Hair care


Why You Should Commit to the Carry-On and Tips for Making it Easy

Why You Should Commit to the Carry-On and Tips for Making it Easy

The world is divided into two different kinds of people: overpackers and underpackers. If you fall into the first category, don’t turn away yet! Give me a few minutes to try and convince you that there is a better way to travel.

As you might already suspect, I am an underpacker. My measure of a packing fail: Coming home with even one thing in my suitcase that I did not need, use or wear during my trip. I do fail sometimes, but not often anymore.

Here’s how to pack lighter – all lessons I learned the hard way.

Start with an Attitude Change

It helps that I don’t really care how I look. I don’t mean I would travel in ripped or dirty clothes. But I don’t need to be the glammed up center of attention. In fact, when you’re traveling, the more you can blend in, the better. You’re less likely to be targeted by pickpockets and local scammers.

Spend a little time researching what the locals wear and try to pack like that. This is the lesson I learned when I wore my electric blue winter coat to Romania, a former Soviet block country where there were two colors of winter coat: grey and black.

So if you simply must be a fashion plate, try to pare down the clothes to a capsule wardrobe of items you can mix and match and pieces that will do double duty.

Use a Packing List

These printable packing lists will give you a feel for the things you’ll need. If the list includes something you don’t think you’ll need, don’t pack it. If there is something missing, make a note on the printed sheet so you don’t forget it.

Check the Weather Forecast

I make this recommendation because I live in Chicago. We like to say, “If you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes.” Here, the calendar might say May, but the thermometer might say March. Or July.

So check the forecast for your destination. It will tell you whether to pack a raincoat, sunhat, shorts, or sweaters.

Start Packing Early

If you have a spare bed, room, couch or some other spot to hold the things you want to pack, start a week early and put everything on the bed that you think you might want on your trip.

Then walk away.

Come back the next day and look it over. Is there anything missing? Is there anything you think you might not need on the trip? Make adjustments accordingly.

Then walk away.

Come back the next day with the intention of making choices. If you have two pairs of pants on the bed, take away one pair. If you have four shirts, take away two. And so on, until you have cut in half the things on the bed.

Then walk away.

The next day, it’s time to pack. Start with the pieces of clothing you absolutely MUST have with you.

If you run out of suitcase before you run out of clothes to pack, you get to make a choice: Leave something else behind or pay $40 or more to check a bag.

Buy Packing Cubes

I resisted buying this travel essential for years. Now I can’t believe I ever traveled without them.

Packing cubes are flexible pouches with a brilliant zipper system. You pack them with the clothes you want to take, and zip them shut. Then – this is the brilliant part – you zip a second zipper to compress the insides flat. (Think of it like your expandable suitcase, when you open that second zipper, it gives you an extra inch or two of suitcase space. When you zip it shut, everything inside is compressed.)

As a bonus, the clothes you lay inside the packing cube are much more likely to stay wrinkle free. I don’t know why. But it’s true.

Stick with One Basic Color

When I head to a Caribbean resort, that color will be white. But most of the time, it’s black – black pants, a black skirt, a black dress. Then I add color in the tops I will wear with the pants and skirt. Finally, I pack a few scarves and funky costume jewelry to dress everything up or down and add more color.

Wear the Heavy Stuff on the Plane

There are plenty of TikTokers and travel hacker influencers who will tell you to wear layers and layers on the plane to save suitcase space. Or to pack a pillowcase with your stuff and pretend it’s a pillow, not a suitcase, so it doesn’t count as a carryon.

While that might be useful info for travelers on uber-budget airlines that charge for anything that doesn’t fit under your seat, you really don’t have to go that crazy. Just use a little common sense.

If, for example, you’re flying from Florida to Colorado, you know you’ll need your winter coat, hat, gloves, hiking boots and heavy jeans. Wear the jeans and hiking boots on the plane, stuff the hat and gloves in the coat pockets and carry the coat on the plane rather than packing it in a suitcase.

I do this anyway because I’m always chilly on a plane. I’m always surprised when I see someone boarding a flight in shorts and flip flops. I would be blue by the time I landed!

Think Layers, Not Bulk

Thin layers are always the right answer, no matter where you are. Even a Caribbean vacation requires preparing for chilly evenings or overly air-conditioned restaurants. Layers are the answer to staying warm and packing light.

Make the Best Use of Your Under-Seat Bag

Finally, remember that you get not one, but two things to carry onto the plane – a bag that goes into the overhead and a smaller bag that fits under the seat in front of you.

Don’t waste the space in that second bag!

My go-to is a roomy backpack because I travel with a lot of electronics – laptop, Kindle, phone, ear buds and all of the cords and accessories they require. But those only take up two zippered compartments. That leaves two more compartments for other things – makeup bag, an extra pair of shoes, etc.

The other thing that works for me is a big striped bag that is super flexible. I can cram a lot into it and still stuff it under the seat. The downside of that is it is heavy to carry, unlike my backpack which easily distributes the weight across my shoulders.

