Month: September 2022

How to Use the Power of Words to Make You Feel Fabulous at 60 Plus!

power of words

When was the last time you whispered “sweet somethings” to yourself? How often do you praise and speak happily about the majesty and beauty of YOU? How much is your inner self dialogue loving, supportive, encouraging, compassionate and uplifting? Words shape and mould us. The words we habitually listen to and the words that we habitually speak in our life.

Speak with Intention

Words are powerful beyond measure and are perhaps one of the most magnificent and compelling ways to transform our lives and the lives of those around us. When you speak, with intention and conscious awareness, of what you desire to manifest in your life, your words create energy that flows within you and around you. This energy is an energetic signature of you, a frequency that is broadcast out into the Universe signalling what you want.

The words you use create an imagery within the mind that in turn creates a feeling and a physical response within your body. The old saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” is misguided. Words have the power to wound and destroy or to heal, delight, encourage and inspire you to move mountains. The pen is indeed far mightier than the sword.

This is especially true when it comes to ageing in a positive, vibrant and healthy way.

Be Pro-Age Rather Than Anti-Age

Unfortunately, most of the words that we hear in regards to ageing are limiting, negative or simply dismissive. For example, the word anti-ageing implies that we are against ageing and that somehow this is something that we need to fight against.

However, growing older is a privilege.

It is a powerful, natural and beautiful part of our journey through this life. Many people never get to experience the gift of old age as their life journey may have ended too early. Indeed, my own father died at the tender age of 35. So, for me, every year that I live is a blessing, and I am deeply grateful that I am still here to see another day.

Re-Framing Old Age Language into New Possibilities

Words are the shapers and architects of our life. Every word conjures up an image in our mind and every image creates a feeling response within our body.

Imagine reading the following in a menu. What would you rather have: Smoked salmon in a delicate lemon and parsley sauce or dead fish? It’s the same thing – only expressed in different ways. One way of describing the meal may inspire you to want to eat it, however the other way, may not.

The impact of this cannot be underestimated on our state of wellbeing and health. The words that you are using to describe your life, body, health and opportunities are significant factors when it comes to ageing positively, happily and in a way which supports who you authentically are.

Change Your Words – Change Your Life!

What would it be like to only use the words that inspire love, harmony, beauty, joy and passion in your life? Instead of criticising your belly for being too fat, too wobbly, too skinny and too old, what if you simply rested your hands on your belly and appreciated it exactly as it is right now? What if you smiled at your wrinkles and thanked them for all the laughter you’ve enjoyed?

The key thing to know is that your body is listening to every single thing you say. Every cell in your body has an intelligence that enables it to “listen” into the environment of your being. One of the greatest and most powerful things you can do is to change how you repeatedly talk about your body and your life.

The Language of Manifestation

Becoming aware of the words that you habitually use to describe your body or your life can move you from feeling disempowered to feeling power-FULL! How you talk about your life is how you are creating the experience that you are having in your life.

For example, we often hear people talk about being in the third act of their life. In a play, the third act always represents that you are coming to the end of the show. Psychologically, it begins to prepare you for some sort of a winding down or a conclusion to a story. This may have a negative impact for some people. However, for me, every stage in our life is the beginning of a new story.

We have released what was and are in the act of creating something new. I may not know what this new chapter will bring but I know that I hold the pen to continually write more of my life story.

And this new story is born anew in every single moment. It flourishes with kindness, it grows with trust, and it is fuelled by our passion and love for who we are. I will never be in the third act of my life, only in the present moment which is eternally unfolding.

Words to Love Your Life By

Use the following reframes as a guide to changing your vocabulary. It may take a little practice to change the kind of things you have been saying; however, the results can be rewarding and enriching. Enjoy!

Old age language Fabulous age language
Old age Timeless wisdom
Anti-ageing Pro more wonderful years
Be youthful Be YOU
Dress age appropriate Dress your authentic style
I am too old to…. I am far more than my age
The third act of our life The present moment
Stay young Keep growing more fabulous
It’s too difficult It takes a little time
I should I could
Look younger Love being exactly where I am
I can’t I choose not to
If only… Next time…
It’s a problem It’s an opportunity

Use Words That Make You Shine

As a Life & Body Confidence Coach and Author, one of my greatest passions is to help others to write a new story – one which will delight and fulfil them all the days of their life. I encourage my clients to choose the words that they most want to hear and make them rich in content, creation, charisma and celebration.

The key is to choose words that open you up to vast galaxies full of possibilities and wonder. Select words that are expansive, unlimited, joyous and full of enormous potential and creativity. And make them sincere. Make them congruent with your desires and your intentions.

If your desire is to love your body then speak words of love to your body. If your desire is to be well, healthy and full of vitality then choose the words that embody this. So often, what we desire is left out of everything that we speak about. Instead, we speak about what we don’t want or what is wrong with our life, our body or who we are.

So, the next time someone asks you how you are, instead of saying “fine” or “not too bad” tell them that you are fabulous beyond measure and feeling on top of the world!

