Month: April 2024

Amanda Batula’s Skin Tint & Sunglasses

Amanda Batula’s Skin Tint & Sunglasses / Summer House Fashion Season 8 Episode 7

Amanda Batula might be running on zero sleep thanks to her husband on last night’s episode of Summer House, but she doesn’t look it at all. And that could be thanks to her 12-hour radiant skin tint doing the magic. I might be losing my mind because I’ve never tried a skin tint before, but hey, adulting is all about trying new things. And if Amanda swears by it then I don’t think we should sleep on it, even if our significant others are safe and sound in bed at a reasonable hour.

Best in Blonde,


Amanda Batula's Skin Tint and Sunglasses

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Originally posted at: Amanda Batula’s Skin Tint & Sunglasses

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Makeup Products I’ve Said Goodbye to – and Hello to – in My 60s and 70s

Makeup Products I’ve Said Goodbye to – and Hello to – in My 60s and 70s

I was looking through my makeup drawer the other day, and I started thinking about some of the makeup products I’ve bid farewell to – and the makeup and beauty tools that have replaced them as I’ve gotten older.

So today I’ll share the products I’ve left behind as I moved into my 60s and 70s. And in addition, I thought I’d also include the products that I’ve now found to be essential as I’ve gotten older. I’d also love to know in the comment section below the products that you no longer reach for and the products that you’ve added in the last few years that have become essential.

Now I have to say up front that the products and tools I’ll be sharing today are things that no longer work for me. But that doesn’t mean that the same is true for you. These products and tools may very well still be an important part of your makeup routine. So if the makeup I’m about to talk about does work for you, I’m delighted that’s the case and I’m definitely not judging. With that said, let’s jump to the list.

The Makeup Products I’ve Said Goodbye To

Black Eyeliner

The first product that I used to use religiously that I haven’t picked up for quite some time is black eyeliner. Now I definitely do still wear eyeliner regularly because it’s a wonderful way to enhance my eyes and give my lashes a more voluminous look. But I’ve replaced the black eyeliner with either brown, grey or navy blue eyeliner.

Although black can be beautiful, I feel that on me it simply looks too strong and harsh. What helps me achieve the softer look that I’m most comfortable with now is a different color eyeliner as well as a different way to apply it. So, I usually use an angled eyebrow brush to apply powder eyeshadow as my eyeliner rather than an eyeliner pencil.

Powder Blush

The second item I’ve left behind is powder blush. Because my skin has gotten drier, I find that powder blush tends to settle in my fine lines, looks splotchy and – quite frankly – ages me. A softer, more natural look for me is a cream or liquid blush.

There has been a boatload of wonderful cream and liquid blushes that have come out over this past year! Elf just came out with some great new liquid blushes which I showcased in a recent YouTube video. Some other blushes I really love are the After Glow liquid blushes from Nars, makeup artist Daniel Sandler’s liquid blushes and cream blushes from Doll 10 and Makeup by Mario.  

Be sure to check out Elise’s YouTube channel which specifically focuses on makeup tips, techniques, and product reviews for those of us 50+. Don’t forget to subscribe!

Nude Lipstick

As we get older, our lips and skin get paler and we need more contrast, and a light color or nude lipstick absolutely washes us out. Then I top the lipstick off with gloss to help my lips look bigger. Gloss has become a real essential for me since our lips also get smaller as we get older and one of my all time favorites is from Lawless.

Setting Powder

I still need setting powder in my T-Zone since that area gets shiny, but in my 20s through my 40s I was still applying powder all over my face. Powder all over my face – especially with my dry skin – almost creates a mask like look for me now which I feel is unattractive.

Matte Foundation

On me matte foundation looks harsh and ages me. I’ll always opt for a satin finish or dewy finish foundation. One of my very top favorite foundations now is the Light Reflecting Foundation from Nars.  Other really good ones are The Revealer Foundation from Kosas, the Luminous foundation from ABH and Charlotte Tilbury’s Beautiful Skin Foundation.  

Uncomfortable Shoes

And the last thing I’ve definitely left behind – which is not a makeup product – is uncomfortable shoes –no matter how cute or stylish they are. And since I have a large bunion on my left foot, no high heels for me. It’s comfortable shoes – along with padded socks and an orthotic – all the way!