Practice, Practice, Practice

I know. This isn’t easy. Especially if you’ve always been an overpacker. But practice will make perfect. Try it on your next quick weekend trip. That will give you a chance to see how it feels to only pack what you’ll need for 2-3 days, how much you like being able to lift that light carry-on bag and how happy you are not worrying about whether your suitcase will show up at the other end of your flight.

Just remember to pack one more thing: a credit card. That way, if you find you truly can’t live without something for a few days, you can head to the store to buy it.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Are you an overpacker or an underpacker? What’s your favorite packing hack? Share with us in the comment section below.



10 Steps to Influence Yourself from Within

10 Steps to Influence Yourself from Within

Did you know the way you perceive relationships with people and how you see your own sense of worth and value in the world has been greatly influenced by the media since the time you were born?

If you are not consciously aware of where and how you have been influenced by the media, it is incredibly difficult to reclaim your power to make decisions based on your own terms and not those you’ve been conditioned to accept by outside influences.

When you consider the state of the world, there has never been a more important time than now to look within and begin empowering yourself in ways that are beneficial to your well-being and those around you.

But where and how do you begin doing this after 60, especially if you find yourself routinely distracted by outside influences? This article and accompanying video will answer this question and more.

This is part of a new series titled “The Invisible Customer with All the Money®”,where we will focus on how we, as women over 60, can begin telling ourselves a new and better story about what we can be, do, and experience through self-love.

To read the previous articles in this series, go here:

#1: 7 Steps to Reclaim Your Power from the Media

#2: Aging Stereotypes: Can You Be More Feeble?

Influence of the Media’s Narrative

To understand the relationship you have with yourself and others, it’s important to understand your relationship with the media.

The media is all about influence.

This is the kind of influence that moves the economic, political, and social needle in the direction that favors the narratives the media is selling to its audience.

What kind of narratives favor the media but is not in your best interest?

The kind that convinces you everything in life is scarce and the only power you have to combat this scarcity is outside of you. Hence why you are educated early on not to trust yourself but to trust authority figures who you were told know more than you and have your best interest in mind.

This may make sense to you now, but early on in life, when you did not know as much as you do today, it was very easy for the media to manipulate you into thinking in specific ways and doing things that did not serve your well-being.

Even if you have unplugged from the media, that early conditioning can still be unconsciously dictating how you make choices in life.

What can you do about undoing this influence now?

Influence Yourself from Within

For women over 60, the journey of reclaiming our power from external influences and trusting our inner, authentic self is both liberating and transformative.

With a wealth of experiences, insights, and wisdom gained over the years, you and I are uniquely positioned to reclaim our power in the now of nows. Best of all, we don’t require any approval from an outside authority figure or institution.

Here are 10 steps I have routinely taken over the years that can help you embark on an empowering journey to influence yourself from within:

#1: Introspection & Self-Awareness

Regular meditation can help you connect deeply with your inner self and recognize authentic desires and feelings.

#2: Limiting External Noise

This is about periodically detoxing from the media or any negative influence.

#3: Affirmations & Positive Self-Talk

Reiterate positive affirmations daily to instill confidence and self-belief.

#4: Remove Negative Self-Talk

Challenge and replace negative thoughts with constructive, loving and empowering words, beliefs, and behaviors.

#5: Journal Your Journey

Reflect on and celebrate your life, including things that have upset you. Write your accomplishments in a journal, no matter how big or small.

#6: Embrace Your Story

Every challenge and triumph in your life has contributed to your growth. Honor your story by embracing who you have become.

#7: Establish Boundaries

Prioritize your well-being by setting boundaries and declining things that don’t align with your values or comfort.

#8: Evaluate Relationships

Surround yourself with individuals who love, respect, support, and uplift you. Limit time with those who drain or belittle you.

#9: Lifelong Learning

Continuously learn and adapt through the power of self-love. An essential part of this is being curious; for exploring new things not only enriches life but also strengthens self-love and adaptability.

#10: Community Engagement

Find your 60-and-over tribe. The uplifting community on Sixty and Me is a great example. Connect with like-minded individuals or groups where you feel seen, valued, and heard.

A Continuous Journey

The path to influencing yourself from within is about trusting your authentic self.

That is why these 10 steps, and many more you can create and take, are essential for disentangling yourself from past and present influences that do not honor who you are or serve your best interests.

This is a process that doesn’t happen overnight, which is why reclaiming your power from outside influences is a continuous journey.

By consciously aligning your actions and choices with your true essence, celebrating your individuality, and valuing the wisdom that comes from within you, the path to loving more of yourself after 60 will become easier and a lot more fun.

I invite you to join me in the video above where I share six additional steps to help you integrate what you are learning.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How are you reclaiming your power from outside influences? In what ways has the media influenced your thinking in the past? Do you notice its power of influence today?

