Month: February 2021

Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

The ’70s fashion hair accessory is back—with a modern update. If you often find yourself falling into a rabbit hole on Instagram watching wig videos, you’ve probably seen so-called headband wigs exploding all over your timeline. This type of unit, sometimes referred to as a headband half wig, is made with a piece of material at the wig’s base that mimics a headband.

Headband wigs offer an easy-to-wear option that requires nothing more than your natural hair being slicked back or braided down under. If you’re not a pro at applying wigs, headband wigs are a great option. Not only does it not require any combs, clips or glue, but it also tends to look more natural than lace wigs.

While headband wigs may have seemed to appear out of thin air, making it even harder to decide which type of wig is suited for your needs, it was, in fact, a response to lace production shortages during the beginning of the pandemic. Wig-wearers were having trouble finding quality lace wigs early during the pandemic. Plus, spending more time indoors is all the more reason to find lower maintenance alternatives to help you slay at home.

Headband wigs may have been a response to a temporary hiccup in the wig industry, but the ease of application has won over wig-wearers ranging from novice to expert. It’s safe to say that headband wigs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. In case you need some help venturing off into the wonderful world, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite wig units to guide you through the process.

Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale.

coily headband wig Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Her Given Hair Coily Headband Wig

The company has created a few gorgeous textured headband wigs to channel your natural texture in a matter of minutes. If your wash-and-go typically requires a large chunk of time, having this headband wig at your disposal may come in handy.

Headband Brazilian Glueless Density Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

UNice Body Wave Headband Human Hair Wig

The glam goddess in you deserves this full-bodied wig available in lengths from 12-28 inches.

Buy: Headband Human Hair Wig $89.20

Brown Highlights Yaki Textured Headband Wig 1 Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

RPG Show Brown Highlights Yaki Textured Headband Wig

This pink headband wig is just about the easiest way to get trendy highlights.

leo zodiac collection human hair ombre curly Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

My First Wig Leo – Zodiac Collection Human Hair Ombre Curly

There’s no doubt in our minds that the Leo-themed headband wig will be a conversation starter, even if it’s just on your weekly Target run.

Headband Synthetic HeadWrap Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Clione Kinky Curly Headband Wig

Full is not even the word to describe the volume on this affordable synthetic kinky-curly afro wig. If you’re on the hunt for a statement wig, this is it.

Buy: Curly Headband Wig $25.89

Recifeya Headband Density Glueless Machine Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Recifeya Hair Headband Wig

You may not be spending much time poolside or at the beach this year, but that doesn’t mean you wear this water wave textured headbang wig. We recommend keeping keep a spray bottle with water handy to keep this hair texture moisturized and defined.

Buy: Hair Headband Wig $69.99

Ali Pearl Headband Wig Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Ali Pearl Headband Wig

Don’t sleep on short curly wigs. Compared to their longer counterparts, the ringlets are just as beautiful but much more manageable. This particular curly headband wig comes with three headbands and one scarf for you to switch up your look.

Buy: Headband Wig $75.48

Luvme Kinky Straight Headband Wig Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Luvme Kinky Straight Headband Wig

If you have type 4 hair, kinky straight wigs are a must for your arsenal. The best thing about kinky straight textured wigs (besides the fact that they mimic straightened natural hair perfectly) is that they’re versatile. You can wear it in its natural kinky/crimped state, straighten it or even pump up the volume by adding curls.

Buy: Kinky Straight Headband Wig $199.90

Kryssma Headband Glueless Synthetic Natural Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

K’ryssma Headband Wig

This affordable synthetic wig comes with multiple different headband prints so there are endless possibilities.

Buy: Headband Wig $27.77

STYLECASTER | Ashley Benson Interview

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7 Tips to Living the Aging Youthful Lifestyle


As an Aging Youthful Lifestyle blogger, I get asked all the time about the most important thing to growing older without being old. Here is a list I compiled of 7 Tips to Living the Aging Youthful Lifestyle.

