In our later years, our appearance becomes more than just a matter of vanity. It’s an indication of our level of health and well-being. Now, there is physical health and there is emotional health, and frankly, they both impact how we look.
So, let’s consider some practical and enjoyable ways to energize, balance, and upgrade how we look, starting from the inner to the outer.
#1: Stay Hydrated
Every cell in our body depends on hydration. We tend to take for granted the simple act of drinking water. But it becomes a crucial part of our health, especially as we age. This is due to several factors. As we age our thirst response decreases. Also, depending on how well our kidneys are working, we might have less hydration reserves. And then, there are some medications that can affect our body’s ability to store fluids.
De-hydration is a serious problem and can sneak up without our being aware. Insufficient fluid in the body causes not just dryness in the mouth, but one can experience a sudden feeling fatigue and lightheadedness. That’s a perfect formula for a fall. We don’t want to faint or fall at this stage because broken bones are one of the highest causes of mortality in those over 70.
It’s a good reminder to have “stations” in your home where you can place water bottles to give yourself a constant reminder to stay hydrated. And of course, carry a water bottle in your bag or keep it near you throughout the day.
#2: Sleep Well and Long Enough
This one is so obvious it shouldn’t require repeating. If you’ve ever looked in the mirror after a restless night you will immediately see why getting adequate sleep is a crucial step to looking your best.
But often, especially among those who are living alone, time can seem to slip away. All those digital distractions help avoid being reminded about that alone-ness. And before we know it, we’re turning into night owls… to our detriment.
The body’s circadian rhythms don’t lie. The sleep we get from 10 pm-2 am is when the body produces the most beneficial hormones and when we are most likely to experience the deepest state of sleep. Also, the pineal gland produces melatonin during the hours from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm, so we should be winding down in those hours to prepare for sleep. Melatonin improves the quality of sleep, synchronizes the sleep-wake cycle, and regulates circadian rhythms.
Maybe the greatest benefit is that better sleep habits are the antidote to depression and “seasonal affect disorder,” brought on by those long winter nights.
Now, in general, women tend to need more sleep than men do. And, we tend to have more emotional and mental health issues than men if we don’t get adequate sleep. So that alone is reason enough to make healthy sleep patterns a part of our lifelong habits.
#3: Fix Your Posture
Here’s a little shocking fact for everyone who spends a lot of time looking down at their digital devices throughout the day. When standing still, on average, our head weighs from 10-12 pounds. But if you are hunched over looking down at your phone or laptop – even 15 degrees – that increases the gravitational pull on your back and neck muscles to about 27 pounds! At a 30-degree tilt, it’s 40 pounds!!!
Imagine what that does over time. This habit contributes to the posture that we associate with aging. Someone can judge your age based on your posture.
But the good news is, there are simple fixes.
For one, place your phone or laptop on a surface or on a stand that doesn’t require you to bend forward. Another is to take digital breaks at regular intervals. But a third is simply to practice postural alignment. So, here’s an exercise shared by my physical therapist. It just requires creating the exact opposite posture of the shoulder and head hunched one.
Sit squarely on your “sit” bones with your feet on the floor, a bit wider than hip width apart, toes turned slightly outward. Now, reach your arms out in front of you, chest height, hands facing each other. Slowly, bring your arms apart until they are reaching behind you. Gently, pull your chin in a bit to a more normal and balanced position, keeping your head level with the ground. Hold that position, breathe normally in and out for three breaths.
Taking little breaks like this and re-setting your posture will go a long way to maintaining the look of vigor and health.
#4: Protect Your Skin from the Inside Out
Charles Revson, the founder of Revlon, described his face cream as “hope in a jar.” Well, yes, we’re all searching for that fountain of youth that doesn’t require being cut, sewn up, or burned in order to look our best.
But unless you live on a sailboat or in the great outdoors (and frankly connecting with nature is a great way to stay healthy) good skin mostly requires care and feeding from what we ingest.
Suzanne Blons, “The Beauty Shaman,” who has been writing for Sixty and Me for years, offers some expert advice on what to feed your body so that your skin looks healthy and vibrant.
Her first recommendation is always to start with a healthy diet. This is such a hot topic these days and for good reason. A healthy diet and healthy gut are crucial for healthy looking skin.
But sadly, at this time in our history, much of our food supplies are mineral and nutrient depleted. Since it’s not easy to get the nutrients we need strictly from our food, Suzanne advises ingesting an adequate amount of three crucial supplements: Vitamins C, D, and the Omega 3-6-9s. The right amounts and proportions for your body should be determined by your health care professional, possibly through bloodwork analysis.
But then there is collagen. We lose collagen consistently over time, and especially after menopause. Suzanne encourages consuming food-based collagen, which is available in both powdered and liquid form. Her favorite form is bone broth. And of course, as she strongly advocates staying hydrated, that covers two needs at once: hydration and supplementation.
#5: Dress “Happy”
This one is for our emotional wellbeing. And it’s often a challenge at this stage of our lives. So many of the women I speak with say some form of the following: “I’m retired now, and my wardrobe is for a previous life,” or “I really don’t care much about what I wear now as long as it’s comfortable.”
Let’s start with the first point. Give yourself an indulgent day, pour yourself a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of wine. And then go through your entire closet with intention, piece by piece, asking this question:
“Does this make me feel happy?”
If you aren’t sure, put on the item or the accessory and look at yourself in the mirror. The expression on your face will tell you everything you need to know. If you are smiling out of delight (not chuckling out of disdain!) the item is a keeper. If it feels dated, tired, faded, sloppy, too tight, or makes you feel… well, old, let it go.
Now if you love it but it no longer suits your lifestyle, examine the piece again. What is it that delights you? Is it the color? If so, find something new or that is already in your closet already in that color and that does suit your lifestyle. Is it the material? Then look for something in the same textile “hand” that you would wear on regular rotation.
Is it the design of the garment that delights you? Well, if for example, it’s something like a pink tutu tulle skirt from your 30s or a dramatic patterned shantung silk dress you bought for a wedding 25 years ago, then look for something that expresses your creative and artistic leanings in a more lifestyle-friendly style or pattern.
And as for the other comment I hear a lot, is it comfortable? That’s an easy one. You should simply make that the criteria for everything you wear, regardless of how casual or formal. At this point in our lives we deserve that above all else.
Doing what makes us look our best is about more than trying to stay young. It creates a feedback loop for wellness. As a streetwise sage once said, “If ya look good, ya feel good…”
Let’s Have a Conversation:
What are you doing to stay attractive? How has your wardrobe changed since you turned 60? What health regimen have you started that is showing clear benefits?