Skin Care


How to Make Your Own Essential Oil Blend for Mature Skin (Recipe)

A Basic Essential Oil Blend for Everyday Mature Skin Care

With all the wonderful natural facial serums on the market today, it can be a little overwhelming choosing the correct formula with safe, non-toxic ingredients, all at a reasonable price. The good news is that it’s easy and fun to make a quality product on your own using the miracle of nature – essential oils. 

When I started working with skincare formulas in 2003, one of the first products I was excited about making was an essential oil-based facial serum. My skin needs were changing, and a moisturizing oil made perfect sense for dry, maturing skin.

I decided to work with four wonderful healthy aging essential oils I had discovered: Lavender, Frankincense, Rose Geranium, and Carrot Seed.

The natural and highly effective nature of essential oils makes them perfect for skincare. When blended for their various properties and used with a carrier oil that matches your skin type, you can create a serum tailor-made for your skin.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are the essence of plants. Hidden away in many parts of the plant, like the flowers, seeds, and roots, they are very potent chemical compounds. They can give the plant its scent, protect it from harsh conditions, and help with pollination.

The benefits of essential oils on humans are diverse and amazing. Lavender flower oil, for example, contains compounds that help soothe skin irritation and redness, while the scent reduces feelings of anxiety and stress.

The beautiful Rose essential oil is hydrating to the skin and sometimes used to treat scarring, while the scent is known to help lift depression. 

There are many essential oils to choose from for specific skincare needs. I have used a myriad of different combinations but keep coming back to the tried and true blend from my very first serum.

The four essential oils used are the workhorses of skincare for mature skin, as well as being wonderfully uplifting for mind, body, and spirit. 

The Base Oil Blend Formula

Here’s what you’ll need:


1 oz. amber dropper bottle. You can find those in pharmacies or online.

Base (Carrier) Oil

As a base, you can use one of the oils below or a combination of several that meet your skin’s needs:

  • Jojoba oil is my base oil of choice. It’s incredible for most skin types: it’s extremely gentle and non-irritating for sensitive skin, moisturizing for dry skin, balancing for oily skin, ideal for combination skin, and offers a barrier of protection from environmental stressors. It also helps skin glow as it delivers deep hydration.
  • Rosehip oil smooths the skin’s texture and calms redness and irritation.
  • Argan oil contains high levels of vitamin E and absorbs thoroughly into the skin leaving little oily residue.
  • Avocado oil is effective at treating age spots and sun damage, as well as helping to soothe inflammatory conditions such as blemishes and eczema.
  • Olive oil is a heavier oil and the perfect choice if your skin needs a mega-dose of hydration. Just be aware that olive oil takes longer to absorb and leaves the skin with an oily feeling. This may be desirable for extremely dry, red, itchy skin.

Essential Oils

  • Lavender essential oil is very versatile and healing. It helps reduce inflammation, kill bacteria, and clear pores. Its scent is also calming and soothing.
  • Frankincense essential oil helps to tone and strengthen mature skin in addition to fighting bacteria and balancing oil production.
  • Rose Geranium essential oil helps tighten the skin by reducing the appearance of fine lines, helps reduce inflammation and fight redness, and offers anti-bacterial benefits to help fight the occasional breakout. The scent is also known to be soothing and balancing.
  • Carrot seed oil is a fantastic essential oil for combination skin. It helps even the skin tone while reducing inflammation and increasing water retention.

The Recipe

Let’s start with a simple recipe:

  • 1 oz. Jojoba oil (or carrier oil of your choice)
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 10 drops Frankincense
  • 10 drops Rose Geranium
  • 10 drops Carrot seed oil 

Place the essential oil drops in the amber dropper bottle then fill with Jojoba/carrier oil. It’s that simple!

Applying Your Homemade Serum

Use this serum morning and evening as part of your regular skincare routine. Serums work best when applied after cleansing your face. You can cleanse with Coconut Oil or a mixture of oils for enhanced hydration (we will cover this in the next article) or use your regular facial cleanser.

Essential oils will not interfere in any way with your normal skincare products.

Keep in mind that the serum is concentrated. Use only a pea-sized amount, work it into your fingertips, and apply evenly over the face without tugging or pulling.

If your skin feels tacky, reduce the amount on the next application. Your skin should feel soft, not oily. Follow with your regular moisturizer if you like. 

Making your own facial serum is fun and rewarding! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas on essential oils and making personalized serums and skincare.

What facial serum do you use? Have you made one yourself? What is your favorite essential oil for skin care? Please share your thoughts with our community!

10 Steps to Influence Yourself from Within

10 Steps to Influence Yourself from Within

Did you know the way you perceive relationships with people and how you see your own sense of worth and value in the world has been greatly influenced by the media since the time you were born?

If you are not consciously aware of where and how you have been influenced by the media, it is incredibly difficult to reclaim your power to make decisions based on your own terms and not those you’ve been conditioned to accept by outside influences.

When you consider the state of the world, there has never been a more important time than now to look within and begin empowering yourself in ways that are beneficial to your well-being and those around you.

