Purpose After 60

The media talks a lot about the health benefits of living an active and full life. They say having a purpose in life is the key to positive aging, but are you stuck trying to find your purpose? 

Many of us have worked in full-time careers and raised families, and there wasn’t much time left over each week to do what we wanted for ourselves.

When retirement arrives – or as I like to call it, the Lifestyle Change – many of us can struggle with what our purpose is in life. It is easy to say we need a purpose, but that can mean different things to different people.

Finding your purpose is more obvious to some than others. Some of us feel we have nothing to offer or that having a purpose is something more than what it really needs to be. It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering, it just needs to be something that has meaning to you and enriches your life.

Retirement is a huge adjustment, and like many, I struggled with finding something that would replace my career and give me fulfilment.

During the first year of retirement, I felt lost and was just going through the motions each day to fill in time – just existing. I kept asking myself how I could give my life more meaning and definition when my career and family had defined me for so long.

I wanted to spend more time with my husband and family, but I also needed something that would keep my individuality.

I started a blog with no idea of where it would go or what I really wanted to say. However, as time went by, I realised that I could encourage other women over 50 to be a better version of themselves through a fit and healthy lifestyle.

To me, keeping fit and healthy is a holistic approach and means being well physically, mentally and spiritually. There are many ways we can find purpose in our life, you to just need to discover yours.

Here are 5 simple ways to find your purpose in life.

Create a Reason for Welcoming Each Day

We all need a reason to welcome each day, especially if we have made the Lifestyle Change and retired from work. We can easily become less motivated and fall into the trap of letting days run into each other with nothing achieved and no purpose. This can lead to boredom and even depression.

Setting a morning ritual helps to motivate you to make the most of each day. For me, that means starting my day with some gentle stretches or yoga and taking a moment to focus on gratitude and the good things in my life.

Create a Legacy for Your Children and Grandchildren

Living your life with meaning and by example is a great way to leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren. They will learn from you, and isn’t that the greatest gift you can give them?

Create Your Passion

We all have ‘dreams’ of what we would love to do if only ‘we had the time.’ Some of us love gardening, painting, travelling, craft. Find what you enjoy doing and make the time to really enjoy your hobby or passion.

Give Back to the Community

There are so many ways we can give of our time, and volunteering can be such a rewarding experience. Giving back to others can be a win/win situation.

You not only give to others and have a positive impact on their lives, but you also receive satisfaction and a sense of purpose. You experience the warmth and fulfillment of helping others and enrich your life at the same time.

Be a Mentor

Life experience is a great teacher, and when we reach 60 we certainly have a wealth of knowledge. Being a mentor and helping others to reach their potential can be a rewarding experience. Don’t feel that you have nothing to offer – we all do.

If you feel you are lacking purpose in your life and not sure how to find it, ask yourself these 3 questions:

  • What do I love to do?
  • What am I good at that I could teach others?
  • What is something I want to achieve or try?

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you found your purpose or passion in life? What do you think you could teach others? Join the conversation and share your story.