I Get by with a Little Help from My Friends

Friends come in all shapes and sizes. Some pop into your life for just a short while, others stay forever. Some you see every day, while others may be far away and you see them once in a while, but, when you do, it is as though you saw them yesterday.

I feel very blessed to have many friends. Some are close by, but many of them I have met while travelling or living abroad. All of them enrich my life and help make me who I am. I love to listen to them, and, even if we don’t always agree, I value their input as it makes me question my own thoughts and beliefs. It is this that helps me to learn and grow as a person.

Friends in Spain

As I write this, I am visiting some of my friends in Spain, which is always lovely. 😊One of them has a music bar, so often evenings are spent listening to music, singing and dancing. Of course, when you only see your friends three or four times a year, there is always so much to catch up on, so lots of talking too!

Lunches are always slow and long, often five or six hours. Even if we are in a restaurant or tapas bar, no-one seems to mind, and the waiters just top up your glasses every now and then. We have been known to have lunch followed by dinner without leaving the restaurant! 😊

Today, two of my friends took me on a long walk; I think the longest I have ever done in one go – 12 kilometres! We stopped to eat along the way and had a cold beer every now and then. Think I might do this once a week; you can eat all you want and walk it off at the same time!


I spend about seven or eight weeks a year staying in a Buddhist monastery in England and have met many people who have become my friends. They come from all over the world and are all different ages, so conversations are always interesting and there is nowhere else I go that I learn so much. Sometimes we will be sitting in a field, talking very late into the night, often forgetting we have to be at puja (prayers) at 4.30 am followed by work at 5.30.

The other added bonus is that when my friends go off on their travels, I get emails and messages from all over the world. Many of these are in the middle of the night, great for an insomniac like me. 😊 I think the only downside is that it always makes my feet itch!

Friends at Home

One of the lovely things about getting older is the number of wonderful people you have accumulated along the way. I still see people I went to school with, girls who were my bridesmaids. Having moved around quite a bit, I have friends in London, Sussex and now here in my new home.

Even some of my neighbours have become friends, and I feel truly blessed to have them in my life. They all have such interesting backgrounds, and it is a real pleasure to spend time with them and get to know them a little more.

Online Friendships

Of course, we live in a time of ‘online’ friends, many who become special to us. This community of Sixty and Me brings so many wonderful people into my life, and I love to hear your comments, and try to respond to all of them. You inspire me and teach me, and I am so thankful to have you in my life.

Sometimes friends become as important as our family, in fact many of mine have become like family. I value their kindness, support, unconditional love and friendship. I hope each and every one of them knows how special they are to me, and how much I love them. 😊

Also read, Reminiscing… One of My Favourite Pastimes!

Share Your Thoughts:

What do you learn from your friends? Do you have a best friend? Are your friends close by or spread around the world?