have a good posture.

  1. Sit up straight with your shoulders down and relaxed.
  2. Your forearms should be approximately parallel to the ground, and your wrists should be in a neutral position. You may need to adjust your chair height or use a small pillow to achieve this.
  3. Position your keyboard and mouse, so you don’t have to reach too far for them. Again, your wrists should be neutral when using these devices.
  4. Position the monitor so it is at eye level and your head can maintain a neutral position.
  5. Place your feet flat on the floor. If necessary, add a small footstool to rest them comfortably.
  6. A small pillow behind your lower back provides additional support to the lumbar spine and will help to maintain a relaxed posture.
  7. Take breaks often to get up and move around. Walking for just a few minutes every hour can help reduce tension in your muscles.

By following these tips, you can help create an ergonomic setup that will keep you comfortable all day long.

Standing Desks for Neck Pain

Spending hours hunched over a computer can take a toll on your upper back muscles and lead to neck pain. Standing desks are one way to avoid neck pain.

Standing desks can help with posture and prevent neck pain by:

  • strengthening the upper back muscles
  • keeping the head and neck in alignment to reduce tension and avoid pain
  • increasing circulation and reducing fatigue

If you spend much time using a computer, consider investing in a standing desk to help avoid neck pain.

Support Your Neck at Night

Maintaining good posture is essential for overall health, but it can be challenging when you’re stuck at a desk all day. One way to combat poor posture is to use a supportive pillow, such as a neck pillow or a lumbar pillow. These pillows help to align the spine and relieve pressure on the neck and shoulders.

Maintaining healthy sleep habits at night and healthy energy levels throughout the day will also help to maintain proper posture and stamina while at the computer.

Stretching Exercises for Neck Muscles

One of the leading causes of neck pain is poor posture while reading or working at a desk. Taking breaks every 20 minutes to stretch your neck and shoulders will help alleviate the build-up of tension. Here are a few easy exercises to perform at your computer:

Neck Rolls

  1. Sit in a chair with your back straight and your arms at your sides.
  2. Slowly roll your head to the right, then to the left.
  3. Tilt your chin toward your chest, then roll your head back to look up at the ceiling.
  4. Finally, circle your head clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Doing neck rolls a few times daily can help improve your posture and alleviate neck pain. However, if you experience severe pain or stiffness, you must consult a professional for medical advice.

Neck Stretches

  1. Start by sitting or standing up straight, and having good posture while reading is essential to avoid neck pain and prevent slouching.
  2. Slowly tilt your head to the side, using your hand to help guide it if necessary.
  3. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds before returning your head to the starting position.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

Stretching your neck to the side is a simple way to alleviate tension and pain in the neck and shoulders. Incorporating this stretch into your daily routine can help improve your posture and prevent stiffness and soreness.

Full Body Stretch

Stretching your whole body can feel great, and it’s an excellent way to prevent neck pain. Here’s how to do a full body stretch in extension with arms up overhead:

  1. Start by standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  2. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, reach your arms up overhead.
  3. Interlace your fingers, and then turn your palms to face away from you.
  4. Gently push your palms away from you as you continue to reach upward. At the same time, lengthen your spine by pressing down through your heels and reaching the crown of your head toward the ceiling.
  5. Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds, breathing the entire time deeply. Then release and repeat 2-3 times.

Remember to consult a professional if you experience severe pain or stiffness. These exercises are meant to alleviate tension and pain, but they do not replace professional medical advice.

Utilize Technology

Technology can help reduce the time spent at the computer and make that time more efficient. If you’ve never considered some of the software or apps available, let this introduce how technology can help with neck and shoulder pain at the computer.

AI Software

Though you may not know it, you likely use artificial intelligence daily. For example, your smartphone uses AI to recognize your voice and respond to commands. And when you ask your assistant to play music or set a timer, AI is at work again.

AI is even being used to create content. That’s right – AI writing tools can now generate blog posts, articles, projects, and presentations. You need to provide a prompt, and the AI will do the rest.

These tools use natural language processing to understand the prompt and generate relevant content. As a result, you can have a finished piece that sounds like a human wrote it in just a few minutes. In addition, the top AI software is both easy to use and easy to learn.

So, if you’re ever in need of content and short on time, consider using an AI writing tool. It’ll have your back – and save your neck from all that extra typing!

Voice-Activated Software

Voice-activated software, also known as voice recognition software, is a technology that allows users to control a computer or other device using their voice.