But where and how do you begin doing this after 60, especially if you find yourself routinely distracted by outside influences? This article and accompanying video will answer this question and more.

This is part of a new series titled “The Invisible Customer with All the Money®”,where we will focus on how we, as women over 60, can begin telling ourselves a new and better story about what we can be, do, and experience through self-love.

To read the previous articles in this series, go here:

#1: 7 Steps to Reclaim Your Power from the Media

#2: Aging Stereotypes: Can You Be More Feeble?

Influence of the Media’s Narrative

To understand the relationship you have with yourself and others, it’s important to understand your relationship with the media.

The media is all about influence.

This is the kind of influence that moves the economic, political, and social needle in the direction that favors the narratives the media is selling to its audience.

What kind of narratives favor the media but is not in your best interest?

The kind that convinces you everything in life is scarce and the only power you have to combat this scarcity is outside of you. Hence why you are educated early on not to trust yourself but to trust authority figures who you were told know more than you and have your best interest in mind.

This may make sense to you now, but early on in life, when you did not know as much as you do today, it was very easy for the media to manipulate you into thinking in specific ways and doing things that did not serve your well-being.

Even if you have unplugged from the media, that early conditioning can still be unconsciously dictating how you make choices in life.

What can you do about undoing this influence now?

Influence Yourself from Within

For women over 60, the journey of reclaiming our power from external influences and trusting our inner, authentic self is both liberating and transformative.

With a wealth of experiences, insights, and wisdom gained over the years, you and I are uniquely positioned to reclaim our power in the now of nows. Best of all, we don’t require any approval from an outside authority figure or institution.

Here are 10 steps I have routinely taken over the years that can help you embark on an empowering journey to influence yourself from within:

#1: Introspection & Self-Awareness

Regular meditation can help you connect deeply with your inner self and recognize authentic desires and feelings.

#2: Limiting External Noise

This is about periodically detoxing from the media or any negative influence.

#3: Affirmations & Positive Self-Talk

Reiterate positive affirmations daily to instill confidence and self-belief.

#4: Remove Negative Self-Talk

Challenge and replace negative thoughts with constructive, loving and empowering words, beliefs, and behaviors.

#5: Journal Your Journey

Reflect on and celebrate your life, including things that have upset you. Write your accomplishments in a journal, no matter how big or small.

#6: Embrace Your Story

Every challenge and triumph in your life has contributed to your growth. Honor your story by embracing who you have become.

#7: Establish Boundaries

Prioritize your well-being by setting boundaries and declining things that don’t align with your values or comfort.

#8: Evaluate Relationships

Surround yourself with individuals who love, respect, support, and uplift you. Limit time with those who drain or belittle you.

#9: Lifelong Learning

Continuously learn and adapt through the power of self-love. An essential part of this is being curious; for exploring new things not only enriches life but also strengthens self-love and adaptability.

#10: Community Engagement

Find your 60-and-over tribe. The uplifting community on Sixty and Me is a great example. Connect with like-minded individuals or groups where you feel seen, valued, and heard.

A Continuous Journey

The path to influencing yourself from within is about trusting your authentic self.

That is why these 10 steps, and many more you can create and take, are essential for disentangling yourself from past and present influences that do not honor who you are or serve your best interests.

This is a process that doesn’t happen overnight, which is why reclaiming your power from outside influences is a continuous journey.

By consciously aligning your actions and choices with your true essence, celebrating your individuality, and valuing the wisdom that comes from within you, the path to loving more of yourself after 60 will become easier and a lot more fun.

I invite you to join me in the video above where I share six additional steps to help you integrate what you are learning.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How are you reclaiming your power from outside influences? In what ways has the media influenced your thinking in the past? Do you notice its power of influence today?

Read More

The Best Affordable Fashion Jewelry for Older Women

The Best Affordable Fashion Jewelry for Older Women

Finding the perfect piece of jewelry can help boost any outfit, adding a touch of elegance and personal style. For older women, fashion jewelry can offer an affordable way to accessorize without breaking the bank. 

  1. Classic PearlsKaitlin Double Side Pearl Flower Hinge Earrings $10.00 $20.95 (52% OFF)
  2. Statement necklacesBlack Rhinestone Zig Zag Statement Necklace £10.00 £20.00 (50% OFF)
  3. Hoop EarringsLauren High Shine Hoops $10.00 $16.95 (41% OFF)
  4. Stackable RingsSilver-tone Zig Zag Midi Rings – 4 Pack £3.00  £6.00 (50% Off)
  5. Brooches BLING JEWELRY Bridal Crystal White Imitation Pearl Large Leaf Flower Brooch $22.97
  6. Layered Bracelets Natural Stone Layered Bracelet $39.20 $56.00 (30% OFF)

Keep reading to discover more affordable fashion jewelry.

Whether you’re dressing up for a special occasion or adding a bit of sparkle to your everyday look, here’s a guide to the best affordable trending fashion jewelry options.

