
I’m not going to lie. Losing weight over 60 is harder and takes longer than it was when we were younger. Our metabolism slows down, and even if you’ve kept in shape, you may not be able to move your body in all the ways you used to.

permanent weight loss is possible. I’ve helped many women in their 60s and
older lose weight.

To succeed, you need to forget the model you’ve used for your whole life. The one the diet industry has spent billions of dollars trying to convince you is the way to lose weight. What they don’t tell you is that research shows that you have a 3-5% chance of succeeding at losing weight and keeping it off by dieting.

are 8 things to look out for that may be tripping you up:

You Restrict Entire
Food Groups or Forbid Yourself from Eating Your Favorite Foods

restrictions go to the very core of diets, especially the biggest fads nowadays.
As if diets like Keto weren’t bad enough, all you need to do is spend a few
minutes on Pinterest to see some even crazier ideas, like the miraculous 14-day
boiled egg diet or the coffee diet.

unhealthy to eat tons of fat and no carbs or eat hard-boiled eggs all day. When
you don’t allow yourself certain foods, you want them even more. You even think
you like them more than you do.  

restrictive approach to eating also creates one of the biggest barriers to
weight loss –
the scarcity mindset. That’s the totally false notion that food is scarce in
your life. But you create that scarcity when you don’t allow yourself to eat
what you love, and you set yourself up for a binge.

You Really Don’t
Know Why You Want to Lose Weight 

Usually, you want to lose weight because we live in a world that discriminates against and shuns people who are overweight. Or so you can wear certain clothes, or look and feel sexier, or meet someone special.

you really need a clear vision of why you want to lose weight to keep you going
through a process that takes perseverance. 

means you need to set goals you feel really good about. Ones that generate
positive emotions, like, “I want to be healthy so I can play with my
grandchildren and live to see them graduate from high school.”

You Expect to Do It

unproductive mindset you learn from dieting is the need to do it perfectly. Diets
have lots of rules, and people like rules because it means they don’t have to
think. They can just do what someone else tells them to do.

humans are meant to think and question, and most of us get pretty sick of not
being able to decide what to eat after a while. 

diet rules don’t allow you to live a normal life, attend parties, and
socialize. What’s the point of that? With rule-laden diets, we actually look
for an excuse to quit because we’re so miserable. 

when you give up dieting and change your habits, quitting is the only way you
can fail. 

thing is that no one who succeeds at permanent weight loss does this perfectly.
You’re learning new skills, new habits, and that always takes practice.

important thing is to do your best, learn from your mistakes so you don’t make
the same ones repeatedly, and get back on track. Because everyone gets off
track a little. Everyone. So, give up the idea that you can set out to
lose weight and do it perfectly.

You Eat to Avoid
Dealing with Negative or Difficult Feelings

doesn’t matter how you try to lose weight, or whether you even reach your goal –
if you don’t learn how to stop eating for emotional reasons, you’re going to
gain the weight back.

to avoid feeling your emotions – whether you’re sad, angry, frustrated, bored, or stressed out –
is what causes overweight in most people.

you eat for emotional reasons and you aren’t hungry, your body stores the
energy as fat. Those few people who manage to lose the weight but don’t stop
emotional eating gain the weight back. Every time.

how to feel your emotions and use healthy strategies to deal with them is
essential for permanent weight loss. Check out my 30 Days to
End Emotional Eating Forever
course for the tools to break
the habitual cycle of emotional eating. 

You Believe You
Can’t Lose Weight

you’ve been dieting for a while, you’ve had more than your share of failures.
This is another horrible thing about diets – we think we’re the failure because we didn’t lose weight
on the diet. But it is really the diet that is the failure. The whole diet
method of weight loss sets you up for failure.

problem is that, because of confirmation bias, we try to prove that we’re right!
So, we believe we can’t lose weight, and when we mess up, we think,
“I knew it!” Do you really want to prove to yourself that you can’t lose
weight? Wouldn’t you rather prove yourself wrong?

shed your extra pounds, you need to start believing that you are capable of
doing this. Stop blaming yourself for the past. You failed because you didn’t
have the right tools.

that you know diets aren’t the way to go, and that you need to change your
eating habits and stop emotional eating, believe that you can learn these new skills
and succeed. Seriously, you need to change your beliefs to change your

You Think You Can
Hate Yourself Thin

can’t heal a body you hate. So many people think that if they are willing to
love or even just accept the body they have, they’ll have no motivation to

But think about this – when was the last time that hate-motivated anyone to do anything good? Are you really going to want to treat your body better if you hate it? Unlikely.

appreciating all your body does for you. Be grateful for it. It may not be the
way you want it to be, but it has served you for many years and is the only one
you’ve got.

time to stop treating it badly by either starving it, depriving it of things it
needs (like carbs, beans, whole grains, fruits and vegetables), and to stop
giving it more food than it needs to function optimally and for you to feel

it daily, but not as punishment for what you ate. Exercise as a celebration of
all your body can do. Thank it and treat it with the respect it deserves. 

You Expect Weight
Loss to Be Fast and Easy 

are so many fast weight loss schemes online that I understand why people think it
should be easy to do. But if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

is no coffee drink that’s going to help you lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks. Losing
15 pounds in two weeks is a really bad idea anyway –
if you aren’t morbidly obese.

get on the scale every day expecting the number to go down. If you choose to
weigh yourself, which I think is a great way to see whether what you’re doing
is working, then do it once a week.

expect to drop more than a pound a week, although some people will lose more.
Some weeks, you may do everything perfectly and lose no weight. 

of where you’ll be a year from now if you stop overeating and emotional eating.
The time will pass anyway, and slow, healthy weight lost is much more likely to
stay off, especially since doing it this way fixes what caused you to be

You Make Losing
Weight the Ultimate Goal

process of changing your habits and becoming healthier is so much more
important than the weight loss itself.

tuning your eating habits to your body’s signals and avoiding emotional eating
is what will allow you to lose weight, you should focus on your progress in
making these changes.

you go to a restaurant and order what you really want, then leave half the
French fries because you’re honoring your body’s fullness signals, celebrate
that. Every time you don’t eat the candy in the candy bowl or the free food
just because it’s there, celebrate that.

time you notice when you want to eat because you’re bored, and decide to do
something else, celebrate! You did it! Enjoy the process. Notice your progress
towards establishing your good eating habits.

you celebrate your little wins, your brain associates doing your new habit with
feeling good, and that makes it more likely that you’ll repeat the

To get started on the right road, grab my free 8 Secrets for Permanent Weight Loss.

many diets have you tried thus far? Have you made any of these 8 mistakes?
Which ones are you ready to ditch? Please share with the community and let’s
have a conversation.