online dating coach

As you navigate the tribulations (and trials) of online dating, I want to make it as easy and fun for you as possible! Many people who visit dating sites don’t know much about online dating. Others have been browsing for a while with little success. In my experience, a professional online dating expert can do a lot for you at either of those stages.

Too often though we tend to ask friends and family for dating advice. But are they pros? Asking a cousin (who is a lawyer) a quick legal question makes sense, right?

But once you go down the path of asking friends – oh, watch out! It will run the gamut from “I met my husband in college, so I have no idea” to listening to horrific dating stories. So, let’s skip the hysterics and get to some fun and adventure in the dating world.

A couple things to remember: In 2019, 1 in 3 singles met their significant other online, and 1 in 4 singles married as a result of online dating.

So, here are some basic questions to ask before you hire someone to help you navigate online dating. Yes, there are some fantastic professionals out in the dating kingdom, but you need to pick the right one!

What’s Their Background to Make Them a Dating Expert/Coach?

The right professional has had thousands of dating clients in their career, found successful relationships  (and marriage partners) for them, and thus created a fantastic reputation. Matchmaking is generally a passion for this person – not some get rich quick scheme.

A dating coach is certainly not someone who met their husband online and now claims to be an expert. Look for a person who has at least 10-15 years’ experience in the dating arena, success stories, and strong testimonials from both the media and clients.

How Long Have They Been in Business?

Go back to at least 10+ years’ experience with singles and dating clients – their own dating experiences do not count! And if they guarantee success – RUN!

Success, in online dating terms, should include writing a fantastic dating profile that you are happy with, vetting your photos, choosing the right dating sites for you to begin on, going on good dates due to your profile, photos and site, and weekly coaching for the first few months.

Who Are Their Clients?

It’s important to know what kind of clients the coach specializes in. This matters because coaches tend to have their niche groups. They may prefer working with Jewish men in their 40s, for instance, or Christian widows.

A 58-year-old divorced woman looking for a relationship probably won’t have success with an expert whose primary clients are women in their 30s and 40s.

Different client backgrounds require different writing styles for their profile, different dating sites, and coaching from someone who can relate to their specific needs.

Do They Have a Phone Number They Answer?

If they don’t have an active phone number, the so called ‘coach’ is basically a ghost writer or someone doing this as a part-time job. This is a signal of ‘here today, gone tomorrow’. Skip and move on.

What Will They Do for You?

The hiring cost of dating coaches runs from low-end services beginning at $50-$200 to high-end ultra-coaching that can go up to $25,000+. Professional dating experts generally will have set prices clearly spelled out on their website. If they do not, it’s just a marketing ploy to get you to call then begin negotiations with you. Not fun!

Also, don’t be blown away by a salesperson’s promises. Such people know dating can be very emotional and often take advantage of this. Look carefully at their website, make certain the program is laid out with exactly what you are getting and time parameters. Costs associated with each program should also be clear and there should be no added costs.

Are Revisions of Your Online Dating Profile Included for No Cost?

Revisions of your online dating profile should be included and turned around fast, as in 24 to 48 hours. As the client, you need to be 100% satisfied – not just satisfied, but ecstatic with your online profile. This is you, and you are not described by banal trite phrases and just walks on the beach, right?

Will They Vet Your Photos Before You Post Online?

It is an exceptionally good idea to have someone look over your photos. A great profile can be sunk by bad photos. On the other hand, a good profile can be turned into a great profile with a fantastic variety of photos.

Will They Recommend the Correct Sites for You?

Dating site recommendations truly run the gamut here – from chaotic dating advice (“Go on every dating site/dating app and best of luck!”) to beginning with one specific dating site. If they start all clients with the same site, perhaps it’s time to talk to another dating expert.

What’s Their Success Rate?

Ask and find out how they determine their success rate. They may look at how happy the client is with the dating profile that is written for them, or they may only consider making a good match a success.

A great dating coach will help and encourage you and make tweaks to your dating site profiles when needed. And remember, if you come to dating with a super positive attitude, a smile, ready for a new adventure – it’s going to be a success.

Have you decided to use the services of a dating coach to help you with online dating? What questions would you ask them? What kind of answers would you be looking for? Please share your experience with dating coaches!