
Do you
feel stiff after working on your computer? Do you find yourself slumping,
hunching, and with forward head posture trying to look at the screen?

Are you looking
for ways to do what you need to do on the computer, without sacrificing your
posture or your health? Are you curious about “stand up desks,” but not sure if
they are worth the investment?

My clients
and students often ask me, “What’s the best posture for sitting at the
computer?” Keep reading to learn the 3 rules for computer posture, and how to
make a few small changes with items you probably have around the house.

The Risks of Poor Computer Posture

you’re still working, partially retired, or completely retired, you likely
still use a computer to stay connected to colleagues, family, friends, and the

Several of
my students are using the computer for passion projects in retirement, like
teaching classes, writing, or learning new skills online. And even if you
think, “This will only take a minute,” you may end up sitting there longer than
you thought you would.

common knowledge these days that sitting with poor posture at the computer is
bad for us. In our younger years, we may have gotten away with poor posture or
uninterrupted hours working at a desk with few immediate side effects.

But as we
age, too much sitting can lead to health problems like weight gain, hip and
back pain, and tight muscles.

If we do
all that sitting in
poor form
, we can experience all that plus a stiff, rounded upper back, pain,
impaired breathing, pinched nerves, and worse.

The most
important thing about sitting at the computer is that it should not be your
primary activity. If you are still working at an office job, sitting at a desk
for eight hours may be your current reality.

American Heart Association has come up with a list of
that you can try to incorporate to move more at work. Additionally,
make sure you are walking, stretching, and moving in your non-work hours.

If your
work does not require you to be on the computer, keep it to a minimum and take
frequent breaks. Remember that when you retire, your #1 job is your health!

The bottom
line is, poor posture at the computer makes us look old, feel old, and maybe
even die sooner. Yikes! Let’s get right into what you can do about it!

Rule #1– Sit Properly

When you do sit at the computer, angle your body so that your knees are lower than your hips. This helps your pelvis stay in anterior tilt and your lumbar spine maintain its neutral curve. Evaluate your chairs and cushions to find an ideal fit.

retired people have traded in their desktop computer for a more portable laptop
or tablet. Laptop keyboards and mice are small. To use the keyboard and especially
a laptop trackpad, your arms turn inward. This makes your shoulders roll
forward and can lead to problems in the rotator cuff.

Invest in
a separate, full-size keyboard and mouse. Your keyboard and mouse should be an
elbow level when your arms are at your sides. Make sure you aren’t in a
sideways tilt to reach the mouse.

you have a laptop or desktop, don’t miss an important step. Set up your monitor
so that it is at eye level. Use books, boxes, or whatever you have to ensure that
you do not strain your neck while looking down.

Rule #2 – Change It Up

“Stand up
desks” are gaining popularity, because people know that sitting in one position
for a long time isn’t good for them. Standing in one spot isn’t so great

Sitting on
the floor is a great option for our bodies after 60 because it leads to more
flexible hips, stronger legs, and better balance when we get up and down off
the floor.

several months, I researched many stand-up desk options. I was looking for a
way to alternate between a chair, the floor, and standing. A colleague finally
gave me the idea that solved my dilemma.

Check out the video below to see a “behind the scenes” tour of my computer set-up, and how I use my ironing board to vary my computer work posture.

Rule #3 – Stretch and Strengthen to Make Up for Your Computer Time

No matter
how mindful we are with our computer posture, it takes a toll on our posture
and joints. In general, the front of the body gets tighter and shorter. The
back of the body gets weaker.

These are
the same challenges that we face during the aging process. Please trust me that
it’s absolutely essential and feasible to counter these posture tendencies – or
they will get worse!

You can do
this with a regular yoga and exercise practice. Check out the Sixty and me yoga

You can
also do it at home, in regular clothes, throughout the day. Here are a few
exercises to target your computer posture muscles.

important hip flexor muscles connect our legs to our spine. They attach not
only to the legs and pelvis, but all the way up to our lumbar vertebrae and into
our diaphragm (breathing muscle). They get short when we sit too much. Try this
quick hip
flexor stretch
to help you straighten up when you stand up.

working on the computer, our upper backs can tend to get stiff and rounded. You
know what this looks like! You can reverse it with the steps
explained here

Due to
working on the keyboard (even if it’s full-size), our shoulders will tend to
roll inward and forward. That can be fixed as well.

Bonus Tip

There are
TONS of posture gadgets out there. (At this moment, there are 96,100,000 Google
results for “posture device.”) They may work for your individual needs, or they
may not.

I use a simple yoga belt posture brace to maintain better computer posture, and the good news is, you can make one yourself.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How do you keep from slumping at the
computer? Do you have any favorite strategies to remind you to take breaks and
keep moving? What is your best variation to work on the computer without sitting
in a chair? Please share with our community of women.