dating tips outdoors covid

The old “Would you like to go out for dinner?” isn’t appropriate these days, but don’t give up. Especially if you talked or “met” on a dating site before Covid but didn’t have a chance to get together.

The important thing is, he’s nice, and you think he’s interested. You’re game, so how to get together and still keep your distance?

First, let him know you’re willing to meet as long as you both stay outdoors. This is the safest way to go. Once you’ve made it clear you want a keep-your-distance date and he’s agreed, you can plan. You’ll both wear masks, at least for starters.

Keep in mind that distance dating is a unique time to get to know someone without the pressure of physical intimacy. If that subject eventually comes up, you’ll need to discuss how to proceed with caution. This article outlines the light side of dating in Covid times.

Wine Tasting in a Public Park

If alcoholic beverages aren’t allowed, or you’re uncomfortable with an outdoor wine tasting, switch to a variety of juices. The thing about a tasting is there are those little crackers (found in any wine store), and you get to banter. Plus, it takes time to do all that tasting.

Wine tasting doesn’t have to be elaborate. You can go with a single bottle of your favorite zinfandel and it still counts. “Wine tasting” is the secret password to “Let’s get together.”

Go on a Picnic

Take it up a notch, especially if you’re able to swing dinner along with a couple of bottles of wine to juggle and taste.

You’ll probably want to learn a little jargon, so have phones handy for research purposes. Bring a picnic lunch or dinner. A sandwich will suffice if you’re not into cooking. Keep that distance and enjoy.

Explore an Interesting Location

Visit a botanical garden, a rose garden, or a cemetery. As for the cemetery, choose one with really old headstones, preferably from the 1600s. My hometown is New Haven, CT, and the cemetery downtown is a treasure trove of history.

Go for an ice cream cone after. Wear those masks when you go inside to order your vanilla with a twist.

Take a Hike in the Woods

If you choose to go on a hike, bring organic bug spray. Bring your dog along as a guest walker. On the trail, there’s little danger of encountering a crowd. Where I live, there’s no hiking. A man-made hill called Celery Fields passes for a mountain. I still count it as a hike.

Dance Outside

Okay, so I’m desperate because I’m a dancer and there’s no dancing at my favorite spots. My partner and I watch YouTube videos on our phones together. Outdoors. Sounds silly, but sometimes we do a little individual practice.

A little Lindy swing out, and a few salsa moves. We do this on concrete slabs behind a local restaurant, and no, I’m not telling you where because everyone who reads this will swarm there and crowd us out.

Go to the Beach

Meet at the beach for a walk and a swim if they’re open in your town. Avoid the changing rooms and use the old air-dry method. Walk during low tide and collect seashells. Watch the birds; they’re endlessly entertaining. Keep the beach chairs six feet apart and apply your own sunscreen. Wear a hat.

Miniature Golf

Why not be silly and try miniature golf? I know, you’re laughing. Miniature golf isn’t just for middle school kids back in the day. It’s goofy, doesn’t require a high skill level, and you can make a fool of yourself or show off.

Watch the Night Sky

Invite him to a meteorite shower. Ask him if he believes in UFOs or whether he watches Ancient Aliens on the History channel. Bring chairs, binoculars, and treats.

Lawn Parties Are the New Thing

Have a lawn party for two. Get out the chairs, the beer or wine, a few treats, and enjoy the company. Take turns inviting each other over and writing topics or questions on paper. Fold them and drop them into a hat. Answer honestly. No one-word answers allowed.

Once you’re at the third date, invite another couple to join you. You’ll learn unexpected things about one another, and maybe even your friends.

The point in all this is to just have fun while dating at a distance. If you have continued dating during Covid, kudos to you!

Would you date during Covid? What’s your ideal date in this strange time? How silly are you willing to go when it comes to distance dating? Please share with our sisters!