Most makeup trends are dreadful and make me snort. Having said that, the zeitgeist of 2025 trends are out and, love ‘em or loathe ‘em, a little switch up in color choices, application methods, or style can make a huge impact on looking current and staying inspired. Today, we are looking at three trends and how to wear them with verve and gusto that only an indomitable, mature woman possesses. Forget the 20-year-olds and their odd-ball fashions, we make these trends look good!
My model today is Maureen, an editor and avid pickleball player who beats nearly everyone she plays, including men. I suck at pickleball or anything that involves a ball. I can’t hit the dumb thing; I’ve tried. Because of this I stick to cycling and running naked. (Kidding). But I digress…
The trends we are tackling today are Satin Skin, Maximum Eyes, and Nude Lips. Let’s rock it like an OG (Original Gangster).
Satin Skin
Satin skin is all about medium coverage foundation that allows your skin to still look like skin. (What a concept.) Skin is the largest organ on your body and deserves excellent care. Be sure to not only use good external products, but also take internal enzymes and minerals that come from a diet rich in vitamin C, D, E, and A.
External treatments make up only 20% of your overall skin health, and the other 80% are from having a strong gut biome from a nutrient dense diet. I cannot stress this enough. I will now step off my soap-box.
As far as foundation goes, I’m a big fan of the PrimePrometics CC+ Cream that I’m using on Maureen. It goes on beautifully and adds a medium cream to powder coverage that hides most discolorations. It contains a base of Bioferment Serum & Avocado Oil and adapts to your complexion’s shade and texture. For mature skin, this is an excellent and affordable option, and I give it a big thumbs-up.
Maximum Eyes
Strong eyes are back! Thank God, I was getting worried. I love dramatic eyes, and with Maureen’s large green peepers, we can make the most of a new beautiful cream eyeshadow called Violeta. Cream eyeshadows work well on mature skin which tends toward dryness and often crepey-ness.
These shadows go on easily, don’t crease up, and last all day. On Maureen, I applied Violeta all around her eyes, blended well, and then used a kohl waterproof eyeliner on top. Yes, I said kohl (black). I know, kohl is not most women’s go-to shade if you have medium to light skin tone, but darker tones can wear it without it looking harsh. Having said that, with a little finesse, anyone can make it look rock-star stunning.
The method I used is to apply the liner as close as possible to the eyeline both top and bottom, and in the waterline. Then I took a soft blending brush and swiped toward the ear in a solid stroke in order to prevent the line from becoming messy. What you get is a soft but intense street-savvy look with a violet undertone. For greater effect, I applied a dark plum shadow in her outer crease. Toss on mascara, and you’ve got it.
I think I’ll run around naked now.
Nude Lips
On the subject of nudity, nude lips on older women can look, well, dead. I’m not a fan of women looking dead, so how do you wear a nude lip? The trick is in the lip liner. Depending on your skin color, use one to two shades darker of a neutral liner and then a satin lipstick that matches or is lighter than your lips. If you have purple-y or brown lips, then apply some foundation on your lips first, then powder, then lipstick in order to change your base lip color.
If you have full lips, you can really work this look, but for women with thinner lips, I recommend adding a little more color so that they don’t disappear. On Maureen, I went with a soft pinky brown, and it looks lovely. As always, modify any trend with what works best for you! I’m all about being your best authentic self.
Run Around Naked
When all else fails, run around naked. Keep everyone in suspense with your next move in life, and never be predictable. Nudity is optional, or just go for a nude lip, but either way, make it your own. Or you can be like Maureen and triumph over everyone at pickleball. Whatever you do, do it with gusto, sister. Enjoy the trend looks and please comment and share!
Author’s Note: If you’re interested in trying PrimePrometics products, use the code THEBEAUTYSHAMAN for 10% off.
Let’s Have a Conversation:
Have you tried a makeup trend that turned out well on you? How about one that looked hideous? What do you think about naked lips trends?