Think Young – You Are What You Believe

Age is just a number! The only thing it measures is the time you have been on Earth. It has nothing to do with how many years you have left!

If you believe you are young, you are. If you believe you are old, you are! Your mind is more powerful than you can imagine. Harness the power of your mind, and the rest will take care of itself.

Feed Your Soul/Spirit

Praying and going to church can feed your soul and spirit. Or you could connect with your source in other ways. Whatever way you choose, just do it. By connecting with a higher power/self you keep your soul young!

Eat Right – Feed Your Body Right

The old saying “You are what you eat” isn’t totally true. It should be, “You are what you eat, and you are also what you WILL BE.”

What you put into your body fuels it and gives you energy. When you eat and drink highly processed foods and drinks such as fast food, boxed foods, etc. there is little to no nutrients for your body to use.

While the McMuffin at the drive through might stop your stomach from growling, it doesn’t give you much “fuel” to burn for energy. Many times, it actually leaves you more tired than if you hadn’t eaten anything.

Give your body whole foods such as lean protein (chicken, fish, beef, pork, eggs, etc.), lots of vegetables (the more colorful the better), fruits and whole grains. And don’t forget your healthy fats: olive and nut oils, nuts/nut butters, avocadoes, coconut oil, etc.

Another part of feeding your body right is proper supplementation. Our food supply is nutritionally bankrupt. Just about every person, even if they eat organic whole foods, is lacking in nutrients. The truth is, our top soil has been depleted of minerals due to all the spraying with “cides”: herbicides, fungicides, etc.

“Cides” means death in Latin, and most of the commercial food sold today is lacking nutrients. When searching for supplements be sure the ingredients are NON-synthetic, earth-based and water-soluble.

Drink Water

Just like Mother Earth, our body is made up of 60-70% water! Drinking water to keep your cells hydrated is important. With coffee, sodas and energy drinks as staples in most people’s diet, many of us are walking around dehydrated.

If I haven’t drunk at least a ½ gallon of water for the day, I find myself getting agitated and stressed and have a hard time concentrating. Many times, when you have the urge to eat without really being hungry, it is a signal from our brain that we need water.

In my Lifestyle Coaching Program, I teach my students to go drink 12 oz. of water when the urge to eat strikes. In most cases, it takes care of the urge. There are numerous reasons why you should keep your body hydrated. Mayo Clinic has a great article on the topic.

Move Your Body

Having a fit body helps keep you young! Fitness does not have to mean bench-pressing your body weight. Yet moving your body and doing some sort of weight-bearing exercise will keep your body agile! As you age, you lose muscle-mass, and you want to retain as much as possible to keep your body young and vibrant!

If you are looking for a great workout in just 12 minutes a week, check out the Aging Youthful article I wrote on Tabata workouts. If the exercise is too rigorous for you, modify it to fit your fitness level. Whatever you like to do to move your body is better than nothing.

If your gig is Yoga, do it. Like to bike? Hop on and go for a ride, or catch a spin class. Like to lift weights? Lift them. (Note: They don’t have to be the massive weights like Mark uses for Strongman!)

Our lives have become so sedentary, sitting is this generation’s smoking as a health hazard. Quick tip: If you work at a desk job, get up every hour and walk around, do a couple of standing stretches and/or squats to get the blood flowing.

Connect with Nature

Get outside, breathe in fresh air, let the sun soak into your skin and get your bare feet on the ground if you can. I currently live in Alaska, so going barefoot in the winter is not a good idea unless I want frostbite! What I can do is get out and breathe in some fresh air, even if it’s 50 below. (I bundle up and just don’t stay out for long!)

With so much darkness in the winter, some nights after work I get dressed in all my cold weather gear, grab a headlamp and take my dog for a short walk in the bitter cold. He gets geared up with a jacket and dog booties to keep his feet warm, too!

Create A “Quiet” Time/Hobby

Creating “quiet” in our life is more important than ever. We are constantly bombarded with information and our poor brains are on constant overload. When was the last time you sat in your house reading without a radio or TV in the background?

