10 Steps to Influence Yourself from Within

Did you know the way you perceive relationships with people and how you see your own sense of worth and value in the world has been greatly influenced by the media since the time you were born?

If you are not consciously aware of where and how you have been influenced by the media, it is incredibly difficult to reclaim your power to make decisions based on your own terms and not those you’ve been conditioned to accept by outside influences.

When you consider the state of the world, there has never been a more important time than now to look within and begin empowering yourself in ways that are beneficial to your well-being and those around you.

But where and how do you begin doing this after 60, especially if you find yourself routinely distracted by outside influences? This article and accompanying video will answer this question and more.

This is part of a new series titled “The Invisible Customer with All the Money®”,where we will focus on how we, as women over 60, can begin telling ourselves a new and better story about what we can be, do, and experience through self-love.

To read the previous articles in this series, go here:

#1: 7 Steps to Reclaim Your Power from the Media

#2: Aging Stereotypes: Can You Be More Feeble?

Influence of the Media’s Narrative

To understand the relationship you have with yourself and others, it’s important to understand your relationship with the media.

The media is all about influence.

This is the kind of influence that moves the economic, political, and social needle in the direction that favors the narratives the media is selling to its audience.

What kind of narratives favor the media but is not in your best interest?

The kind that convinces you everything in life is scarce and the only power you have to combat this scarcity is outside of you. Hence why you are educated early on not to trust yourself but to trust authority figures who you were told know more than you and have your best interest in mind.

This may make sense to you now, but early on in life, when you did not know as much as you do today, it was very easy for the media to manipulate you into thinking in specific ways and doing things that did not serve your well-being.

Even if you have unplugged from the media, that early conditioning can still be unconsciously dictating how you make choices in life.

What can you do about undoing this influence now?

Influence Yourself from Within

For women over 60, the journey of reclaiming our power from external influences and trusting our inner, authentic self is both liberating and transformative.

With a wealth of experiences, insights, and wisdom gained over the years, you and I are uniquely positioned to reclaim our power in the now of nows. Best of all, we don’t require any approval from an outside authority figure or institution.

Here are 10 steps I have routinely taken over the years that can help you embark on an empowering journey to influence yourself from within:

#1: Introspection & Self-Awareness

Regular meditation can help you connect deeply with your inner self and recognize authentic desires and feelings.

#2: Limiting External Noise

This is about periodically detoxing from the media or any negative influence.

#3: Affirmations & Positive Self-Talk

Reiterate positive affirmations daily to instill confidence and self-belief.

#4: Remove Negative Self-Talk

Challenge and replace negative thoughts with constructive, loving and empowering words, beliefs, and behaviors.

#5: Journal Your Journey

Reflect on and celebrate your life, including things that have upset you. Write your accomplishments in a journal, no matter how big or small.

#6: Embrace Your Story

Every challenge and triumph in your life has contributed to your growth. Honor your story by embracing who you have become.

#7: Establish Boundaries

Prioritize your well-being by setting boundaries and declining things that don’t align with your values or comfort.

#8: Evaluate Relationships

Surround yourself with individuals who love, respect, support, and uplift you. Limit time with those who drain or belittle you.

#9: Lifelong Learning

Continuously learn and adapt through the power of self-love. An essential part of this is being curious; for exploring new things not only enriches life but also strengthens self-love and adaptability.

#10: Community Engagement

Find your 60-and-over tribe. The uplifting community on Sixty and Me is a great example. Connect with like-minded individuals or groups where you feel seen, valued, and heard.

A Continuous Journey

The path to influencing yourself from within is about trusting your authentic self.

That is why these 10 steps, and many more you can create and take, are essential for disentangling yourself from past and present influences that do not honor who you are or serve your best interests.

This is a process that doesn’t happen overnight, which is why reclaiming your power from outside influences is a continuous journey.

By consciously aligning your actions and choices with your true essence, celebrating your individuality, and valuing the wisdom that comes from within you, the path to loving more of yourself after 60 will become easier and a lot more fun.

I invite you to join me in the video above where I share six additional steps to help you integrate what you are learning.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How are you reclaiming your power from outside influences? In what ways has the media influenced your thinking in the past? Do you notice its power of influence today?