What does
abundance mean to you at this time in your life? Enough money to take a nice
vacation once a year? Or to do work or pursue an interest that you truly love? Is
it a home that’s just the right size for your comfort, but not so big that it
sucks away your time, money, and peace of mind?
Or maybe you
want to go for that one big bucket-list splurge you’ve dreamed of for years. Beyond
paying our bills to keep body and soul together, we all hold some wishes,
desires, or hopes in our hearts that we would achieve or enjoy, if only…
Money is the
one issue that keeps us from many experiences, events, and things we don’t need,
but do want at this time in our lives. We may be afraid to spend any of
our nest egg, because, you never know… And that’s true.
costs can rob us of some of the comfort, peace, and joy we looked forward to
earlier in our lives. So, we pay our bills, mind our budget, and hope for the
best. Sometimes we’re lucky and sometimes we’re not so lucky.
The Flow of Abundance
Feng Shui is
all about the flow of energy in your home. If the energy is impeded, its flow
gets sluggish or even completely stuck. The energy needs to flow, unobstructed,
at a Goldilocks rate – not too
fast, not too slow – throughout
your home in order to facilitate what we call good luck.
If the good
stuff – love, creative expression, people to assist you, travel, work, or
pastimes you enjoy, intellectual and spiritual growth, harmony and well-being
in your family, good health, a stellar reputation, and abundance – can’t get to you, it may indicate a problem in the corresponding
area of your home.
One specific area of your home is designated as the center for Wealth, including blessings, abundance, and prosperity. This does not mean the money you need to live on, to pay for the basic necessities of life. Instead, it offers you more than you need. It’s about what you want.
When you
divide your home into a nine-square grid, look at the wall which has your front
door on it as the bottom of the grid and the back wall as the top. The Wealth
area is the left back (top) corner.
By enhancing
this area of your home, you can enhance the wealth part of your life. However,
there are other improvements you can do throughout your home that can help
abundance find you.
Put Out the Welcome Mat
Let’s start
at the front door. This is where all blessings and opportunities for abundance
enter the space. It should be clean, attractive, and welcoming. Everything –
door hinges, windows, lights, steps – should be in
good working order.
Replace any
burned out light bulbs and freshen up the paint and hardware, if needed. Placing
“greeters” on either side of the door, such as matching plants or statuary, can
help create a welcoming vibe. If you have a water feature here, make sure the
water is flowing toward the home, not away from it.
Inside the
door, a picture or water feature can also attract abundance, and again, make
sure the flow is moving (or appearing to move) into the home.
Now look at
the pathway from your front door to the Wealth area. Is it blocked? Do you have
to pass through cluttered areas on the way to your Wealth area? The path needs
to be unobstructed, tidy, and well-organized.
The Power of Purple
In the Wealth
area of your home, the power color is purple, including all shades and
variations of this hue. You can decorate using this color in paint, furniture,
fabrics, rugs, artwork, knickknacks, flowers, or even book covers.
Water is a
powerful Feng Shui enhancement for wealth, and this is a good place for a water
feature or picture of a body of water or koi fish.
It’s also a
great place for a money tree plant or any healthy plant that bears leaves in
the shape of coins. A bowl of coins (real currency or not) in the area or on a
window ledge here can also help attract money energy.
This is a
perfect spot for a small box filled with little pieces of paper on which you
have written your wealth dreams, wishes, desires, and goals, or pictures of
what you want, whether it be an event, experience, or object.
This box can
be purple, but gold is the other color symbolizing wealth and prosperity, and I
found a very inexpensive gift box in sparkly gold that I love for this purpose.
You can also add gold accents throughout this space.
Pictures or
other items that symbolize wealth, prosperity, or luxury to you can also offer
a boost of energy here.
For example,
a jewelry box, a crown or tiara, a picture of a boat, car, or house, a small
replica of the Eiffel Tower, or an empty (you can imagine whatever you want it
to hold), beautifully decorated or beribboned gift box may spark a feeling of
abundance. This is personal, so use whatever feels right to you.
Chinese Feng Shui items for wealth include gold-colored coins (often tied with
red string), a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, or lucky cat (left
hand up) and laughing Buddha statues. But you do not have to use them if they
do not hold cultural significance for you.
In your home,
it’s about how you define Wealth so choose items that symbolize abundance
to you. What is most important is that you LOVE this part of your home and
everything in it.
Spread the Wealth
You don’t
want to indiscriminately spread symbolic Wealth items all over your home,
because sometimes, Feng Shui symbols can clash with each other, and you don’t
want to dilute or douse another energetic area while trying to enhance
abundance energy.
Instead, find
the Wealth area of each room, seeing the room’s entrance as you do your front
door. So, the farthest left-hand part of the room corresponds to the Wealth
area, and you can place small items symbolizing wealth in these spots
throughout your home for an added boost to the Wealth energy of the entire
However, you can
do some things throughout your home to keep Wealth energy from leaking away. Close
or cover all sink, tub, and shower drains when you’re not using them. Tie a red
ribbon on each of the outflowing water pipes under your sinks. Keep bathroom
doors closed and toilet lids down.
Having a
bathroom in the Wealth area of your home is considered inauspicious in
Feng Shui, but there are some things you can do if this is your situation.
Instead of
using all the enhancements described above that you would use if this were
another kind of space, make sure everything in this bathroom is in perfect
working order.
Keep the
entire room super clean, decluttered, well-lit, well-ventilated, and
well-organized (yes, even under the sink and in drawers and cupboards), and
keep the countertops as clear as possible, displaying only your favorite,
loveliest perfume bottles and skincare jars.
Add plants
and colors like green and brown, bringing in the Wood element (water feeds
wood, creating a nice balance with the abundance of the Water element).
Go for luxury
in this bathroom, using the most beautiful fixtures, linens, and accessories
possible. Remember, it’s not about quantity, but rather quality
and elegance.
Let the Good Stuff Flow
Are the
pathways on which abundance can find you blocked? Feng Shui can help open the
inflowing and outflowing of prosperity energy in your home and your life. And
yes, I said “outflowing,” because abundance does not come to you and get stuck
there. It moves through you and your life.
You want
money to buy something, which gives that money to someone else. Giving items
you may have once longed for, received, used, and loved, to others who are now
longing for them, keeps the flow moving.
Generosity is
a great form of thankfulness, and the
more you are open to letting the good stuff flow to you and through you
to others, the easier it becomes for the energy to make its way to you,
bringing your most cherished dreams, wishes, and hopes.
Let’s Have a Conversation:
What can you
say about your finances beyond the basic needs? Do you want more money for
extras in your life? Are there some specific kinds of abundance you long for?
Try some of these Feng Shui enhancements and let the good stuff flow! Join in
the conversation and tell us about your Wealth experiences!