The Products I’ve Said Hello to

Magnifying mirror

Now let’s move on to products I’ve said “hello to” in my 60s and 70s that are absolutely essential for me. We recently moved and before my husband mounted my 10x magnifying mirror on the master bathroom wall of our new place, I was using a small hand held magnifying mirror that was a 5 magnification. Well, when I first looked in my 10x magnification mirror, I couldn’t believe all the face and chin hair I’d missed.

Having a 10x magnification mirror that allows me to see that peach fuzz along with the black chin hairs that pop out – is, for me, a must-have. That peach fuzz on our face not only makes our makeup more difficult to apply, but it also can make our skin look duller.

Facial Hair Remover

Number two is the product that removes that peach fuzz easily and safely. It’s the Finishing Touch Flawless facial hair remover. It’s small, lightweight, and great for travel. And most importantly it’s a fast, easy and safe way to get a beautifully smooth face.

Lip Liner

Number three is lip liner, but not just any lip liner. It’s L’Oreal’s Age Perfect lip liners that not only come in 8 beautiful colors but which also have an ingredient that helps prevent lipstick from migrating into those fine vertical lines around my lips.

Eye Primer

As my skin has gotten drier, my eyelids have gotten oilier. If I didn’t use an eye primer, my eye shadow would crease and smudge within 30 minutes. In addition, using an eye primer which matches my skin or is a bit lighter, covers the discoloration on my eyelids, brightens my eyes and helps them look bigger – even if I’m not wearing eyeshadow.

My four favorites are Urban Decay’s Eye Primer Potion in the shade” Eden” – (also called “Nude Matte”), Sigma’s Eyeshadow Base Primer in “Ignite,” Makeup by Mario’s Master Eye Prep and Set in “Light” and Rare Beauty’s Eye Primer.  

Color Corrector

If you also deal with dark circles under your eyes, this next product might also be essential for you. It’s a color corrector. Color correctors are designed to cover the blue or purplish colored tones of under eye circles. For most of us, a shade of light to medium to deep peach or salmon will be our best bet. Then gently tap on concealer over it. My favorite correctors are from Doll 10 in Pink Quartz, Becca by Smashbox in “Fair/Light,” and Elf’s Concealer in Light Peach. (SHOW).

Brow Mascara Gel

My eyebrows are a constant source of wonder and surprise. Often I’ll notice a wiry white or grey hair that’s appeared seemingly out of nowhere! Those white and grey brow hairs are a whole different texture which refuses to be covered by almost any eyebrow powders or pencils. But what does cover them is a wonderful product from Maybelline: their Brow Fast Sculpt Mascara Gel (recently renamed Express Brow Fast Sculpt Gel). It’s one of the only products I’ve found that instantly covers white and grey brow hairs.


This last product – also has to do with hair – but hair on our scalp rather than on our eyebrows. My hair has gotten a lot thinner in the past year and for a number of months I was losing a lot of hair, and it was pretty disconcerting. So, I finally decided to purchase a wiglet and I absolutely love it.

Wiglets are smaller add-on hair pieces that create additional volume for the front of the head, the front and top, the top and crown or the top and partial back. They’re easy to put on and remove and are comfortable and lightweight. The wiglet that I purchased about 10 months ago has been a lifesaver.

Read more makeup articles in our Beauty section.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What are the makeup products you’ve discontinued using as you’ve gotten older? What makeup products have you added that have now become essential?

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Find Empowerment by Stepping Beyond Your Comfort Zone

It's Your Moment Step into Empowerment with a Brave Move Beyond the Comfort Zone

Lately, some of my friends have been saying this old adage, “Time is short.” When we step forward into another birthday, we know this. I’ve noticed that as my birthday numbers increase, I feel safer saying no to opportunities that require effort or are slightly uncomfortable. At the same time, I am aware of a few great things I’ve let pass me by and feel a pang of guilt or fear when hearing, “time is short.”

Have We Missed Out on Something?

Is it possible that you skipped an outing with friends, only because it meant getting in the car and driving there? When there’s an interesting art show (car show, camper show, home show) happening where you have to get out of your comfy clothes to go, do you stay home instead? Maybe when your friends were attending a concert and asked you to go, you turned them down because it was easier than facing the slight fear of staying out late and mingling with people.

