Rejuvenate Your Skin with Herbal Teas Beauty Boosting Benefits for Mature Women

Have you
stopped to ask yourself, “Why am I still dealing with skin concerns at my age?
I’m not a teenager, but I still have a tough time when it comes to my skin.”

Well, mature
skin is delicate and must be treated with proper care.

Herbal Teas – A Possible Skin Care Solution?

Did you
know that drinking herbal teas could improve your skin health? Maybe you have,
maybe you haven’t, but many underlying skin concerns can be addressed by
drinking herbal teas.

benefits include restoring skin hydration, reducing skin inflammation, and
focusing on providing your body with antioxidants to shield the skin from the
inside out.

You are probably asking yourself, “Herbal teas? Really?” But why not? Herbal teas have been around dating back to ancient Egypt and ancient China. They have been used for hundreds of years for their health and beauty benefits in addition to their great taste.

herbal teas contain vital compounds
that aid in the function of the
digestive system and create beautiful healthy skin.

They are a great addition to your morning routine as they provide, at a cellular level, many nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Below is a list of the top herbal teas that can help boost your skin beauty.


Cinnamon is known for a variety of medical properties including,
analgesic, anthelmintic, antiarthritic, anticancer, antidiabetic, antifungal,
anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent,
bactericidal, sedative.

Cinnamon Tea

To make tasty cinnamon tea, use ground bark and chips. Infuse in hot
water and add a spoonful of honey for even more benefits. Cinnamon tea is
fragrant, sweet, spicy and warm.

Cinnamon Bark and Home Cosmetics

Cinnamon bark has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to
eliminate the acne-causing bacteria from the surface of the skin.

A cinnamon
facial masque will help reduce skin redness and restore skin moisture, though
before application, you should first test the masque on a small area of the
skin for symptoms of irritation and skin sensitivity.

Mix ground
cinnamon with three tablespoons of honey and apply to your face but avoid using
around the eyes. Leave the mixture on the skin for about 3-5 minutes, then remove
with a cool cloth.


The calendula flower possesses anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties, heals ulcers, wounds, and hemorrhoids, and improves oral health.

Calendula Tea

To make calendula tea, infuse fresh or dry flowers picked at just the right time. Calendula tea is sweetly aromatic and slightly bitter. It has an exotic floral scent.

Calendula in Home Cosmetics

calendula oil is naturally extracted from the marigold flower (Calendula
officinalis). its antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties are
useful in healing surface wounds and redness, soothing eczema, and relieving sun


Did you know that jasmine, the aromatic plant, has a variety of health benefits? It’s used as an analgesic and antidepressant. Jasmine has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, and is known to relieve flatulence.

Jasmine Tea

To make fragrant jasmine tea infuse the flowers in hot water. This brew
is sweet and may affect more than your sense of taste.

Jasmine and Home Cosmetics

As a natural antiseptic, jasmine provides powerful anti-aging benefits. It promotes healing and helps to even out the skin tone by reducing the appearance of age spots and sunspots.

Can’t Do Without Honey

not an herb, honey is a plant byproduct and is used medicinally around the
world. It is an integral part of herbal teas and is just as healing. No cup of
herbal tea would be complete without adding a spoonful of honey for sweetness
and flavor.

Herbal Remedies Contraindications and Precautions

When properly
used, herbs have a natural balancing effect on the body. Always follow the instructions for
preparation and consumption.

sensitivity can also vary significantly, so if you are generally sensitive,
start with a low dose and build up slowly once you have determined your level
of tolerance.

herbal teas do you drink regularly? What benefits do they bring to your body?
How did you decide they would be a good addition to your routine? Please share
in the comments below.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice. Please consult with your doctor to get specific medical advice for your situation.