Kameron Westcott’s Tie Dye Sweatsuit on Instagram

Real Housewives of Dallas Instagram Fashion 2020

Although one of the most popular activities in quarantine seems to be eating  drinking  watching Tiger King  TikToking tie dying, Real Housewives of Dallas’ Kameron Westcott is here to show us with her pink tie dye sweatsuit on Instagram that it’s still possible to get the cute and comfy lewk without even lifting a finger. Well, just to click “add to cart” that is.  



Kameron Westcott’s Tie Dye Sweatsuit

Click Here to Shop Her Cotton Citizen Sweatshirt (Pants Currently Not in Stock)

Photo & Info: @KameronWestcott

Originally posted at: Kameron Westcott’s Tie Dye Sweatsuit