Gratitude and appreciation have undeniable power. Being grateful can shift how we see our lives and help us become happier and focus on what matters.
With or without crystals, practicing gratitude has numerous benefits and supports a positive outlook on life. However, crystals and gemstones can be useful tools for creating a habit of being grateful and expressing appreciation.
Besides crystals’ healing and nurturing energies, wearing a crystal pendant or bracelet always reminds me to bring my attention to the present moment and what I have right now, not fear what I do not have, and obsess over the bad things that might happen.
At least this works for me; having the stone near my body and being able to touch it acts as a sensorial reminder to bring my attention to the present, dissipating my fears and encouraging gratefulness.
There are more ways of practicing gratitude with crystals, and hopefully, you’ll find your own little ritual that works best for you.
The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
It probably won’t surprise you to hear that gratefulness is proven to improve mental health and overall life quality. Gratitude is associated with mood improvement, better sleep, reduced stress levels, and better relationships. Some studies state that practicing gratitude can improve physical health by strengthening the immune system and decreasing disease risks and difficulties with chronic pain.
Practicing gratitude can help us regulate our feelings and bring more joy and peace of mind into our lives. It can help us focus on the good parts, such as a nice walk in the park, a kind word of encouragement someone told us, and how all of our life experiences helped us become who we are today.
But, of course, practicing gratitude is not for all people and not for all life situations (you won’t encourage someone in an abusive relationship to be grateful, right?), and some people need it in different doses. It might also not be so effective to write a gratitude journal when you don’t authentically feel grateful; it will end up feeling forced and not improve your mood.
Using crystals as tools for your gratitude practice might also not be for everyone. But if their healing vibes bring you a plus of calmness and support, I highly recommend trying out the following gratitude exercises.
Simple Ways of Using Crystals in Practicing Gratitude
There are some simple ways of using crystals and gemstones to create a habit of practicing gratitude, and while not all might work for you, I hope that my suggestions will be a starting point for coming up with your own gratitude crystal routine.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, a crystal can act as a reminder to reflect on the things that you are grateful for. Keeping a calming stone near my body or working space, such as an amethyst or rose quartz crystal, reminds me to touch it from time to time and think about 2-3 things that positively impacted me that day.
I can squeeze this simple and quick gratitude practice into my sometimes busy schedule when I can’t take 15-25 minutes to sit down and write in a gratitude journal.
Another way to use a crystal for practicing gratitude, in case you have more time, is to take a palm stone crystal (or any other preferred stone) in your hands and sit in a comfortable position. Then take time to think about 8-10 things that you feel grateful for. It can be anything, even if it’s small or silly, and it makes you feel a little embarrassed. Practicing gratitude will feel more natural the more you practice.
I personally practice the second crystal gratitude method before going to bed. It helps me sleep with a sense of serenity and calmness. But it can also be a cheerful and positive way of starting your day.
Lovely Crystals for Practicing Gratitude
My favorite two crystals for practicing gratitude are rose quartz and amethyst. Rose quartz has a gentle vibe that always touches my heart. It encourages me to not only see the world in a better light but also appreciate myself more and be grateful for who I am. I recommend rose quartz for those struggling with self-image, self-esteem, and being grateful for the wonderful being that you are.
Then amethyst is a lovely crystal for gratitude practice as it calms the agitation of the mind. At least for me, it works by slowing down my inner rumination and easing anxiety. That makes it easier to focus on the things that make me happy and grateful instead of overthinking potential negative outcomes.
Other crystals I recommend for a gratitude practice are:
- Clear quartz – with powerful cleansing energies that ward off negative vibes and dispel energy blockages.
- Citrine – a happy yellow stone enhancing positivity and bringing joy and comforting energy.
- Labradorite –brings hope in difficult times, clarity of mind, optimism, and spiritual awareness.

Let’s Have a Conversation:
Does practicing gratitude work for you? Have you ever tried crystals in your gratitude practice? What other ways to practice gratitude have you explored?