Swap Seasonal Stress for Serenity This Christmas Season

Age has taught me a lot, and the
wisdom I’ve gained helps me cope with stress. I’m more accepting of other
people’s shortcomings, and perhaps I’m even more tolerant of my own (and
believe me, I have them). I’m also better at seeing what truly matters.

Seasonal Stress

When I was younger, I let the holidays
stress me out. One year, I wrote this poem when my teenaged sons and husband
were little help as I tried to pull together the perfect Christmas for them:

Holiday Stressmess

‘Tis the night before Christmas,
I’m dead on my feet
With stockings to stuff
and a mess to make neat.
I’ve trimmed and I’ve baked
And I’ve done all the shopping,
I’ve written the cards
And I’ve hung the last stocking.
It may not be “hung
by the chimney with care”
But who gives at this point
If it’s here or it’s there?
If Santa can’t find it
That’s just too darned bad
I’ve not had much help
And it makes me so mad!
Santa Clause has his elves
Helping out all year long,
A team of supporters
A hundred-plus strong.
I do it alone—
The American way
With nary a reindeer,
An elf, or a sleigh.
I guess I enjoy it—
I hate to complain,
But I’d like some assistance
To ease on the strain.
Why can’t someone offer
to wrap a few gifts,
Address Christmas cards,
Or help bake up some spritz?
I’m totally stressed
As the “UNDONE” list mounts
Though I try to remember—
“The thought is what counts.”
So what if the dishes
Are piled in the sink?
Who cares if the laundry
Is starting to stink?
The house is a mess
and my hair’s gone kaplooey.
I need a massage
And a soothing Jacuzzi.
It’s time to say, “STOP!”
I deserve to sit back.
It’s time for a rest—
I’ll relax by the tree
With a holiday nog
Turn the Christmas tunes on
Maybe light a yule log.
As I sit here in jeans
And my frayed flannel shirt
I’ll accept that I’m not
Any Martha Stewart
Her house would be tidy
Decor at its peak
With Christmas scents wafting—
While my place just reeks.
I’ll accept who I am
And let go of the stress.
I’ll welcome tomorrow
Embracing my mess—
A busy house filled with
The people I love,
The traditions I cherish,
And that gift from above.

Swap for Serenity

Those last two stanzas were a huge
“Aha!” for me. They reminded me to keep in mind the real reasons for

I start with the attitude that I’m
decorating and baking because I enjoy doing these things, not because other
people need them. That attitude transforms it from work to a sweet pleasure.

As I bake and decorate, I play my
favorite Christmas tunes: Barbara Streisand, Mario Lanza, and Mannheim

The difference now is that rather than
spending time rummaging through piles of albums, then cassette tapes, and
eventually CD’s, I tell Alexa what
I want to hear. Times have certainly changed, haven’t they?

Stretch It Out

Since I’m retired, I can stretch out
my baking tasks, tackling one item a day, and only my favorites. I have friends
who enjoy getting together with others for a cookie bake-a-thon, a fun approach
to holiday baking.

Ask for Help

I’ve also learned to ask for help. My
husband, Jerry, has a few Christmas cookie specialties, and he enjoys choosing,
cutting, and decorating the tree with me. It’s precious time together as
Christmas tunes fill the house.

Replace Gifts with Donations

Another stress-reducer I’ve discovered
is dumping the worry of choosing the perfect gift for everyone on my list. The
adults in my family have agreed to make donations to our favorite charities
rather than exchanging gifts.

The thousands I used to spend are now
gift certificates to Kiva, an online micro-loan charity that
lends to people in developing countries. Those women and men need the support
far more than we need more robes and slippers.

I still choose small items for family
– stocking-stuffers to brighten the day. Of course, the grandchildren get
actual gifts. They’re not quite ready to give up the joy of ripping open
another package or three.

Lighten Up on Cards

I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve
backed off on Christmas cards, only sending them to older relatives who don’t
have email.

I either send out an email message or
wait to send out Valentines at a quieter time of year when I have the leisure
to write long messages. Of course, if you enjoy sending Christmas cards, keep
it up. Make the holiday about what makes you happy.

Remember What It’s All About

The thing that most helps me find
solace during the holidays is remembering that it’s a season of love. Love for
yourself, love for your family, and love for your friends. That was the message
brought to us from Bethlehem, wasn’t it?

So – let go of that stress. Relax and
enjoy the holidays. You can do it.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What goes on your list of holiday
chores? Can you lighten the load somehow? Would that help you manage the stress
better? In what ways might you relax amid all the Christmas activities? Please
share your respite ideas with our community!