Fashion Jewelry Ideas for Older Women

Fashion jewelry offers endless possibilities for older women to express their style without spending a fortune. From classic pearls to personalized pieces, the key is to choose items that resonate with your personality and complement your wardrobe. 

Classic Pearls – Timeless Elegance

Pearls (or pearl-like) have long been considered a symbol of elegance and sophistication. Their timeless appeal makes them a staple in every woman’s jewelry collection. For older women, pearls are a versatile option that can enhance both formal and casual outfits. 

Versatile Styles

  • Necklaces: Opt for a single strand for a classic look or a multi-strand for a more contemporary style. Pearl necklaces can be paired with everything from dresses to blouses, adding a touch of refinement to any ensemble.
  • Earrings: Pearl studs are a timeless choice, while drop earrings offer a more modern twist. Their simplicity and elegance make them suitable for any occasion.
  • Bracelets: A pearl bracelet can be worn alone for a subtle look or stacked with other pieces for a more dramatic effect.

Perfect for: Pearls are perfect for adding sophistication to any outfit, whether you’re attending a formal event or enjoying a casual day out.

Kaitlin Double Side Pearl Flower Hinge Earrings $10.00 $20.95 (52% OFF)

Kaitlin Double Side Pearl Flower Hinge Earrings $10.00 $20.95 (52% OFF)

Sterling Silver Cubic Zirconia Pearl Drop Pendant $28.00 $70.00 (60% OFF)

Sterling Silver Cubic Zirconia Pearl Drop Pendant $28.00 $70.00 (60% OFF)

Silver-tone Rhinestone & Pearl Triple Row Cuff Bracelet  £4.00 £8.00 (50% OFF)

Silver-tone Rhinestone & Pearl Triple Row Cuff Bracelet  £4.00 £8.00 (50% OFF)

White Pearl Necklace £6.00 £12.00 (50% OFF)

White Pearl Necklace £6.00 £12.00 (50% OFF)

Statement Necklaces – Bold and Eye-Catching

Statement necklaces are all about making an impact. These bold, eye-catching pieces can transform a simple outfit into something spectacular. They come in a variety of styles, from chunky beads to intricate metalwork, allowing you to express your personality through your jewelry.

Choosing the Right Piece

  • Materials: Look for necklaces made from resin, beads, or metals. Each material offers a different aesthetic, from the vibrant and colorful to the sleek and metallic.
  • Designs: Choose designs that resonate with your personal style. Whether you prefer geometric shapes, floral motifs, or abstract patterns, there’s a statement necklace for every taste.

Perfect for: Statement necklaces are ideal for events where you want to stand out or for adding flair to everyday wear.

Black Rhinestone Zig Zag Statement Necklace £10.00 £20.00 (50% OFF)

Black Rhinestone Zig Zag Statement Necklace £10.00 £20.00 (50% OFF)

OLIVIA WELLES Clara Pendant Necklace $29.97 $135.00 (77% OFF)

OLIVIA WELLES Clara Pendant Necklace $29.97 $135.00 (77% OFF)

Hoop Earrings – Versatile and Modern

Hoop earrings are a must-have for every jewelry collection. Their versatile design means they can be paired with almost any outfit, from casual jeans and a tee to a chic evening dress. 

Finding the Right Hoops

  • Sizes: Smaller hoops are understated and elegant, perfect for everyday wear, while larger hoops make a bolder statement.
  • Finishes: Choose from gold, silver, or embellished designs. The finish can completely change the look of the hoops, allowing you to tailor them to your outfit.

Perfect for: Hoop earrings are perfect for bringing attention to your face and adding a modern touch to your look.

Lauren High Shine Hoops $10.00 $16.95 (41% OFF)

Lauren High Shine Hoops $10.00 $16.95 (41% OFF)

Argento Vivo Sterling Silver Hoop Earrings $16.97 $48.00 (64% OFF)

Argento Vivo Sterling Silver Hoop Earrings $16.97 $48.00 (64% OFF)

Stackable Rings – Playful and Sophisticated

Stackable rings offer the opportunity to mix and match, creating a personalized look that reflects your style. These rings can be worn individually for a minimalist look or stacked together for a more dramatic effect.

Mixing and Matching

  • Designs: From simple bands to gemstone-encrusted styles, the options are endless. Choose rings that complement each other or contrast for a more eclectic mix.
  • Materials: Experiment with different metals and stones to create a stack that’s uniquely yours.

Perfect for: Stackable rings are ideal for adding a playful yet sophisticated edge to your look.

Silver-tone Zig Zag Midi Rings - 4 Pack £3.00  £6.00 (50% Off)

Silver-tone Zig Zag Midi Rings – 4 Pack £3.00  £6.00 (50% Off)

Set of 5, Heart with Crystals and Coordinating Gold Rings $26.60 $38.00 (30% OFF)

Set of 5, Heart with Crystals and Coordinating Gold Rings $26.60 $38.00 (30% OFF)

Brooches – Vintage Charm

Brooches are making a comeback as a fashionable accessory. These vintage-inspired pieces add character and charm to any outfit, offering a touch of individuality.

