Margaret Josephs’ Perfume

Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 13 Episode 10 Fashion

There are very few things more satisfying to me than identifying the beauty products the Real Housewives love so much they bring on vacation. So you’d better believe I was willing to search high and low for Margaret Josephs’ perfume once I spotted the bottle on her vanity in Ireland. And though the price is high, I’ve still got the down low for those who are just as curious as I was.


The Realest Housewife,

Big Blonde Hair


Margaret Josephs' Perfume

Click Here to Shop her Parfums de Marly Perfume in Safanad

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*The bottle looks a different color in the photo BUT I googled images of bottles and the ones that had been used and were partially empty in “Safanad” matched Margarets*


Originally posted at: Margaret Josephs’ Perfume