wise women season

So far, I have written three articles that addressed the importance of feeling a sense of purpose in life, describing the three pillars that can ignite and cultivate your purpose. We have explored:

  • Your relationship with your own wisdom and guidance;
  • Your relationship with creating with life;
  • Your relationship with creating with others.

A Season for Everything

It is said, to everything there is a season. For some of us, our purpose is focused on caring for parents, family and/or work responsibilities. Some of us are exploring what we want next in life. Such freedom is both exhilarating/exciting and perhaps intimidating. Know we each have a choice. Some of the options we choose may include:

  • Choosing to “keep busy”;
  • Choosing what seems most pleasant in each day;
  • Choosing to be without a specific direction and go with the flow;
  • Choosing to decide to say “Yes” to the purpose that is calling and take action.

These are choices. Choose the one that best serves you now, at this moment in your life.

I have a friend going on a self-imposed “sabbatical” for the year. Another has decided she is going to get fit. Another is planning her post-pandemic travel itineraries. I’m having fun figuring out how to serve my Boomer generation sisters.

You can always make a different choice at another time. Choose the approach to your life that brings you life now… one that makes you feel more awake and satisfied at this time of your life.

A Meditation Approach

I have created this 7 minute meditation:

Its purpose is to help you consider the guidance of your inner wisdom and pull together the three pillars. See where it takes you. Remember to be in a private space where you can relax without distraction for a few minutes.

6 Books to Inspire Your Life

The question really is about knowing your next step in creating a life that is lived fully, with inspiration and, in the end, satisfaction. Perhaps you are like me and read the ideas of others for guidance and insight. To that end, here are a few books I have read that may support you. Possible summer reading!

Happy Healthy… Dead: Why What You Think You Know About Aging Is Wrong and How to Get it Right by Noelle C. Nelson

Good basic read about how to appreciate life as we age and the benefits of it. It offers quick and insightful tips.

Why Bother: Discover the Desire for What’s Next by Jennifer Louden 

Great inspiration for women of any age… to keep on going and make a difference in this life. This was a good read.

In Our Prime: How Older Women Are Reinventing the Road Ahead by Susan J. Douglas 

Provocative book, keeping the feminist movement alive and providing tips on what we can do to counter ageism. She challenges our generation of women to step up to making a difference. Some of her stories will reignite your indignation regarding society’s relationship with older women.

No Stopping Us Now: The Adventures of Older Women in American History by Gail Collins 

Very well researched work by this New York Times columnist. It will give you a sense of our history through the generations of women in our western culture and where we are now… and what we are being called on to do.

Women Rowing North: Navigating Life’s Currents and Flourishing as We Age by Mary Pipher 

A thoughtful guide to aging with grace, community and gratitude. The author is a therapist specializing in women and effects of culture, so you will find many ideas to support you on your journey.

Too Young to Be Old: Love, Learn, Work, and Play as You Age by Nancy K. Schlossberg Ed.D.

By the author of the retirement types, this book discusses managing the life transition that aging represents with stories that show what positive aging is, including the power of purpose in this stage of life.

Which approach to life is the best fit for you right now? Have you read any of these books? What books do you recommend to our community as a source of inspiration?