Bolster Your Inner Strength to Experience Success

Sometimes it’s hard to muster up fortitude to achieve a goal. Of course, lifestyle choices like eating nutritious meals and committing to a daily exercise routine can provide the energy needed to function on a daily basis. But these positive resolutions may not be sufficient to sustain the long-term stamina required to realize lifelong aspirations.

Obstacles are sure to surface when you’re pursuing your divine purpose, and you’ll need more than steamed vegetables and a rowing machine to get you where you want to go.

Inner strength is a requisite that cannot be overlooked if you’re serious about your goal.

How can you continuously develop spiritual tenacity in order to endure the trials ahead? How do you maintain a can-do attitude in the face of adversity? Here are some ways to help you endure, grow, and remain resilient through demanding seasons.

Fresh Prayers May Encourage You to Keep Going

If you maintain an ongoing spiritual practice, you are already on the right track. However, spiritual rituals sometimes need updating. What worked last year may not be effective now. Is it time to refresh a few pieces of your practice?

For example, if you’ve memorized affirmations and are reciting the same ones by rote over and over until they’ve become devoid of passion, consider speaking unscripted words from your heart each morning for all your tough situations. This slight shift engages you in the moment, and the result can be energizing.

Gratitude Keeps You Humble While Maneuvering Obstacles on Your Path

You’ve probably heard this many times, but I’d like to reiterate the benefit of regularly expressing gratitude. I have discovered that when I am thankful for the wonderful gifts that unexpectedly pop up out of nowhere – as well as appreciate the challenges on my path – I remain humble and open to growing and learning.

I often say that epiphanies usually occur in my mess. Looking back over unpleasant periods, I now recognize that they either showed me something essential about myself of which I was not aware, or they revealed a better solution. Without those setbacks, I would not be set up to appreciate my bountiful blessings today.

Breath Training Enables You to Stay Centered During Stressful Stretches

How often do you practice deep breathing? Deep breathing is an intentional way to promote the mind, body and spirit connection, and bring balance and peace to your life. However, for best results, I encourage you to mix things up a bit.

Periodically, try a different deep breathing exercise and see if it opens you up to more creative options. Diaphragmatic, or deep belly breathing, is my favorite practice. But I do occasionally switch to the 4-7-8 method and the alternate nostril breathing technique, which can support whole brain functioning.

Variety refreshes my spirit and brings awareness to the power within. Being in a relaxed mode tends to reduce stress, enhance my focus and promote an overall feeling of wellness.

Reaching Out to a Trusted Friend or Family Member for Support May Lighten Your Load During Seasons of Uncertainty

Remember, we never get where we’re going without the help and guidance of others. Don’t be reluctant to request a human hand. Some may think asking for help is a sign of weakness, but actually, seeking assistance demonstrates your willingness to be your best. And just as we benefit from someone in our corner, the reverse is true.

In other words, you can also be a blessing by offering to support a friend on his or her journey. Kindness and compassion build confidence in your own daily dealings and promote love and joy. I like to think of the reciprocal acts of giving and receiving as the leading living art form.

A few years ago, when I was enrolled in Advanced Consciousness Studies, I developed a sacred relationship with the instructor, and she became my first spiritual counselor. Since we belong to the same faith community and share similar interests, it has been a rewarding experience. We both enjoy our chats, and at the end of each session, I feel empowered.

Biographies, Memoirs and Biopics Can Be a Welcomed Source of Inspiration

I especially enjoy immersing myself in the achievements of ordinary women doing extraordinary things. Learning about women in their 60s, 70s and beyond who are using their life experiences to lift others, expands my perspective on determination and fortitude. These enlightening narratives offer hope and inspiration, and underscore the importance of trusting and believing. There are enough remarkable stories to fill up every day of the week and could possibly become your favorite nighttime activity. Retiring for the evening with a positive message on your heart has the potential to transform your thought processes.

Inner Strength Is Akin to Inner Wisdom

Success in any area of your life takes time to manifest, so be patient. Do your part and turn the rest over to Spirit. Some – or all – of the practices I’ve discussed may help you nurture a deeper connection to the world around you, while bolstering your personal resolve. Incorporating these strategies into your daily routine cultivates inner strength and positions you to wisely wield your power. Stay in faith, dear one, and keep your dream alive.

Questions for Our Readers:

Describe your spiritual practice and share how it has helped you achieve success. How do you maintain a can-do attitude when a situation seems discouraging?