While technology is great, we need to unplug. You can do this by reading, prayer, meditation or finding a hobby that allows the creative side of our brain to flow. For some it’s painting, while grease monkeys may find tuning a car as quiet time.

One of my favorites, besides sitting in the hot tub, is working on a trash-to-treasure project. There is something special about transforming an object that someone thought was useless into a beautiful functional part of my home or yard.

What are your favorite tips to live an “Aging Youthful” lifestyle? Please share them in the comments below.

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Help! My Husband’s Retired and He’s Driving Me Nuts!


“When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income.” – Chi Chi Rodriguez

Finally, the day we’ve been working toward arrived. Both of us retired. Ever since I left the workforce 10 years ago, we’ve dreamed of the days when my husband would join me.

We imagined leisurely days we could spend together doing all the things we love to do. Well, now that day is here. We’ve settled into our new home in central Oregon and are getting plenty of that togetherness… maybe too much.

My cherished morning quiet time is now ‘our’ time and it’s not at all quiet. He’s been up since 5 am, itching to engage with someone and bustling around announcing all that he’s accomplished since sun-up. I’ve suggested he call someone on the east coast but it seems he has no friends on the east coast.

My Routine Goes Out the Window

In need of something to do, he’s decided that a “state of the household” assessment is required. All my usual responsibilities are now up for grabs. By him. Being the consummate tasker without any office demands, he’s gone into overdrive on the domestic front.

Apparently, my day isn’t adequately organized. Nothing a large whiteboard can’t fix. He set up a ‘his and hers list’ and gleefully checks off his tasks as he completes them. For me, an eraser works just fine – before the task is even contemplated.

Tuesday is his favorite day, the day before recycling pick up. He gets to oversee the family sorting of bottles, plastic and paper, like a general commanding his troops. Then he retires to his recliner where he claims he’s ‘practicing’ to unwind. That lasts maybe 20 minutes.

I expect most wives would be thrilled to have their husband so helpful. Of course, I am very appreciative of all he does… it’s just that he’s turned my daily routine sideways. We clearly have some adjusting to do to settle into each other’s rhythm. In fact, we’re not alone.

According to a survey of retirees ages 60 to 73, about two-thirds said they had challenges adapting to retirement. Most difficult were the absence of daily social interactions with colleagues, adjustment to a new routine and a lack of purpose in their daily lives.

While there’s no magic formula, here are a few tips to help retirees adjust to their newfound freedom:

Explore New Interests

Whether taking a class or tackling a new sport, try things you’ve wanted to do but never had the time for. Challenge yourself. Focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t.

For example, try learning a new instrument. Increasingly, studies are linking musical training with improved brain function and better memory because it exercises all of the brain’s parts.

The key is to find something you love to do and do it! Psychologist Jacquelyn B. James, PhD, of the Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College found that only those people who are truly engaged in their post-retirement activities reap the psychological benefits.

Have Fun as a Couple

Pursue mutual interests to continually cultivate your relationship. Travel is the number one mutual pursuit among retirees according to a study by Allstate Financial. New hobbies are another way to spend time together – cooking, hiking, bird-watching and gardening are just a few examples.


40 percent of the Ameriprise survey retirees chose to volunteer. Volunteering not only gives back to your community but also helps you make new social ties.

One study found that older adults who had volunteered at least 200 hours (3–4 hours a week) within the prior year reported greater increases in psychological well-being than those who did not. Also, they were less likely to develop hypertension than non-volunteers.

Be Patient

Expect adjustment – it’s a journey. According to psychologist Sloan, “Retirement is not like jumping off a diving board, it’s a process and it takes time.”

I’ve learned over the years to be more intentional in how I spend my time so that my efforts are headed toward something long term and sustainable… rather than just busy work to fill the hours.

There’s a whole new world out there to explore. Whether close to home or on a different continent, embrace your freedom!

