Relax Like a Millionaire

Say the word, “spa” and it conjures up lifestyles of the rich and famous.

There’s no denying that spas are extremely expensive. However, SPA, or “salute per aqua” is an ageless tradition dating back to Roman times. Honoring your health and well-being with body caring treatments should be a right of all human beings.

Just because you can’t afford a pricey day spa, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be your most serene, beautiful self, and to enjoy the harmonic benefits a spa provides. If you don’t treat yourself like a queen, who will?

That’s why, every month I make an appointment with myself for a dedicated spa-at-home day. I enter it into my calendar and don’t schedule any appointments. This day is all about me.

Beauty Is a Lot of Work

Yes, movie stars have great genes, but it takes a lot of time and effort to achieve their polished look before the Oscars. For days, yes days, they are pummeled, waxed and masked, zapped, peeled, hair treated, styled and made up – by many sets of hands – before we see them, silky and glowing on the red carpet.

You can do much of this at home, but it requires patience to go through all the steps. If you do, I guarantee you’ll love the way you feel and look.

I begin the day with fresh fruit and tea. Maybe I bought some fresh flowers the day before or I cut some greens from my garden. Yoga stretches. Meditation. A beautiful reading. I light a stick of incense or a scented candle for aromatherapy benefits. I play zen-like spa music to complete the atmosphere.

Hair and Face

Next, I set myself up with a facial and hair masks; these will be working as I go on to my other treatments.

For my hair, I buy a deep moisturizing treatment at my salon or I use a home remedy such as warmed olive oil or coconut oil. The internet has lots of recipes for inexpensive home hair masks. Once applied, I make a cap of silver foil and smooth it onto my head. I love the feeling of warm moisturization as I continue.

With my hair wrapped, I apply my facial mask. I decide what my skin needs. It might be deep moisture, exfoliation, or tightening. I buy these at the drugstore or concoct a natural mix at home.

Luscious Fresh Feet

Face and hair are working. Now on to the pedicure. A pedicure is not just about having pretty feet. Touching your feet affects your entire well-being, because it’s like a reflexology treatment. You’re stimulating and calming the various areas of your body because all your body’s nerve endings are present in the foot.

It’s a little detail, but beautiful feet mean you care for yourself. Gerontologists look at a patient’s feet to see her general state of health and well-being. They consider uncared for feet a sign of neglect in general well-being.

I don’t wear colored polish on my toes anymore because I don’t like chipped nail polish and the high maintenance of a weekly pedicure. But I do love to have beautiful, natural, fresh feet.

My Peppermint Pedicure

I soak my feet in a basin of warm water with a splash of Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap, or a squish of shampoo. Fifteen minutes is good, but a half hour is best. Within a few minutes my feet start to tingle and I feel wonderfully calm inside. With a wash cloth, I rub off the dead skin on heels, arches, toes, tops, bottoms and in between.

I dry my feet and then push back cuticles and cut toenails – so much easier now because they’re soft. I massage in foot crème which I’ve learned is much stronger than hand crème and sit with my feet up so they can soak in the moisture. I enjoy a fruit tea whilst I’m tingling from head to toe.

Soigné Hands

Manicure time. I soak my fingers in a little bowl, one hand at a time. The zen-like spa music and scented candle are working their magic. After pushing back cuticles and trimming and filing my nails, I massage my hands with a nice hand crème. Yes, I have “old” hands, but having beautifully manicured, cared for hands, speaks volumes about who I am as a person.

I’ll share the secret to my beautiful hands: cuticle crème every night. My hands are in and out of soap and water all day long; the drying effect is palpable. Rubbing cuticle crème or oil into my fingertips each night makes an enormous difference, calming everything down. I do believe my nails and fingertips thank me.

SPA: Salute Per Aqua

Mani-Pedi done. Into the tub for a relaxing soak, followed by a warm shower that will rinse off the face and hair treatments. When I get out of the shower, I dab myself with a towel lightly, staying moist. Slathering on body lotion when you’re still wet is an extraordinary feeling. So, slippery and wet, I put on a cotton robe and lie down. I close my eyes and breathe. After a bit, I dry and style my hair.

I’m refreshed, renewed and yes, I feel like a million. My body is the temple of my soul. I do honor to my soul by caring for my body. I wish you a beautiful spa day!

Is a home spa day something you’d like to schedule into your life? Do you have any spa treatments you do at home? Please share your favorite home spa recipes in the comments!