Whether you believe in manifesting and need more self-confidence to attract positive outcomes, struggle with anxiety and self-doubt, or want to feel empowered and trust yourself, you can boost your courage and self-empowerment with the bold energy of crystals and gemstones.
Crystals can act as tools for amplifying your confidence and self-trust. Their gentle but powerful energies can keep away negative vibes, boost low energy, and support the energy flowing through your body.
And I’m not saying that all the hard work you’re putting in for your mental health and self-esteem, all that self-reflection, journaling, and therapy sessions are nothing compared to crystals and their healing energies. That is not how crystals work, but they can be of great support and help you keep up with all the good choices you try to make for yourself and give you a little boost in achieving your goals.
So open your heart and get ready to offer these beautiful confidence-boosting crystals a chance to improve your overall self-esteem.
Gain More Confidence with Tiger’s Eye, Sunstone and Carnelian
Confidence makes it easier to pursue our goals, sustains our motivation, and helps us feel better about ourselves without so much overthinking. Being confident comes more naturally to others, and it is, of course, normal not to feel confident all the time.
But when we lack confidence, our life quality can decrease on many levels, and we might not even realize things could be better. At one time in my own life, I had concluded that I’d missed many opportunities. I didn’t behave like myself in certain situations because I thought I was not good enough, didn’t have what it takes to succeed, was scared, and so on. I was lacking self-confidence.
You might already feel pretty confident and know very well what you are capable of, but I still recommend the following crystals for times when a little self-doubt seeps into your heart:
- Tiger’s Eye – this crystal instills self-respect and confidence, giving its carrier the strength to believe in themselves.
- Sunstone – encourages independence and helps you overcome self-limiting beliefs.
- Carnelian – can stabilize energy and anchor its carrier to the present while stimulating motivation.

Feel Empowered with Hematite, Sodalite and Aquamarine
Self-empowerment that streams from a sense of calmness and composure is one of the best things we can experience. It lays the foundation for living authentically and achieving our goals, and it can help us overcome fear and set clear boundaries.
Some crystals can help us access this serene kind of empowerment without becoming dominating, rigid, self-absorbed, or aggressive. Crystals bring a kind energy into our lives even when we harness their power to feel empowered.
You can use these stones to enhance the power within yourself while maintaining balance and calmness:
- Hematite – a powerful grounding crystal that replaces negativity with vitality and strength. It promotes logical thinking and protects us from unwelcome drama in our lives.
- Sodalite is a crystal that helps us maintain calmness in chaotic times and deepens the connection with our higher self. It’s a powerful stone for feeling in charge of your life from a place of peacefulness and self-content.
- Aquamarine is known as the Sone of Empowerment. It gives us resilient power, calms anger and anxiety, and helps with emotional regulation.

Enhance Courage with Labradorite, Amazonite and Red Jasper
Who doesn’t need a little more courage in their life? After all, living life to the fullest sometimes requires us to be brave and take a leap out of our comfort zone. Whether we enjoy what we experience or have a difficult period, bravery can help us stay true to ourselves, enrich our development, and face reality as it is.
I invite you to enhance the courage within yourself by harnessing the healing energy of the following crystals:
- Labradorite – this crystal attracts luck and bravery while its energy is also protective and awakening. It boosts positivity, encourages experimentation, and gives you the perseverance you need, unhindered by fear.
- Amazonite – this beautiful blue crystal promotes self-discovery, respect, fearlessness, and strength. It is also known as the Stone of Truth and Courage.
- Red Jasper is a fiery stone that strengthens endurance and courage, encouraging the carrier to resolve challenging situations and settle disputes confidently. It is also a stone of self-defense and connectedness to nature.

Find Calmness within Yourself
I believe that our confidence, bravery, and empowerment come from a place of calmness and self-awareness; it streams from a deep place in ourselves when we have the necessary nurturing energies and self-connectedness.
It might sound easy, but it is not; finding calmness and balance within ourselves is not simple for many people. At least for me – being calm and serene helps me cope with whatever life throws at me – however, it can be challenging to find the necessary inner energy to feel deep calmness.
Tranquility and all the good things that come with it can feel fragile, easily disturbed by exterior factors, and so fleeting. That is why I like to shield my serenity and stillness as much as possible with the healing and supporting energy of crystals and gemstones.
I am curious and excited to hear about your experiences with finding inner resources for a more fulfilling life and feeling confident and assertive yet kind. I hope the questions below will make for a great discussion starting point and that you will get to share with me and other readers your own experiences, whether they involve crystals or not.
Let’s Have a Conversation:
What does self-empowerment mean to you? How do you manage to find inner strength and calmness? Do you have any regrets about not being brave enough at some point?