start the year alcohol-free and feeling amazing

The combination of the media, the marketing campaigns and social norms encourage us to float through the festive season on a sea of booze.

It can be so easy just to go with the flow. How about playing it a bit differently this year? How about resisting the brainwashing? How about unplugging from the matrix?

How about trying an alcohol-free December?

Here are some reasons WHY you should try a Dry December together with some advice HOW to do it.

6 Reasons Why You Should Try an Alcohol-Free December

#1: December Is Always a Busy Time

The chances are that whatever your profession, you will be busy at work, busy socially, and of course busy creating that “perfect Christmas” for your family.

If you give up alcohol for December, you can actually claw back a lot of time. Time that is usually devoted to planning the drinking, drinking and getting over the drinking.

#2: Dry December Gives You an Advantage

Everybody does “Dry January” but only the seriously cool people do “Dry December” and then start the new year feeling fantastic – rather than exhausted and poisoned with excess food and alcohol.

You also get to join the rest of the world for Dry January, feeling rather smug as you already have plenty of alcohol-free days under your belt!

#3: Stressing Less Is a Bonus

You will reduce your stress as you “take control.” You will sleep better and steam through your “to-do” list and even begin to feel slightly superior to your pals as they struggle with their hangovers.

If your friends give you a hard time, just tell them you are doing 30 alcohol-free days to raise money for charity which you can do by signing up for Tribe Sober’s Annual Fundraiser.

#4: You Will Lose Weight!

We are surrounded by super-fattening foods during December, and after a glass of wine or two we just get stuck in. Staying sober means you can stay in control of what you are eating and drinking.

As an extra bonus you can opt out of the dieting misery train that we are all supposed to board come January 1st.

#5: Really Enjoy the Holidays

A lot of people worry that they cannot enjoy themselves without alcohol, but think about it. What makes a good Christmas? Being with your family and seeing the joy on the children’s faces as they open their presents – or numbing out with booze?

#6: An Experiment Worth Trying

At the very least a sober Christmas will be an interesting experiment – even if you hate it, you will have tried – and who knows, you may even decide to make a lifestyle change and go alcohol free.

6 Tips for an Alcohol-Free December

#1: Make It a Challenge

If this is your first alcohol-free Christmas, why not turn it into a challenge? Lower your expectations and don’t presume to enjoy the Holiday in quite the same way as usual.

Your goal is simply to get through December without alcohol. Your joy will come flooding in on January 1st when you wake up hangover free with no regrets and feeling proud of yourself – and ready to face 2024 with energy and optimism!

#2: Stock Up on Alcohol-Free Drinks

There are so many delicious choices around these days. Get a box delivered, fill up the fridge and experiment. Make some mocktails for the whole family – they can add alcohol to theirs!

#3: Get a Tracker

Although we can get sober trackers on our phones, there is something motivating about a paper tracker. You can colour in the alcohol-free days as you complete them and keep an eye on the big picture. Stick it on the fridge and get the family to help you stay on track.

If you would like to get one of our free trackers, then just email and request a December Tracker which was designed for the holiday period.

#4: Remember That Christmas Is Just One Day

Mark Christmas Day and any parties you will be attending on your tracker. Make a plan to get through those events alcohol-free. Look at the whole month and notice that most of the days in December are just regular days! Don’t despair if you have a slip-up. Mark it on your tracker and get right back on the bus the next day.

#5: Find a Sobriety Partner

Connection is the opposite of addiction so get a Sober Buddy. Find a friend who will do a Dry December with you. If you would like lots of Sober Buddies, then maybe you should join Tribe Sober.

#6: Join a Fundraiser

To help you on your way, Tribe Sober has launched its Annual Fundraiser for the Earthchild Project which helps disadvantaged children in South Africa. Just $16 provides a child with yoga & life-skills classes for a whole year and provides you with online and community support for 30 days.

Just make a donation directly to Earthchild by clicking here and we’ll get right back to you.

Ready to Try an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle?

When we make a major lifestyle change, we need to connect with others on the same path. We need a Tribe! Tribe Sober has an international community of 400 members – all supporting and encouraging each other as they build their beautiful alcohol-free lives.

Use the coupon code “sixty” for a 20% discount on Annual Membership, and listen to the weekly Tribe Sober podcast – available on Apple & Spotify.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How many years have you been drinking? Do you drink consistently – a glass or two of wine most evenings? Have you ever tried to take a break to test your dependence? Have you noticed an impact on your looks after a taking a break? Do you ever worry about your drinking? Are you aware of the health dangers of alcohol as you get older? Have you ever had a sober Thanksgiving or Christmas?