The technology works by converting spoken words into text, which can then be used to perform various actions. To use voice-activated software, users must first train the software to recognize their voice. This is typically done by reading a series of prescribed words or phrases aloud.

Once the software has been trained, it can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as opening applications, typing text, and even controlling web browsers.

Voice-activated software is becoming increasingly popular as it offers a hands-free way to interact with computers and other devices.

Furthermore, the technology is continually evolving and can now recognize a broader range of voices and accents.

Apps for Taking a Break

When working, it’s easy to get caught up in what we’re doing and lose track of time. This can lead to us feeling stressed and overwhelmed. We must take breaks throughout the day to relax and rejuvenate ourselves.

Thankfully, there are now several apps that can help us do just that. These apps can remind us to take a break and offer a variety of activities to help us relax. For example, some apps provide guided meditation, while others offer calming music or nature sounds.

Some apps offer virtual reality experiences that can transport us to another place. With so many options available, there’s sure to be an app that can help you take a break at work and reduce stress.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How often are you at the computer? Do you notice neck and shoulder pain? What do you do to alleviate it? Has anything particular been of help?

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Shoppers Are ‘Addicted’ to This De-Puffing Eye Balm That Fades Wrinkles in 2 Weeks—& It’s on Major Discount

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, STYLECASTER may receive an affiliate commission.

A former coworker once told me I should be regularly using an eye cream, even though I was still in college at the time. I really thought routine applications were a sham, but part of me was curious about what it’d feel like to give my under-eyes some newfound T.L.C. Long story short, I did invest in a drugstore eye cream and, admittedly, now see why people love dabbing product on this delicate, often overlooked area. Creams, gels and balms can not only make your eyes feel wide-awake, but they can also provide much-needed hydration and even rewind the clock on your fine lines and wrinkles.

Now that I know the importance of a quality eye cream, it’s safe to say Tula’s 24-7 Power Swipe Eye Balm deserves a place in everyone’s morning and nighttime skincare routine. The newest addition to the brand’s 24-7 technology line-up, it firms, depuffs, protects, hydrates and lessens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles all in one go. It also happens to be 20 percent off during the brand’s friends and family event, so grab yours before the sale ends on September 28. Just remember to enter code SAVE20 at checkout.

What’s more, the eye balm comes in an easy-to-use stick that’s also quicker and more hygienic than using your fingers straight from a jar. Use it day or night and even under makeup to combat puffy, dry, dull under-eyes.

“No more dry under-eye skin. I also feel like it overall brightens my eye area. I’m addicted to this stuff and highly recommend,” raved one five-star shopper. 

Tired, swollen eyes from binging every episode of Love Island? Swipe on Tula’s eye balm. Dry skin from wearing a full day of glam? Apply Tula’s eye balm. Essentially, this product is the answer to all of your under-eye skin concerns and TG!

RELATED: This Fast-Acting Anti-Aging Eye Balm Is ‘Nature’s Botox’ & It Apparently Works Overnight 

Tula 24-7 Power Swipe Eye Balm

Photo: Tula.

Here’s an ingredient breakdown to explain why this eye balm works so well. It has a proprietary blend of six prebiotics and probiotic extracts that smooth the skin and retain moisture for a plump, youthful-looking appearance. Alongside this complex, peptides and collagen combat visible signs of aging, while hyaluronic acid and squalane provide plenty of hydration.

So far, this sounds like an all-star lineup of ingredients, but that’s not all Tula went ham with on this product. Caffeine, apple and watermelon also help firm your under-eyes and reduce puffiness. And last but not least, cocoa seed extract shields this sensitive area from blue light damage that can cause premature aging.

To get the best results, keep the stick on the skin under your eyes for a few seconds to allow the balm to warm up and soften a bit. Next, glide the product across the eye area and revel in its magical calming, nourishing, wrinkle-fighting powers.

We’re not the only ones in awe of this balm’s impressive resume. So many shoppers can attest to its benefits and results. 

“Love, love this product. It made my under-eye area feel so soft. It never felt heavy or oily,” wrote one shopper. “After about a week of everyday use, I noticed my skin was becoming more smooth and less [dark] under my eyes.”

“Not one single irritation or reaction, super hydrating and after about two weeks of consistent use, my under eyes are moisturized, less puffy and the wrinkles are faded a bit,” wrote another reviewer.

It’s high time you ditch the eye cream that’s not giving you any positive results and swap it for Tula’s 24-7 Power Swipe Eye Balm.

STYLECASTER | Ashley Benson Interview

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