For daily inspiration please join me on Instagram. I would love to have your company!

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What words inspire and motivate you? What is the story that you are creating in your 60s and beyond?

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Lisa Barlow’s White Belted Confessional Top

Lisa Barlow’s White Belted Confessional Top

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 3 Fashion

Lisa Barlow looks (baby) gorgeous in her Real Housewives of Salt Lake City confessionals this season with her white belted top. And while it’s still available to shop, we’ve also linked some more affordable options below for those of you who want to get the lewk without spending an “FF” (freakin’ fortune). 





Lisa Barlow’s White Belted Confessional Top

Click Here to Shop Her Fendi Top

Pants By Fendi

Photo: @LisaBarlow14

Originally posted at: Lisa Barlow’s White Belted Confessional Top

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The Hidden Dangers of Falls for Baby Boomers

dangers of falls

Falls are a leading cause of injury and death among older adults, and baby boomers are at especially high risk.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three adults aged 65 and over will experience a fall each year.

What’s more, falls are not just a danger to our physical health – they can also lead to cognitive decline and a loss of independence. Research has shown that older adults who fall are more likely to develop dementia.

So, what can you do to reduce our risk of falling? In this article, we will discuss the hidden dangers of falls for baby boomers and explore some simple strategies for preventing falls.

The Dangers of Falls

Falls can happen anywhere – in the home, in the garden, even on level ground.

They are often caused by a sudden loss of balance, a trip or slip, or a medical condition that makes it difficult to keep your balance and equilibrium.

Falls can lead to serious injuries, such as a hip fracture or head injury, and can even be fatal. The CDC reports that each year falls cause more than 2.8 million emergency department visits, over 800,000 hospitalizations and more than 27,000 deaths.

Falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in adults aged 65 and over, and they are also the leading cause of hip fractures. Hip fractures can be particularly serious in older adults, as they can lead to a long hospital stay, a loss of independence, and even death.

The Consequences of Falls

Falls can have a significant impact on your quality of life.

They can cause injuries that lead to pain, disability, and a loss of independence. Falls can also have a psychological impact, causing anxiety and fear.

Falls can lead to a number of serious injuries. Here are the most common ones.


The most common type of fracture among older adults is a hip fracture. Hip fractures can be extremely painful and can lead to a long hospital stay, a loss of independence, and even death.

Head Injuries

Falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in older adults. TBIs can cause several cognitive and physical problems, including memory loss, depression, and difficulty walking.

Soft Tissue Injuries

These are injuries to the muscles, tendons, or ligaments. Soft tissue injuries can be extremely painful and can take several weeks or months to heal.

In addition to the physical consequences of falls, they can also lead to a loss of confidence and independence. Fear of falling can cause people to limit their activities, which can lead to social isolation and depression.

Preventing Falls

Fortunately, there are a number of things we can do to reduce our risk of falling. Some simple fall-prevention strategies include:

Exercising to Improve Strength and Balance

Tai chi, dancing, and other exercises that focus on balance and leg strength can help to reduce the risk of falls.

Making Your Home Safer

Simple changes to your home, such as removing trip hazards and installing handrails, can make a big difference in preventing falls.

Wearing Supportive Shoes

Shoes with good arch support and a non-slip sole can help to reduce the risk of falls.

Checking Your Medications

Some medications can cause dizziness or drowsiness, which can increase the risk of falling. If you’re concerned about the side effects of your medication, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

What to Do If You Fall

If you do fall, it’s important to stay calm and follow these steps:

Stay Where You Are

If you’ve fallen and you can’t get up, stay where you are and call for help. Trying to get up without first checking for any injuries could make your injuries worse.

Check for Injuries

If you’re able to get up, check for injuries. If you’re bleeding or in pain, call for medical help.

Get Up Slowly

If you don’t have any injuries, try to get up slowly. Use a steady chair or another object to help you stand up.

Stay Active

Once you’re up, don’t just sit down – stay active and continue moving around to help reduce your risk of falling again.

What to Do Next

Falls can cause serious injuries, such as fractures, head injuries, and soft tissue injuries, and can also lead to a loss of confidence and independence.

If you need more information or if you are looking for solutions, I have written a comprehensive and complete program in my book, The Book of Balance, that will improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you experienced a fall? Did it result in an injury? What triggered the fall – was it bad balance, a trip or slip, or something else? How have you improved your health and lifestyle since the fall?

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Your Favorite Hair Towel Just Got Even Better at Reducing Frizz & Increasing Shine

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, STYLECASTER may receive an affiliate commission.

I’ve been a beauty editor for more than a decade but until a few years ago, I thought I had to blow dry my frizzy, wavy hair when it was soaking wet. It took forever but if I let it air dry too long, it would puff up and curl and I’d never get a smooth blowout. Then, I discovered Aquis. The brand makes wearable hair towels made from moisture-wicking material that keeps my hair from frizzing all while cutting down on drying time. Its newest version, the Flip Hair-Drying Tool, is out today and has some seriously hair-saving updates. Allow founder Britta Cox to explain.

