I used to have a terrible time sleeping. I would either lay awake for what seemed like hours or wake up two to three times each night like clockwork. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why I was awake, worrying about things I had no control over.

I blamed everything and everyone, including hormones or my husband’s snoring!

It wasn’t until I decided to do some investigating about my days and nights that I was able to pinpoint the problem at the root of my sleeplessness. Now I tell everyone about the power of keeping a sleep diary, especially when it helps you figure out the detrimental habits keeping you awake at night.

Change Your Morning to Change Your Night

After keeping my sleep diary for a week, I made six small but meaningful changes to my morning routine. I had no idea what an impact these changes would have on my ability to sleep.

Now my entire day is more positive and vibrant because of my new routine. I would venture to guess that if you try just a few them yourself, you will notice a change in your outlook as well.

Here are my recommended six powerful changes that you should definitely try tomorrow.

No More Snooze Button

Are you in the habit of hitting the snooze button over and over? I’ve been known to set a couple of alarms to wake up in the morning. I’m sure this had something to do with the fact that I couldn’t fall asleep for hours, but now I wake up right away and never hit the snooze button.

When you hit ‘snooze’ it’s like telling the universe you’re not ready for the day, that you’re choosing to let the day run you, instead of you running it. Get yourself into the habit of waking up right away. You’ll be glad you did.


Meditation is the most powerful gift I’ve ever given myself. The reflection I practice is specific to rest. In fact, 20 minutes of yoga Nidra meditation is equivalent to 2-3 hours of deep sleep. I’m ready for the day because I’m deeply relaxed thanks to this one tool.

I leave my anxiety behind, I feel like I’ve been to a spa without ever leaving my home, and I’m relaxed and energized at the same time. A meditation method is something you can add to your routine, and you’ll reap many benefits from this one practice.


Keeping a gratitude journal is a profound way to be present in your life. It’s your personal practice to follow and for your eyes only. Go for depth and detail, rather than just going through the motions. Focus your gratitude on people instead of things – this is more powerful.

I typically list three people each morning that I am grateful for and go into some intensity about why I’m so thankful. Some days I’m grateful for the same people – that’s OK! The purpose is to think outside of yourself, and you’ll be surprised how this fights anxiety and negative thoughts and feelings.


Included in my morning journal writing is a section for affirmations. Affirmations are anything you say or think about yourself – both positive and negative; however, you only want to write down positive statements.

A positive affirmation is the beginning of change that you want your subconscious mind to strive toward. When you write affirmations, it’s important to choose words that will either eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life.

Affirmations are seeds to grow and are always stated in the present tense, “I am…” Even if you don’t believe it yet, you are planting the seeds to grow and blossom a beautiful new belief. One of my personal affirmations is…

I am healthy, strong and well rested.

Anxiety List

After you write your gratitudes and affirmations, continue in your journal to make a list of all the things that are bugging you.

Write your to-do list, your fears for the day, your hopes, dreams and any thoughts that are on your mind. This will only take you a couple of minutes, but releasing them from your thoughts is freeing.

Once they’re down on paper, you can move on with your day!

Make Your Bed

Yes, you read that correctly. Your mother was right after all these years! Take a minute and make your bed and you’ll be amazed how great this will make you feel. You start your morning with a practice that feels good and looks good.

An organized environment sets the tone for the day. Try it – you’ll be amazed at its power, especially when you walk into the bedroom at the end of the day, and it looks inviting and comfy. You can’t wait to jump into bed at night and get a good night’s sleep!

30 Minutes Will Change Your Life

It’s amazing to realize that a 30-minute tweak to your morning will change the outlook of your day. If you’re like me, it’ll change your sleep habits as well.

Tomorrow, wake up without hitting the snooze button, lay in bed and meditate for 20 minutes, then grab your journal from your nightstand and jot down your gratitude list, daily affirmations, and your anxiety list. Next, it’s time to get up and make your bed!

Start the day moving with positive energy and vitality. Meet your day head on and face the night in a positive frame of mind, with less anxiety and stress. If you lay awake for longer than 10-15 minutes, grab your earbuds and listen to a sleep mediation while you drift off into a beautiful deep slumber.

Leave a comment below and let me know which suggestion(s) you endeavored to try from this list. How did it make you feel? Would you like to learn more about rest meditation? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!