Here are some questions to ask yourself: What have you always wanted to do but never found the time for? What travel destinations are on your bucket list? How can you give back to your community?

Challenge yourself and have fun! My husband and I are starting to settle nicely into a comfortable rhythm as we carve out our time spent individually and together. It’s a lot more fun to explore our new surroundings together rather than solo. Now, if I could just get rid of that whiteboard…

Has your partner or husband retired recently? How are you finding the new rhythm of your life together? Please share your tips and observations in the comments below.

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Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

The ’70s fashion hair accessory is back—with a modern update. If you often find yourself falling into a rabbit hole on Instagram watching wig videos, you’ve probably seen so-called headband wigs exploding all over your timeline. This type of unit, sometimes referred to as a headband half wig, is made with a piece of material at the wig’s base that mimics a headband.

Headband wigs offer an easy-to-wear option that requires nothing more than your natural hair being slicked back or braided down under. If you’re not a pro at applying wigs, headband wigs are a great option. Not only does it not require any combs, clips or glue, but it also tends to look more natural than lace wigs.

While headband wigs may have seemed to appear out of thin air, making it even harder to decide which type of wig is suited for your needs, it was, in fact, a response to lace production shortages during the beginning of the pandemic. Wig-wearers were having trouble finding quality lace wigs early during the pandemic. Plus, spending more time indoors is all the more reason to find lower maintenance alternatives to help you slay at home.

Headband wigs may have been a response to a temporary hiccup in the wig industry, but the ease of application has won over wig-wearers ranging from novice to expert. It’s safe to say that headband wigs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. In case you need some help venturing off into the wonderful world, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite wig units to guide you through the process.

Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale.

coily headband wig Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Her Given Hair Coily Headband Wig

The company has created a few gorgeous textured headband wigs to channel your natural texture in a matter of minutes. If your wash-and-go typically requires a large chunk of time, having this headband wig at your disposal may come in handy.

Headband Brazilian Glueless Density Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

UNice Body Wave Headband Human Hair Wig

The glam goddess in you deserves this full-bodied wig available in lengths from 12-28 inches.

Buy: Headband Human Hair Wig $89.20

Brown Highlights Yaki Textured Headband Wig 1 Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

RPG Show Brown Highlights Yaki Textured Headband Wig

This pink headband wig is just about the easiest way to get trendy highlights.

leo zodiac collection human hair ombre curly Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

My First Wig Leo – Zodiac Collection Human Hair Ombre Curly

There’s no doubt in our minds that the Leo-themed headband wig will be a conversation starter, even if it’s just on your weekly Target run.

Headband Synthetic HeadWrap Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Clione Kinky Curly Headband Wig

Full is not even the word to describe the volume on this affordable synthetic kinky-curly afro wig. If you’re on the hunt for a statement wig, this is it.

Buy: Curly Headband Wig $25.89

Recifeya Headband Density Glueless Machine Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Recifeya Hair Headband Wig

You may not be spending much time poolside or at the beach this year, but that doesn’t mean you wear this water wave textured headbang wig. We recommend keeping keep a spray bottle with water handy to keep this hair texture moisturized and defined.

Buy: Hair Headband Wig $69.99

Ali Pearl Headband Wig Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Ali Pearl Headband Wig

Don’t sleep on short curly wigs. Compared to their longer counterparts, the ringlets are just as beautiful but much more manageable. This particular curly headband wig comes with three headbands and one scarf for you to switch up your look.

Buy: Headband Wig $75.48

Luvme Kinky Straight Headband Wig Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

Luvme Kinky Straight Headband Wig

If you have type 4 hair, kinky straight wigs are a must for your arsenal. The best thing about kinky straight textured wigs (besides the fact that they mimic straightened natural hair perfectly) is that they’re versatile. You can wear it in its natural kinky/crimped state, straighten it or even pump up the volume by adding curls.