Versatile Accessories

  • Designs: Available in a range of designs, from floral motifs to abstract shapes, brooches can be tailored to suit your style.
  • Styling Tips: Pin a brooch to your jacket lapel, scarf, or hat for an instant style upgrade. They’re an easy way to add a hint of elegance to any outfit.

Perfect for: Brooches are perfect for enhancing jackets, scarves, and hats with a touch of individuality.

BLING JEWELRY Bridal Crystal White Imitation Pearl Large Leaf Flower Brooch $22.97

BLING JEWELRY Bridal Crystal White Imitation Pearl Large Leaf Flower Brooch $22.97

BLING JEWELRY Sterling Silver CZ Statement Pin $22.97

BLING JEWELRY Sterling Silver CZ Statement Pin $22.97

Layered Bracelets – Stylish and Trendy

Layered bracelets are a simple way to add depth to your outfit. These pieces offer a textured and stylish appearance, making them a popular choice for fashion-forward women.

Creating Your Look

  • Types: Choose from bangles, cuffs, and beaded designs. Mix and match different types to create a look that’s uniquely yours.
  • Materials: Experiment with materials like metals, leather, and beads to find combinations that complement your style.

Perfect for: Layered bracelets are perfect for creating a fun look that’s both trendy and timeless.

Natural Stone Layered Bracelet $39.20 $56.00 (30% OFF)

Natural Stone Layered Bracelet $39.20 $56.00 (30% OFF)

SAACHI Gunmetal Layered Bracelet $29.97 $72.00 (58% OFF)

SAACHI Gunmetal Layered Bracelet $29.97 $72.00 (58% OFF)

Personalized Jewelry – Meaningful and Unique

Personalized jewelry offers a way to add a personal touch to your collection. These pieces can be customized with initials, names, or birthstones, making them a meaningful gift for yourself or a loved one.

Customization Options

  • Necklaces: Choose a pendant with your initials or a nameplate necklace for a personalized look.
  • Rings: Opt for a ring with a birthstone or engraved message for something special.
  • Bracelets: Personalize a charm bracelet with meaningful symbols or names.

Perfect for: Personalized jewelry is perfect for adding a personal touch to your collection and makes a thoughtful gift for special occasions.

Personalized Name Necklace 

Personalized Name Necklace

Personalized Initial Name Gold Necklace

Personalized Initial Name Gold Necklace

Where to Shop for Affordable Fashion Jewelry 

Here are some popular places where you can shop for affordable fashion jewelry.

Charming Charlie

Offers a wide variety of affordable jewelry in various styles and colors. Stores are organized by color, making it easy to find the perfect piece to match your outfit.

Forever 21

Known for trendy and budget-friendly fashion, Forever 21 has a large selection of stylish jewelry pieces that are perfect for any occasion.


Offers a range of affordable and trendy jewelry items, from minimalist pieces to statement accessories, that cater to different styles and preferences.


An online retailer specializing in fashion jewelry, BaubleBar offers a variety of affordable pieces, including statement necklaces, earrings, and personalized options.


Provides a diverse selection of jewelry at affordable prices. With frequent collaborations and new collections, you can find a variety of styles to suit any taste.

TJ Maxx

Offers a range of designer and name-brand jewelry at discounted prices. The selection includes everything from classic pieces to trendy designs.


Features a wide selection of affordable jewelry, including classic and contemporary styles. Kohl’s frequently offers sales and discounts, making it a great place to find deals.


Known for its unique and stylish accessories, Francesca’s offers a curated collection of fashion jewelry at reasonable prices.


A popular destination for trendy and fun jewelry, Claire’s offers affordable pieces suitable for all ages, with a focus on playful and colorful designs.

Nordstrom Rack

Offers discounted prices on high-quality jewelry from top brands. You can find a variety of styles, from elegant to edgy, at more affordable prices than at the main Nordstrom stores.

These retailers provide a diverse range of fashion jewelry options, ensuring that you can find pieces that fit your personal style and budget.

Also read, Fall/Winter 2024/25 Accessories Trends.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Do you enjoy accessorizing with affordable fashion jewelry? What are your favorite pieces? Where do you like to shop for fashion jewelry that won’t break the bank? Tell us about it in the comments below. 

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From Bickering (Or Worse) to Bonding – How to Repair Sibling Relationships in Your Golden Years

From Bickering (Or Worse) to Bonding – How to Repair Sibling Relationships in Your Golden Years

  • She used to steal your clothes.
  • He always wanted to beat you in arm wrestling.
  • She was your best friend – and your biggest rival.
  • He was your protector – when you weren’t protecting him.

Who am I talking about?

Your sibling, of course.

Whether or not you feel close, brothers and sisters have a life-long connection. They’re part of you, your history, and they’re family. But that doesn’t always mean you like them.

