Travel the World without Breaking the Bank!

Are you sitting there thinking how much you would love to travel, but can’t afford it? There are always bills to pay, and the cost of living has put travel out of many people’s reach. I know that feeling! But if you think outside the box, there are ways to travel the world and have adventures for just a fraction of the cost.

As an experienced traveller on a tight budget, I have learnt how to see this beautiful world without breaking the bank. Cruising, driving, flying, bus or travelling by train, I don’t mind how I get there or where I go, as long as I can afford it and I will enjoy it.

Below are several different ways to travel the world on a budget, or maybe even for free. In some cases, you might get paid for the pleasure!

International Courier

Would you like to visit Singapore, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Delhi, Dubai, Paris, or Barcelona? These are just a few of the places that ‘hand couriers’ take letters, confidential documents or small parcels for clients. 

Sometimes letters or parcels are so important that the client is looking for a courier to personally accompany a consignment door-to-door, offering a worldwide courier service for clients.

All flights, accommodation, food, expenses are paid and there are several companies that pay the courier too. This can be an excellent way to see the world if you are reliable, trustworthy and flexible.

Look up Absolutely, Speedel, Priority Freight, or type in “on board courier services” to look for other such companies.


Many airlines do not allow children under 12 to travel on their own. Sometimes film makers, private schools, extended family, etc. require a chaperone (sometimes called a Flying Nanny or Travel Nanny) for a child to be looked after and safely escorted from one destination to another. 

This can be a really interesting way to travel as you will be accompanied by the child (probably one way) so will need to be responsible at all times.

The destinations are varied but often from the UK include North America, Dubai, India and China. You will receive all expenses, plus a fee for your time.

Pet flight nannies are also a viable option if you love animals. Look up “Pet Nanny” online to learn more.

Monastery Hopper

I have stayed at a Buddhist monastery several times but had no idea that ‘Monastery Hopping’ existed! Since then, I have met many people who travel all over the world, providing a few hours’ work, in return for bed and board. There are monasteries in England, Ireland, Portugal, Canada, Italy, Thailand, Switzerland, India and many more. Most of them have few, or no, staff so rely on volunteers.

I have always had my own room with a communal shower, but sometimes you may be sharing your room with others. You usually work for about 3 or 4 hours a day, taking care of Monks (and sometimes nuns). This may include cooking, cleaning, gardening, driving, etc. There are no age restrictions, but you will need to be fit enough to do your tasks.

You will, of course, need to respect their culture and traditions, and will probably be invited to pujas (prayers) and ceremonies, which are beautiful and interesting. You may also have the opportunity to practice meditation and yoga.

It is a wonderful way for budget travel as you will meet so many interesting people and learn so much. Staying at monasteries is one of my favourite things in all my travels. And I have some truly wonderful memories. I have never known such kindness, warmth and generosity of spirit in my life.

Places can be competitive and there are times of the year when monasteries may be closed for retreats or events, so it is essential to email/phone before arriving.

Travel/Blog Writer/Influencer

Imagine travelling the world, writing about it, getting all your expenses for free and maybe even getting paid for what you do! It may seem a little too good to be true and, it can be very competitive, but it is entirely possible.

If you love travelling and can write about your adventures and experiences, you could write for travel magazines around the world, start a YouTube channel/Instagram or start a blog.

People love to hear about travelling, especially if you are going off the beaten track or doing something unusual. Perhaps going on a safari, cycling around a country, taking a tuk-tuk, travelling by train or sailing the oceans.

Home Swap

If you don’t mind someone staying in your home, you could consider home swapping as a budget travel option. This is where a person (or people) stay at your home while you stay at theirs. It is a great way to travel authentically, because you really are seeing the world from a local’s perspective.

You create a listing, introduce yourself and upload a few photos of your own home. When this is done, you browse the site for places to stay that interest you, and then communicate with the owner to see if they want to arrange a mutual exchange.

There are several companies that can arrange this for you, and you generally pay an annual subscription. Always do your research thoroughly and make sure your home is fully insured. 

These are just a few options for travelling without breaking the bank. 🙂 I am sure you could think of many more!

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What does budget travel mean to you? Have you tried any off-the-beaten-path options? Which ones would you repeat and recommend?