The ABC's of Back to School for Women Over Sixty!

Heading back to school as a woman over 60 is both an exciting and daunting prospect. Whether you’re pursuing a new career, finishing a degree, or simply looking to expand your knowledge, this journey comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. I had a friend just this week head back to school to study acupuncture! She is on her way to realizing her dream!

Why should the kids have all the fun? Let’s explore the ABC’s of heading back to the classroom for us women over 60 as well!

A: Adaptability

One of the most crucial skills you’ll need is adaptability. The world of education has changed significantly since you were last in a classroom. From online learning platforms to modern-day teaching methods, being open to these changes will make your return to school smoother. Embrace new technologies, participate in online discussions, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling with something unfamiliar.

Additionally, balancing school with other responsibilities, such as work or family, requires flexibility. You might need to adjust your schedule, prioritize tasks, or seek support from loved ones to make time for your studies.

B: Balance

Finding a balance between your studies, work, and personal life is vital. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re juggling multiple responsibilities, so creating a schedule that works for you is essential. Set aside specific times for studying, but also make sure to include time for relaxation and self-care. Remember, burnout can be just as much of a threat as falling behind in your coursework.

It’s also important to communicate with your family and friends about your new commitments. Their support and understanding will be key to maintaining a healthy balance as you navigate this new chapter in your life.

C: Confidence

Returning to school can stir up a mix of emotions, including doubt or anxiety. It’s natural to feel out of place or worry about being older than your classmates. However, remember that your life experience is a valuable asset. The wisdom and perspective you bring to your studies can enhance your learning and contribute meaningfully to classroom discussions.

Confidence in your abilities is crucial. Trust that you have what it takes to succeed, and don’t shy away from participating in class or reaching out to professors for guidance. Building a support network of peers, mentors, or advisors can also boost your confidence and provide encouragement when you need it most.

Advantages of Going Back to School

Returning to school in your 60s offers numerous advantages that can significantly boost your confidence and self-esteem. For one, it can open up new career opportunities or pave the way for advancement in your current field. Acquiring new skills and knowledge makes you more competitive in the job market and can lead to higher earning potential.

Additionally, the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a course or earning a degree can be incredibly empowering. It serves as a reminder that you are capable of achieving your goals, no matter your age. This newfound confidence often spills over into other areas of your life, enhancing your overall sense of self-worth and satisfaction.

Education also provides a platform for personal growth. Engaging with new ideas, meeting people from different backgrounds, and stepping out of your comfort zone can broaden your horizons and enrich your life in unexpected ways.

Learning Options: In-Classroom and Remote

Today, there are more learning options available than ever before, making it easier to fit education into your life, regardless of your circumstances. Take the time to pick the setting that best suits your schedule and lifestyle.

In-Classroom Learning

If you prefer face-to-face interaction and the structure of a traditional classroom, in-person classes might be the right choice for you. Many community colleges, universities, and adult education centers offer flexible schedules, including evening and weekend classes, to accommodate working adults.

Remote Learning

Online education has become increasingly popular and offers unparalleled flexibility. Whether you want to take a single course or complete an entire degree online, there are countless options available. Remote learning allows you to study at your own pace, from the comfort of your home, and often at a lower cost than traditional in-person classes.

Hybrid Options

For those who want a bit of both worlds, hybrid programs combine online coursework with occasional in-person sessions. This can be an ideal solution if you need flexibility but also value the opportunity to engage with instructors and peers in a classroom setting.

Types of Learning Women Over 60 Typically Explore

When women over 60 go back to school, they often explore various types of learning that align with their career goals, personal interests, and life circumstances. Here are some common paths:

1. Career-Oriented Degrees and Certifications

Many women return to school to pursue degrees or certifications that will advance their careers or enable them to transition into new fields. Popular areas of study include healthcare, education, business administration, and information technology. These programs are designed to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in specific professions, often with flexible learning options.

2. Professional Development Courses

Short-term courses or certificate programs focused on professional development are also a popular choice. These courses allow women to update their skills, learn new technologies, or gain expertise in specialized areas without committing to a full degree program. Fields like project management, digital marketing, and leadership are commonly explored.

3. Personal Enrichment Classes

Not all education is career-driven. Many women over 60 choose to take classes that enrich their personal lives, such as art, history, literature, or languages. These courses provide an opportunity for intellectual growth, creativity, and the pursuit of lifelong learning passions.

4. Continuing Education for Licensure

For women already established in careers that require ongoing education, such as nursing, teaching, or law, continuing education courses are often necessary to maintain licensure and stay current with industry standards.

5. Entrepreneurship and Business Courses

With the rise of entrepreneurial opportunities, many women over 60 explore business courses that teach the fundamentals of starting and running a business. This is particularly appealing for those looking to turn a passion or hobby into a full-time career.

What Would You Put in Your Backpack?

Now, let’s add some fun to the conversation! If you’re heading back to the classroom, you might be wondering what to pack in your backpack. While the days of cartoon lunch boxes and brightly colored pencils might be behind you, there are still some essentials that will keep you organized and prepared. Besides the laptop, colored pencils and brand new notebook, what are some items you would make sure you didn’t leave home without? Share in the comments below!

Going back to school is a brave and empowering decision. By focusing on adaptability, balance, and confidence, you can make the most of this opportunity and achieve your academic goals.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you signed up for any courses this autumn? What are you preparing to study? If you are heading back to the classroom, share in the comments below! We would love to cheer you on from the sidelines!