estrangement's impact on mental health

Estrangement, a universal emotional and psychological phenomenon, significantly influences the well-being of individuals. In this blog post, we will delve into the complexities of estrangement, examining its unique impact on both men’s and women’s mental and physical health. Additionally, insights from Sean Evans’ article, “Not Talking About Mental Health Is Literally Killing Men,” will be integrated to highlight the pressing need for mental health awareness.

Understanding Estrangement

Estrangement is a complex and nuanced emotional phenomenon characterized by a significant emotional distance that manifests in various forms within relationships. This distancing can occur among family members, friends, or partners and is often triggered by unresolved conflicts and cultural differences.


In family dynamics, estrangement may arise when deep-seated disagreements or unaddressed issues create a palpable emotional gap between relatives. The inability to resolve conflicts or address underlying tensions can lead to a sense of detachment and emotional separation.


Among friends, estrangement might occur when differing perspectives, values, or life choices strain the bond between individuals. Unresolved conflicts, from miscommunication or conflicting priorities, can result in a gradual emotional drift, ultimately leading to estrangement.

Romantic Partnerships

In romantic relationships, partners may experience estrangement when trust issues, communication breakdowns, or unmet expectations persist without resolution. The emotional distance in these cases may intensify, creating a barrier that hinders the connection between partners.

Cultural differences also play a significant role in the manifestation of estrangement. Divergent cultural backgrounds can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and clashes in values, contributing to the emotional distancing between individuals.

Estrangement is not a one-size-fits-all concept but a dynamic and multifaceted experience influenced by various factors. By acknowledging the role of unresolved conflicts and cultural differences in the process, we gain a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics that contribute to the emotional distance observed in estranged relationships.

Estrangement and Women’s Health

Research suggests that women, who often prioritize relationships and social connections, experience unique challenges in the face of estrangement. The absence of these connections can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, impacting mental health. Additionally, stress-related health issues such as anxiety and depression may become more prevalent among women.

Moreover, the stress associated with severed relationships can have physical health implications for women, contributing to conditions like cardiovascular problems and weakened immune responses.

Estrangement and Men’s Health

Men, traditionally encouraged to prioritize autonomy, may respond differently to estrangement. Societal expectations for men to be stoic and independent can lead to internalized emotions, heightening the risk of mental health challenges like depression and substance abuse.

Men may also be more susceptible to the adverse physical effects of estrangement, with suppressed emotions and a lack of a support system contributing to increased stress levels and potential cardiovascular issues.

Sean Evans’ article,  “Not Talking About Mental Health Is Literally Killing Men,” emphasizes the urgent need to address mental health issues, challenging the stigma around men who discuss their struggles. The statistics presented are staggering, revealing daily struggles with depression for 9 percent of men, affecting more than 6 million individuals. Anxiety is a daily battle for over 3 million men and male suicide is classified as a “silent epidemic,” ranking as the seventh leading cause of death.

Evans denounces the antiquated and dangerous macho attitude of suppressing emotions, advocating for breaking the silence surrounding mental health. Courageous figures like Zayn Malik, Kevin Love, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have shared their battles, inspiring others to open up and seek support.

Practical Guidance for Men and Women

How we feel and perceive our mental state reflects our daily choices, outlook, and overall well-being. Mental health stigma has prevented individuals from seeking assistance. However, with the convenience of virtual consultations and extended support, help is only a phone call away.

Stigma grows when individuals care what others think of their struggles and worry somebody will judge them. Sometimes, access and lack of insurance hinder mental health treatment. Then, some want to go it alone, accessing self-help books and committing to daily practices that promote mental health. Daily routines, an active lifestyle, and staying socially active are excellent.

The benefit of being informed and aware is following critical practices can reduce distress. Hopefully, when stress and state are overwhelming, one avails themselves to where they can gain relief. Decreasing stigma and supporting ourselves and others to address mental health and physical health is more important now than ever.


Estrangement’s impact on health is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon affecting both men and women. Understanding gender-specific implications is crucial for developing strategies to mitigate adverse mental and physical well-being effects. The urgency highlighted by Evans reinforces the need for open conversations, empathy, and support, contributing to positive change and replacing detrimental silence with a proactive dialogue on mental health.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How has estrangement affected your mental health? What are your thoughts on mental health awareness? What has worked for you when you have had a tough go?