how to start a blog after 60

How many blogs do you read in an average week? Have you ever wondered whether you should start a blog of your own?

I can help you answer that question with a resounding, “Yes!”

There are blogs about every conceivable topic. You can find blogs dedicated to everything from ant farming to Zumba!

Why Blog?

There are many motivations for blogging.

To Share an Interest

Some bloggers are passionate about a topic and want to share their enthusiasm. For example, craft bloggers can share their projects with others and receive great satisfaction from doing so.

To Teach a Topic

There are blogs to teach every conceivable skill, from electric guitar to how to give a business presentation. If you have a dormant teacher inside of you yearning to share whatever it is you know, start a blog.

To Provide Encouragement

Have you encountered and endured some life difficulty? One sure way to redeem pain is to use it to encourage others.

You can find blogs about surviving cancer, raising difficult children, and bouncing back from bankruptcy. What life experience do you have that you can use to provide encouragement to others?

To Tell Your Story

Want to write your memoir, share your travel adventures, blog about your lifelong career in teaching? Writing a blog can be a perfect vehicle for this!

To Make Money

Some bloggers make a business out of their blog and are able to earn an income. We have all visited fashion or home improvement blogs that feature products and services for sale.

Do you see yourself in any of these categories? You might be a perfect candidate for blogging!

How Do I Get Started?

It is very easy to succumb to blog envy. There are so many beautiful, professionally designed blogs out there and trying to reach that ideal can be discouraging, and maybe even stop you from trying.

It is valuable to study and enjoy the work of others, but don’t let that stop you from dipping your toe into the blogging water!

You can get started with a simple blog, for free, and spiff it up as you grow – if you choose to grow!

What Do I Do?

Blogs live on the Internet. They have an address, called a URL, like

Then the blog functions on a platform, the most popular being WordPress.

You can start a blog for free on or These sites will give you free hosting. You can sign up, provide limited customization to your URL, pick a free theme, and start blogging!

If you want more control over the design and capability of your site, you need to educate yourself. You will need to purchase a URL (your own web address) and hosting, then use a free or custom theme.

If it seems like a lot, it can be. If you merely want to try this out, take the free route and see if you like it. You can always upgrade and shift things around later.

How Do I Learn More?

If you google the phrase, “How to start a blog,” you will be amazed at the number of free resources available out there. Some are free offers that may invite you to join a course later.

Like anything else on the Internet, some resources are really good, others – not so much.

My personal advice is to spend some time looking around and find a few successful bloggers you might like to follow. If you try to follow everyone, you will become overwhelmed! Trust me, I speak from experience. Pick a few and read all their stuff – then take action!

If you get completely captivated by blogging, as I have, and want to up your game, the Elite Blog Academy is the Cadillac of blogger education.

I wouldn’t take this course as my first blogging course, but if you are already on the blogging path and want to significantly up your game, there is no better course.

I took the EBA course a few years ago and thanks to it have grown a significant mailing list and generate increasing affiliate commissions. It was well worth my time and investment.

So, what are you waiting for? Want to share your knowledge, your words, your encouragement? Are you interested in jumping in full speed and building a business?

Blogging is the perfect way to do it!

How many blogs do you follow? What is your experience with blogging? Do you think you have something to say to the world? Would you consider blogging a possible means to share your voice? Let’s have a discussion in the comments below!