Buy: Kinky Straight Headband Wig $199.90

Kryssma Headband Glueless Synthetic Natural Headband Wigs Are Trending Like Crazy & Here Are My Favorites

K’ryssma Headband Wig

This affordable synthetic wig comes with multiple different headband prints so there are endless possibilities.

Buy: Headband Wig $27.77

STYLECASTER | Ashley Benson Interview

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A Sedentary Lifestyle Killed My Mom. Don’t Let This Happen to You!


Around her mid-60s, Mama decided that she had worked enough and she completely stopped. She embraced a sedentary lifestyle and spent the long days watching TV from her recliner or sleeping in her bed.

This was not the mama I grew up with. That mama was energetic and involved, especially in our lives. She also worked outside of the home. She dressed to the nines, and was fun to be around.

We went to the beach, on long vacations camping across America, and to movies and museums. She enrolled us in dance, twirling, and piano; all three of us girls were cheerleaders born of a high school tumbling majorette.

She was such an active woman. She could bend backwards and walk her hands down her backside until she bent into a high backbend, and then bend back up or flip back over to a standing position.

I remember her doing a cartwheel off our diving board when she was in her early 60s, showing her granddaughters how it was done. But now she exclaimed that she was through, and she just sat down.

A Sedentary Lifestyle Is a Choice

Suddenly, her life was in her recliner, waiting on daddy to do for her. She told us that she was pre-diabetic like it was a badge of honour. We noticed that she lived on carbs. When we fussed that she needed to watch her sugar, she said that you couldn’t get diabetes just from eating sugar. We hadn’t had diabetes in our family, so we really didn’t know. We began to study it.

At the time, we blamed the sugar, the smoking, the diet; but now we know that what really did her in was the inactivity. Her health continued to spiral out of control.

I read somewhere that for a person who loses a limb there is an 80% chance they will die within five years. Every 30 seconds a limb is lost to diabetes, and she joined the nearly 2 million Americans who had already lost a limb. She was dead at 75.

In the past year, I’ve noticed numerous magazine and newspaper articles about the effects of prolonged sitting. One, written in 2015, says there is evidence that “prolonged sitting is independently associated with negative health outcomes and mortality.” It is worse for people who never exercise, and that was Mama. She wasn’t even a walker.

Hazards of Prolonged Sitting

With most of us sitting more than half of our waking lives each day, it scares me to think how many more of my family may join Mama as a statistic. Maybe myself included, because I sit a lot writing, researching, and reading.

But in case you thought sitting is the only culprit, read what the New York Times says about lying down. It claims that inactivity is the culprit, whether you are sitting or lying down.

Embracing a Sedentary Lifestyle Kills

Our legs and backsides use blood sugar for fuel, and in one study using physically fit young men the article said that “Within two weeks of being more sedentary, these previously healthy young men had begun to develop metabolic problems, including serious insulin resistance, whether they had spent their inactive time primarily sitting or in bed.” So, it happens quicker than anyone realizes.

Finally, an article in the Washington Post shows other problems caused by prolonged sitting such as a foggy brain, inflexible spine, tight hips, limp glutes, muscle degeneration, disc degeneration, colon cancer, and much more.

Being Active Can Save Your Life

For over 40 years I jumped up during commercials, using the time to cook, clean, and even garden. I mention the real reason for this behaviour in a post about my back troubles. However, it turns out that this behaviour was good for me!

So, what can we do? I’ve read suggestions such as taking a one to three-minute break every half hour to stand and/or move around, and standing or exercising while watching TV or using commercials to walk or get something done. People can also try doing yoga poses or doing hip flexors three minutes per side per day.

What happened to my mama was heart-breaking to all her family. Two of her granddaughters never really knew her, and they will have hardly any memories of her. I wrote about my story because if it prolongs one life, then it was worth it.

I also wrote it because I miss my mama. My husband and I have traveled to some neat places that she would have loved. I would have taken her along, but she died way, way too young.

What do you do to keep active and avoid a sedentary lifestyle? How do you integrate movement into your daily life? Have you found ways to encourage others to join you? Please share in the comments.

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