dare to dream

At some point in your life, you will go through “something.” That “something” could be the sudden death of a loved one, a nasty divorce, an unexpected financial crisis or a dreaded life slip. 

Life Quakes

These “life quakes” are life-changing experiences that alter our reality overnight. Our world is suddenly turned upside down. The foundation and security we once knew is pulled out from underneath us, making us ask, “Why me, God?”

Life quakes leave you with more questions than answers.

“Who am I now? How will I ever survive this crisis, let alone thrive?”

You will often be afraid, confused, uncertain, and unprepared for what’s next.

Mourning the passing of your previous life and saying goodbye to the way things were takes time. But as you come face-to-face with your new reality and as it begins to finally settle in, you realize you must do “something”. 

But “What?” And “How?”

Life transitions are never easy, they are certainly not linear, and they do require much time and thoughtful introspection.

  • Do you just “carry-on” and adapt to your new life as a widow or as a divorcee?
  • Do you look for another job similar to a previous one simply because you need the money to survive and because it won’t require you to step out of your comfort zone? Or…
  • Do you see this “life quake” as a new fork in the road; as an opportunity for you to shake up your life, change directions altogether, allowing you to create something new, exciting, and even more fulfilling… something you dreamed of, but never thought possible?

Rediscover Your Purpose and Learn to Dream Big

These life-changing moments are transitions that challenge you on every possible level to rethink, reimagine, and redefine who and what you want to be in the future.

  • Do you continue to look back and hold on to the status quo because it’s the most comfortable choice? Or…
  • Do you choose to look forward, embrace this time of change so you can intentionally redesign your life to be what you dream it to be and so you can thrive rather than merely survive? 

The choice is yours.

But if you do choose to reinvent yourself and your life after getting hit by a “life quake,” you will definitely need to allow yourself to dream big.

Lives Change. Dreams Change.

What are your new dreams?

Step 1: Discern What Matters Most to You Right Now… And WHY?

Start asking yourself what matters most to you now and why.

Your life has changed. Likely your interests and priorities have also changed. Take time, pause, gain perspective as to why you value what you value right now. This will be the center point from which you make future decisions.

Step 2: Create a Vision for What You Want Your Life to Look Like in the Future

Prioritize yourself. It’s not selfish. It’s self-care. 

What makes you happy?  What gives your life meaning? What lights you up?

With that in mind, dream; dream some more, and dream BIG.

Let nothing constrain your dreams.

Step 3: Now Is the Time to Let Go of What Holds You Back So You Can Pursue Your New Dreams

It takes enormous determination and unwavering willpower to shed the fears and limiting beliefs that hold you back from having the life you dream of.

But once you shift your mindset, you begin to see your life through a whole new lens of what’s possible. Your vision for your new life becomes clearer and you start to believe your dreams are actually possible.

It takes courage to go through life quakes, to begin again, embrace change, and to take a new direction. But once you dare to dream and once you give yourself permission to pursue those dreams, there’s no stopping you! 

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How often do you dare to dream big? Do you work on creating the kind of life that makes you feel free? What experiences put you out of your comfort zone? Have you gone through one or more life quakes that had you feeling miserable?