Sibling conflict isn’t uncommon. In fact, most siblings go through many ups and downs over the years. By the time you’ve reached your 60s you’d hope the waters would have smoothed and your connection strengthened.

Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

Sibling relationships are often the longest we experience, but they’re not always the easiest.

Sometimes these bonds, forged in the shared chaos of childhood, become strained or even broken as the years go by.

If you’re in your 60s and estranged from your sibling/s, you’re certainly not alone. But why does this happen, and more importantly, what can you do about it?

Love/Hate You – How’d We Get Here?

Estrangement from your sibling(s) can happen for a variety of reasons, most of which are deeply personal and complex.

The most common causes include the following categories:

#1: Family Dynamics and Childhood Rivalries

Let’s face it, childhood can be a battlefield, especially when it comes to sibling relationships.

Rivalries, competition for parental attention, and differing personalities can sow the seeds of discord early on. As adults, these issues can manifest as lingering resentment or a lack of connection, leading to estrangement.

#2: Different Values and Lifestyles

As we grow older, our lives often take different paths.

One sibling might be a world-traveling free spirit, while another could be rooted in a traditional, suburban life. Or, on the darker side, one sibling might make poor choices and struggle with addiction, finances, or other vices, while the other lives a more stable life.

These differences in values, lifestyles, and choices can create physical and emotional distance. If one sibling’s lifestyle is toxic to the other’s family and life, hard decisions can be necessary.

#3: Unresolved Conflict

Sometimes, there’s that one argument that just never got resolved – the one where someone said something they didn’t mean (or did mean but maybe shouldn’t have said). Or maybe it’s something that goes deeper than poorly chosen words.

These unresolved conflicts can fester over the years, creating a rift that seems too wide to bridge.

#4: Parents

Parents almost always mean well, but they can sometimes be a source of division between siblings.

Whether it’s due to perceived favoritism, monetary disputes, or differing opinions on caregiving responsibilities, parental influence can drive a wedge between siblings that’s hard to remove.

#5: Life Events and Partners

Major life events, such as marriages, divorces, deaths, or even the birth of children, can trigger estrangement.

These events can bring underlying issues to the surface or create new conflicts that weren’t there before.

These aren’t the only things that can cause distance between siblings, but they are the most common. Sometimes lack of connection with your sibling/s can be as simple as incompatible personalities.

Bridging the Gap Even After Years of Estrangement

If you’re in your 60s and it’s been years since you last spoke to your sibling, it can seem like the rift between you has become insurmountable. Or maybe the challenges are more recent and stem from problems in your adult lives.

Regardless, it’s never too late (or too early) to work on mending your relationship.

While every situation is different, there are some things that may help bring you back together and have you singing, “We are family,” again. Okay, that’s probably a bit too optimistic, so maybe start with the goal of just getting along and relearning how to like each other.

Reflect on the Past – But Don’t Dwell on the Negatives

Start by reflecting on what caused the estrangement in the first place. Was it a specific event, or did you simply drift apart over time? Understanding the root cause can help you approach the situation with more understanding and empathy.

However, don’t get bogged down in the past, especially the negatives.

If there are happy times and joy to reflect upon, also give those areas some attention. Reflecting on the happiness you shared, funny moments, or just good memories in general will reinforce the drive to repair your relationship.

Reach Out with a Genuinely Open Mind

If it’s been years, reaching out can be daunting. How will you be received? Will they be interested in repairing the relationship? Will they blow you off?

You won’t know until you try. Even if you’ve tried before, this could be the time that’s different.

Your approach is crucial in this case. Approach your brother or sister with an open mind and heart, acknowledging any part you may have played in the estrangement, and saying, “I’m sorry,” can set a crucial reconciliatory tone. Be willing to listen to their side of the story, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Set Realistic Expectations – For Both of You

Reconciliation doesn’t happen overnight. Depending on the reasons and how long it’s been going on, reconnecting and rebuilding the familial bonds may take time.

It’s also possible that your sibling might not be ready to reconcile, so you must be patient and ready to accept their feelings. This may not be a permanent situation – they may just need time to think through how to move forward with you.

If the estrangement involves bad behavior or poor choices, you’ll need to determine how you want to interact with them and where you need to set and hold boundaries.

Look Forward

While it’s essential to address past grievances, the goal of reconciliation is to rebuild a relationship for the future. Focus on creating new, positive memories together, and be intentional not to have the past define your relationship moving forward.

If needed, ease into the process through small actions and events. Meet for coffee, see a movie, or start a regular phone or Zoom call if you’re at a distance. As those things progress, you can move to larger visits and events.

Seek Professional Help If Needed

Sometimes, the wounds are too deep to heal on your own.

In these cases, consider seeking the help of a family counselor. A neutral third party can help facilitate difficult conversations and guide you through the reconciliation process.

Don’t Give Up! Why It’s Important to Try and Fix Relationships with Your Siblings

It’s true that not every relationship can be repaired, but when it comes to family, it’s important to try everything you can.

