Challenge Writing Love Letters to Your Money

Writing to money can help us positively build a relationship with our money. It helps us to be honest with ourselves about money. It helps us to really see the big picture of our frustrations and feelings about money.

Every day, we bottle up our feelings about money. It’s essential to feel them and let them go. We often don’t realise the extent of the negative feelings we’re carrying.

And How Is a Love Letter to Money Really Going to Change Anything?

When we write our love letters, we become very aware of the stories that we’re carrying around about money. While writing the letters, we can start the process of changing our stories to ones that we really do want to carry around with us.

Writing your love letters to money, you will realise how you really feel about it and its presence in your life. You will begin the process of building a much stronger relationship with it. As you continue to build your relationship with money, you start allowing more money to show up in your life.

How to Write a Love Letter to Your Money

It’s a great idea to use a journal to write your letters. Use these sorts of questions to help you start writing:

  • What does money mean to you? 
  • How could more money change your life? 
  • What does financial freedom mean to you?
  • What would you like your money relationship to look like?
  • What is really frustrating you with money right now?
  • What wishes do you have for money right now?
  • Do you want more money in your bank account?
  • Do you want to be able to pay all of your bills in full with last month’s money?
  • Do you want to buy a new car and pay cash in full?
  • How can money give you more support in your life?
  • What’s holding you back from making money unlimited in your life?
  • What do you want to experience in your life right now?
  • What are you currently not doing for lack of enough money that you would like to do? How do you feel about that?

Whatever money is actually making you feel right now, write it in your letter. 

What if You Don’t Really Like Money Right Now?

Money can be stressful and cause a lot of frustration in our lives. Not having enough money, having a creditor or bill take money that we were planning to use for something else, having an unexpected bill show up, losing a job, wanting to buy something we really want, but just don’t have the extra money right now and so many other issues show up in our financial lives. Then throw in being taught to not talk about money with anyone. At the end of the day, we just don’t like money.

So, when it comes to writing your love letters to money and not really liking money right now, voice your true feelings in your letter. Let money know how you are feeling. Don’t hold anything back. Write it all out. And make sure to include as much detail as possible.

Building a relationship with money means being honest with money, just like in any other relationship you have. So, no matter how you are feeling about money on any particular day, put it in your love letter to your money.

What if You Really Don’t Know What to Say? 

This question is the biggest procrastination device that anyone can use to delay this challenge. When you don’t know how to start go back to the questions.

Challenge yourself to write love letters to money for 30 days straight.

Continuing Your Love Letter Process After 30 Days

Our relationship with money needs nurturing on a regular basis just like any other relationship in our life. Writing love letters to our money, letting it know how we feel, is one of the easiest ways to keep nurturing our relationship. Plus, during the writing process, you continue to learn even more about yourself and your own thinking processes. Every time we do the challenge, we get new opportunities and expand our money relationship even more.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What is your current relationship with money? Where do you see the relationship going? What money goals do you have? What would you write in a love letter to money?