There are many ways we stay in our comfort zone. It could be non-communication with others, turning down events, or just sitting in our cozy home instead of going to a group class at the gym. What are we missing when we stay tucked into our comfort zone? When you hear, “time is short,” what events come to your mind?

I Was Kicked Out of the Zone

When I had my book published, I didn’t think past the publishing process. Eventually, I realized people had to know the book existed for them to get something out of it. Everything about publicity and promotion made my stomach turn. I seriously needed help, or my copies would end up collecting dust bunnies in my closet.

Thankfully, I met and hired a publicist to do promotion. It was an eye opener to find that yes, he would line up wonderful events, but I was the one who had to do the presenting. This has demanded that I kick myself out of my comfort zone and summon inner guts and courage to do what he has aligned for me.

I’ve done book signings, where a 20-minute presentation in front of a group was required. I’ve walked into bookstores and asked if they would consider stocking the book, and yes, I did an interview on a network TV station. This was all done with private whining behind the scenes to my husband. I didn’t do this in a brave way, I was thrust into it! Yet, because of this I’ve been surprised at the fascinating people I’ve met, uplifted by feedback that has come my way, and I have the satisfaction of knowing the book now has a wider audience.

What Is Your Dream?

Let’s say you’re single and really want to have a partner. The absolute scary part is that you have to try. Trying could mean singles groups, online dating, and just being out and about where people are. Are you stuck in the comfort zone even when you know that staying home will give you only what you have right now? It takes guts and courage to step out of comfort. The same is required for finding a new job, a new friend group, fixing a broken relationship, or traveling.

Empowering Steps to Take

Start with Your Brain

Our brains have resistance to new behavior! When your brain plays the old story of, “it’s too hard, I don’t want to, or it feels scary,” put up a stop sign right there. New thinking is required. Replace the old story with statements like, “I think I can do it. It sounds like fun. I’ll go for a short time. I’ll do a baby step in that direction. I’ll send a note, place a phone call, leave a message, check into what I can learn about that… I’ll start small.”

Robert Maurer shares guides to easing into new habits and turning your life around in his book, One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way. He explains:

“Small steps circumvent the brain’s built-in resistance to new behavior…no matter what the goal–losing weight, quitting smoking, writing a novel, starting an exercise program, or meeting the love of your life…”

Don’t Immediately Discard Opportunities

When an opportunity comes knocking on your door, your first response may be a solid NO. Hey, “time is short,” and a new opportunity is right there knocking on your door. It’s time to try. This time say yes. Yes, to going for a short time. Yes, to stepping out of the comfort zone. Yes, to putting your big toe into trying something new.

Remember That You Aren’t Changing Life That Much

You still have your cozy home and your comfort. Only a small nudge is needed to start going toward things you never tried but wish you had. You get to come back to the coziness as soon as you want to.

Do the Necessary Research

It may be that a little research is needed to take the first step toward your dream. Maybe it’s not knocking on your door, but you need to find the door to knock on. It’s ok, you can do it. You can pursue travel or a new friend group or a new job or hobby. Give yourself the nudge when you’ve learned about the new thing and go.

Time is short and keeps marching ahead. An empowering baby step will help you experience something new today.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What is it that you wish for, but keep turning down opportunities to do? What baby steps have you tried that were scary yet rewarding? Are you glad you gave it a go?Top of FormBottom of Form

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Tamra Judge’s Floral Puff Sleeve Mini Dress

Tamra Judge’s Floral Puff Sleeve Mini Dress / Real Housewives of Orange County Instagram Fashion April 2024

Tamra Judge’s recent Instagram post referencing Denise Richardson’s upside-down jacket had me laughing but the real kicker was the song choice, ‘I Can Buy Myself Flowers,’ playing in the background. And let me tell you, I wish I could buy myself the dress with flowers she’s wearing! But luckily the rest of her look is still available so keep scrolling to treat yourself to some flowers and a fresh new style! 🌸

Best In Blonde,


Tamar Judges Floral Puff Sleeve Mini Dress

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Photo: @tamrajudge

Originally posted at: Tamra Judge’s Floral Puff Sleeve Mini Dress

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