“Why bother?” you might say. “We’ve made it this far without each other.”

Maybe, but the truth is, there are several reasons it’s worth making an effort to mend the relationship with your brother or sister – especially in your later years.

You Have a History Together

No one else shares your childhood memories like your siblings do. They were there for the family road trips, the awkward teenage years, and the shared experiences that shaped who you are today. Reconnecting with them can provide a sense of continuity and shared identity that’s hard to find elsewhere.

Emotional Support

As we age, our social circles can shrink. Having a sibling to lean on can be invaluable.

They can provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging that’s especially important later in life.


You may have each created your own individual families. If that’s the case, and there are children, then they deserve to know all they can about their extended family members.

Repairing relationships with siblings can also help preserve the family legacy. Whether it’s passing down family traditions, keeping family stories alive, or simply being there for each other, a strong sibling bond can contribute to a lasting family legacy that benefits future generations.

And the biggest reason?

Avoiding Regrets

One of the biggest reasons to try and reconcile with a sibling is to avoid future regret.

Life is unpredictable, and none of us know how much time we have left. Mending fences now can prevent the pain of regret later, when it might be too late to say the things you wish you’d said.

So, take the time and risk to reach out to your brother or sister. Even if you don’t become as close as you may hope, you’ll feel much better knowing you tried.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Do you have an estranged sibling? Are you hoping to reconcile with a brother or sister? Or have you successfully reconnected with a sibling after years of being estranged? Please share your story and join the conversation.

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Can Death Be a Motivator for Following Your Heart?

Can Death Be a Motivator for Following Your Heart

I realize this may seem like an odd title/question but stay with me. The idea came to me from a quote I read by Steve Jobs:

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life… Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. … Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

—Steve Jobs

He was right. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Whether it’s in love, discovering what you desire, or pursuing your passions; it’s never too late. We do have something to lose however, if we don’t.

What Lights You Up?

When was the last time you asked yourself, “What lights me up?”

For me, there was no question as to the answer. Even as a kid I lit up like a spotlight from the inside out whenever I could be on stage. Now I also love writing and doing my podcast Loving Later Life.

Sometimes, as we get older, what revs our engine can change completely over time or evolve into something similar but different. What’s important is keeping our tank full.

Is there something you’d like to do, or try, or do again that would excite you, or at the very least has you feeling curious?

Not sure? Try occasionally making an appointment with yourself for a tune-up to look under the hood to see how you’re doing. We often look to others for answers as if they know us better than we know ourselves.

Trust yourself, because you know.

Finding Your Passion

I recently heard Martha Beck talking about finding our passion, and she said, “Be rested, keep an open mind, then let yourself feel pulled and look for something that feels like, ‘Oh that’s cool that’s really cool. I wish I could do that.’”

Then I say, be careful not to talk yourself out of it! Our brains want to keep us safe and comfortable. Anything that feels risky and out of our comfort zone will set off an alarm to our brain. That will then start the conveyor belt of all kinds of reasons why we shouldn’t do whatever we’re considering.

Have You Thought Any of These?

“I would be terrible at that.”

“I haven’t done it in so long, it’s too late now.”

“I don’t have enough energy anymore.”

“The door closed on that a long time ago.”

“I don’t have the time.”

“I don’t have the money.”

“I wouldn’t know where to start.”

“That could never happen.”

“I’m too old for that.”

I could go on and on. Why? Because I’ve said it all to myself at one time or another. But as I’ve gotten older, and I’ve realized that the runway ahead is shorter than the one behind, I’ve decided to say, “What the $&*#! I’m going for it. I’m going to take a risk.”

It’s so easy to get caught up in the how’s and the what ifs, but they just slam on the brakes while you’re trying to step on the gas.

You Simply Have to Start

I heard someone say recently, “Start before you’re ready.”

And to that I’ll add, start before death literally does become the motivator. The number one regret of the dying is not what they did do, but what they didn’t do.

We almost never feel ready to try something that is out of our comfort zone. It’s scary. We fear the worst outcomes and/or the uncertainty of what will be.

But all possibilities live in the land of uncertainty and the outcome isn’t what matters!

It’s about the experience of trying something regardless of what happens. If you risk dating someone and it doesn’t work out, could you be hurt? Absolutely. If you try painting and it doesn’t excite you like you thought, could you be disappointed? Sure. But you tried. Wouldn’t it be worse to never try at all??

We aren’t here to sit on the sidelines of our life.

Our time is limited and goes by quickly regardless, so doesn’t it make sense to find a way to spend some of it doing something we love?

I’ll let Steve Jobs have the last word…

“You’ve got to find what you love. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet keep looking, and don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And like any great relationship it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking, don’t settle.”

—Steve Jobs

Please Join the Conversation:

Is there something you’ve wanted to try doing? What is stopping you from trying? Are you having trouble figuring out what will light you up? What would you say to support someone else? Let’s support one another in conversation!

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