Throw a regular cotton towel onto your hair post-wash and the friction will cause an increase in frizz and breakage. That’s where Aquis comes in. “We’ve learned about the biology of hair that actually by removing the water, you will have less frizz,” Cox tells STYLECASTER. And there’s a very, very clear biological reason that that happens. And it’s just more sustainable.”

 Your Favorite Hair Towel Just Got Even Better at Reducing Frizz & Increasing Shine


Now, the other Aquis towels remove moisture so what makes this one different? Well, a few things. “Using Aquis, hair dries five times faster and is five times stronger than any other drying method,” Cox says. They’re continuing to innovate in the “hair tech” space. That’s why they previously launched the Copper Sure Lisse D’Air Turban ($26.25 at Sephora), an antimicrobial version that repels bacteria to keep towels fresher longer. The new Flip combines that technology with even more sustainability and a better overall dry time.

“It’s designed to optimally make contact with all the hair strands,” she says of the new design. “The AQUITEX fabric works simply by making contact with the hair without any friction. It draws the water into and across the fabric at the point of contact because of the ultra-fine fibers and the weave create channels that actually move the water out of your hair.” The COPPERSURE antimicrobial technology means the fabric is naturally antimicrobial without adding surface chemicals. What does that mean for you? Simply hang up the towel and you won’t have to wash it as often. That’s you, using less water!

In addition to the new design and antimicrobial technology, Flip is made from recycled water bottles so you’re creating a bit less waste.

 Your Favorite Hair Towel Just Got Even Better at Reducing Frizz & Increasing Shine


Aquis is for all hair types and textures but especially great for chemically processed hair, like bleached or permed hair. “Bleaching chemicals will literally break down the keratin structure in your hair so you’ll literally have holes in your hair,” Cox says. (Her company also makes K18 so she knows what she’s talking about.) “It makes your hair much more hydrophobic. It gets weak and stretches quicker than any other hair type. So, it’s really important to draw to get the water out as quickly as possible, but doing so gently, because that actually reforms the hydrogen bonds in your hair.”

Cox is so into hair tech and hair health, she’s done clinical trials with Aquis. That’s when she learned AQUIS “leaves hair up to 5X stronger than traditional drying methods, 2.5x stronger than drying with traditional towels and five times stronger than speed drying with a blow dryer,” over an 8-week period. With all the things I do to my hair  — bleach, hot tools, ponytails — I’m ready to try anything that can help keep my strands healthy. Especially if that also allows me to be a little bit lazy.

Yes, lazy. Aquis Flip stays on my head so well, I can go hands-free on TikTok for a lot longer without my hair getting frizzy. When I unwrap my hair, my strands are smooth and partially dry, cutting down on drying time.

There are three shades to choose from — Pearl, Steel and Amethyst — and you can get them now at Sephora.

STYLECASTER | Ashley Benson Interview

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Tarte Just Expanded on its Viral Maracuja Lip Collection With ‘Juicy’ Lip Liner

Not since the ’90s has lip liner had such a moment. From the viral gym lips trend to Hailey Bieber’s signature glossy pout to the resurgence of Y2K beauty, lip liner is a must these days. So, when I found out one of my favorite lipstick formulas, Tarte Maracuja Lip, came out with lip liner, I just about lost my mind. I got a sneak peek last week and couldn’t wait to get home and try them, so much so that I attempted a look in the back of an Uber with my iPhone camera. It worked so these are definitely beginner friendly!

You probably remember when Tarte’s Maracuja Juicy Lip Balm and Maracuja Juicy Lip Plump went viral on TikTok back in May. “This is the most full-coverage lip gloss I’ve ever used in my entire life,” Meredith Duxbury says in her video. The brand followed these up with the equally popular Maracuja Juicy Lipstick and Crème, less glossy but still pigmented versions. There’s just something about this creamy formula that gently plumps with major hydration.

Now, if you’re going to wear all these Maracuja Lips, you’re going to need a just-as-creamy liner. And they’re officially here. Before the Maracuja Juicy Lip Liner hits Tarte’s website in the next few weeks, you can grab select shades as part of QVC’s current lip bundles. These are going to sell out.

Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. QVC is a STYLECASTER sponsor, however, all products in this article were independently selected by our editors. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale.

tarte lip liner


The ultra-creamy liner formula is infused with hydrating maracuja and hyaluronic acid, as well as a “superfruit complex” to smooth the look of lip lines. It’s never been so easy to shape the lips and maybe even overline them a bit. Each Lipstick & Lip Liner Set comes with the brand-new liner and a Maracuja Juicy Lipstick in the perfect complementary shade. It’s taken the guesswork out of a picking a color. Plus, if you bought each separately, it would retail for $40. That’s an $11 savings!

 Tarte Just Expanded on its Viral Maracuja Lip Collection With ‘Juicy’ Lip Liner


In addition to Buff (above), there are three other sets to choose from. Shop them all before they’re gone, below.

Tarte. lip liner


Tarte. lip liner


Tarte. lip liner


STYLECASTER | Ashley Benson Interview


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