Summer is here and we all want to know how to spend these precious days doing as much as possible for our health. What simple steps can we do, to not only survive but to thrive during these challenging times? Become one of the least vulnerable persons at 60, 70, and 80 years old by adopting these simple steps to take charge of your life, with health and vitality instead of sickness and disability.
It’s easy and you can start today… Just go outside for some sun, earth and oxygen.
May-grey and June-gloom have finally given way to sunshine in July with sunny days and warm nights, what San Diegans know and love. It’s time to get off the couch, get out of the office and into the outside for fresh air in your lungs, sunlight on your skin and sand on your bare feet.
Disconnecting from all electronic tethers and free from electromagnetic field (EMF) bombardment will add life and health to your days.
Before you venture outside with your long sleeve sun-shirt, floppy hat and common commercial sunscreen in hand to avoid the ‘harmful’ rays of the sun, there is something you must know: the sun is good.
Yes, that’s right, getting safe sun exposure every day, both measured and gradual, is one of the best things you can do for your immediate health. 20 minutes of full body sun exposure during the mid-day produces 20,000 I.U. of vitamin D (a.k.a. the “sunshine vitamin”).
Recent research has shown that increasing vitamin D levels in the general population could prevent chronic diseases that claim the lives of one million people worldwide. In fact, optimizing your vitamin D levels can reduce your risk for as many as 16 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, breast, prostate, and skin cancers.
A study of menopausal women showed that maintaining healthy vitamin D levels lowers overall cancer risk by 77 %. Astounding! Vitamin D also fights infections, including colds and flu, and influences your immune system to attack bacteria and viruses.
For extended periods in the sun, a quality zinc oxide based sunscreen to avoid photo-aging and wrinkles of your face is recommended. Avoid any sunscreen that contains Oxybenzone (hormone disrupters), Retinyl Palmitate (a form of vitamin A that can trigger cancer), and SPF over 50 (false and misleading) and sprays that can be mistakenly inhaled.
Sunglasses may be necessary to protect your eyes when snow skiing or boating but wearing sunglasses too often can weaken your immune system and block the beneficial wavelengths of light that actually strengthen your eyes.
How fortunate I am to live in San Diego, with its miles of sandy beaches, to kick off my shoes and walk along the water’s edge. Research tells us the reason this feels so good is that the earth has a negative charge and, when barefoot, you are receiving a virtual transfusion of healing electrons from the ground.
The earth is a natural source of electrons which are essential for a proper functioning immune and circulatory systems. In addition, inflammation in the body, responsible for most diseases of aging, can be reduced by grounding to the earth.
Wearing too many rubber and plastic soles on your shoes will block beneficial electron transfer from the earth, while leather soles will allow this beneficial electron transfer into your body.
Many people complain about fatigue and low energy, even during the summer. Often poor posture and poor breathing habits are big contributors. Forward head and rolled shoulders, common with excess computer, smart phone and tablet use, can reduce lung capacity upwards of 30%.
Coupled with poor breathing habits consisting of shallow chest breaths can lead to excess carbon dioxide in the blood and poor oxygen exchange in the lungs resulting in fatigue, low energy and stress. Performing regular diaphragm breathing exercises with correct posture can do wonders for your energy, alertness, and vitality.
Mindful breathing can reduce common symptoms of stress such as anxiety and digestive problems. Strengthening the diaphragm helps oxygenate your blood, pumping the lymphatics and aiding in the elimination of toxic waste while strengthening your immune system. Begin your day with a routine of 40 repetitions of diaphragm breathing and increase your energy and well-being rapidly.
Adopting a lifestyle that includes these simple and powerful health promoting habits, will help you become one of the least vulnerable persons and thrive even during these challenging times.
Seek out a 100 Year Lifestyle Doctor of Chiropractic to help you create your new healthy style of living built upon a firm foundation of a balanced spine and nervous system. Leveraging a life of longevity with vitality will ensure you meet life’s challenges with greater success and definitely have more fun. Get outside and live!
How often do you go outside, barefoot and unprotected? Have you heard of grounding and do you practice it? Do you use sunscreen every time you walk out the door? Have you noticed your posture hunching lately? What do you do about it?