Embracing Your Sexuality After 60

If you are like many women over 60, the question can leave you scratching your head, wondering how far back in the rearview mirror of the past you have to look to locate the last time you felt confident with your sexuality.

Contrary to what limiting beliefs and false stories say about this topic, regaining your sexual confidence and reigniting that inner flame is easier than you may think.

In this article and the accompanying video, we will explore options for embracing your sexuality over 60. This is the final part of my latest series on The Art of Self-Love After 60.

#1: 7 Steps to Turn Up the HEAT on Your Love Life

#2: 10 Easy Ways to Love More of Yourself

#3: 7 Pillars of Becoming Your Own Authority on Love

#4: 10 Steps to Loving Yourself Unconditionally After 60

#5: 15 Ways to Romance Yourself After 60

It’s Not Just About Sex

Embracing and feeling confident about your sexuality after 60 is not just a matter of sexual pleasure. In fact, it is less of a physical challenge and more of a mindset issue.

What often gets in the way of cultivating your sexual confidence after 60 are false stories and limiting beliefs.

For example, there is a pervasive belief that our sex drive diminishes during and after menopause. Then you have stories that suggest sexual pleasure initiated and done by oneself after 60 are taboo.

How do you overcome these beliefs and stories?

Installing New Beliefs and New Stories

First, you will want to replace a negative belief with a positive belief. This is where you begin telling a new, more empowering story about your sexuality and worthiness to fulfill your desires.

From there, actively reinforce your new beliefs and stories on a daily basis with new behaviors that are aligned with your desires. This is where inspired action comes in.

If you want to turn up the heat on your sexual desires, you will want to take inspired action. The more you think positively about yourself and put those thoughts into physical action, your mind and body have no choice but to synch up and deliver the desired effects of your new beliefs and stories.

14 Steps You Can Take to Be More Sexual

Embracing your sexuality after 60 is about transitioning from a fixed mindset, which is framed by limiting beliefs, and boldly stepping into a new level of sexual confidence with a growth mindset.

To help you, here are 14 steps and suggestions to embrace your sexuality and be turned on by the most beautiful, sensual person in your life – which is YOU!


Embrace the changes in your body and recognize beauty in aging. Your experiences, wisdom, and stories are part of your allure.

Be Curious

Read about sexuality for those 60 and over. There are books, articles, and workshops focused on this topic.


Masturbation is a way to understand what feels good for you. Invest in high-quality personal massagers or vibrators designed for older women.

Fantasy Journaling

Allow your mind to wander and journal different scenarios or situations that excite you.


Vaginal dryness is a common issue post-menopause. Using lubricants can alleviate discomfort. Additionally, sexual aids can enhance pleasure.


If you have a romantic partner, open communication about your desires, fears, and boundaries is essential to embracing your sexuality. It fosters understanding and can lead to a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

Seek Therapy

A sex therapist or counselor can provide guidance, especially if you’re dealing with issues like grief, self-esteem, or past traumas.

Hormone Therapy

If you’re experiencing post-menopausal symptoms that affect your libido, consider consulting with a doctor about hormone replacement therapy or other treatments.

Erotic Literature or Films

Explore different genres to discover what resonates with you. There are many age-appropriate erotic resources that focus on mature relationships and sexuality.

Physical Activity

Exercises like yoga or pilates can increase blood flow, enhance flexibility, and improve self-image.

Explore New Sensations

Beyond traditional intercourse, there are many ways to experience pleasure. Consider massage, sensual touch, or forms of tantra.

Dress for Yourself

Wear lingerie or clothing that makes you feel sexy and confident, even if it’s just for yourself.

Create a Sensual Environment

Set the mood with a bath, soft lighting, music, scented candles, or whatever appeals to your senses.

Maintain Body Positivity

Remember, every person’s body is a good, sexy body. Celebrate your body and shower it with love.

This Is Your Life

Your life, including your sexual journey, is unique. Avoid comparing your experiences or desires to others and focus on what excites and fulfills you.

Aging does not negate the desire or need for intimacy, pleasure, and self-expression. But a belief that all is lost after 60 does extinguish one’s sexual desires.

Remember, this is your life. Every day is a new opportunity to redefine, embrace, and enjoy your sexuality.

Please join me in the video where I will share five reasons sexual confidence is important for women over 60.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Are you confident about your sexuality? Why or why not? What ways have you found to romance yourself after 60?