Solo Travel Off the Beaten Path After 60 – 6 Essential Things to Know

You’re going where?

That’s usually the
reaction you can expect when you say sub-Saharan Africa, or Uzbekistan, or East Timor.

Because let’s face it,
some people think there’s a cut-off age for adventure and that after a certain
time, life should become more predictable.

It absolutely can, and
there’s nothing wrong with that. But it doesn’t have to be.

If you choose
adventure, it’s your choice, and it can be every bit as rewarding after 60 as
it was in your 20s.

But a few rules do
apply – they just might be a little different today.

What to Do Before Setting Off on Your Adventure

Going off on an
adventure of any kind needs a bit more preparation than signing up for an
organized tour or walking into your travel agency and having someone take care
of all the details.

Travel off the beaten
path tends to have a common thread, wherever you go: unpredictability. You can
plan (and you most certainly should) but be ready to improvise.

Make Sure You’re
Suited Psychologically to This Type of Travel

If you like foods and
the familiar sounds of English being spoken, you may not feel comfortable in an
environment where you cannot communicate easily or where everything is new and
different, and you’re crammed on a bus with a bunch of chickens.

Bottom line, travel to
offbeat places means things will NOT be like they are at home. But then, isn’t
that the point?

Choose Your Destination Wisely

Once you feel mentally
prepared, your next step is to decide where to go. If you’re seriously
concerned about hygiene, you might want to avoid countries with squat toilets,
or if you’re a vegetarian, meat-based cultures might be problematic.

And if you worry about politics, war, disease or about being able to get home quickly, you might decide against visiting one of the world’s unrecognized countries.

Research the natural
hazards – earthquakes, floods, tsunamis. You don’t need the extra pressure, so
if your choice of destination tends to be flooded or surrounded by fire several
times a year, think again.

When I decided to go
to Sri Lanka, I did worry about
tsunamis (a terrible tidal wave struck the region in 2004), so I made sure I
had a map of the area surrounding my hotel, and an escape plan. Just in case.

Take Some Practical Precautions

If you’re going to a
country that isn’t on everyone’s top 10 list, consider registering with your
embassy. Many countries have registration systems for international travelers,
like the US Smart Traveler
Enrollment Program

This helps them reach
you in case of emergency or unrest and will boost your peace of mind – and that
of friends and relatives who think you’re being a bit too daring.

Always have some local
cash – not much, but enough to bail you out with a taxi if you need one. Many
countries don’t accept credit cards outside major cities and international
hotels, and cash reigns supreme. Just don’t carry around a huge amount and
change money as you need it.

Always Tell a Trusted Someone Where
You Are

Although I’m a fan of
“wandering off,” I do have a basic itinerary and always leave it with someone.
It includes my flights in and out, the hotels I’ve reserved and approximate travel

Each day, I check in,
either by email or some other form of communication, and if my itinerary
changes, I let someone know.

When I first started
traveling solo all those years ago, keeping in touch was so much harder. Some
communities didn’t even have a way to call internationally, and I often went a
month without contacting my family.

These days, few places
are that isolated (although I admit, in some parts of Kyrgyzstan recently, I was
unable to grab a phone signal).

Keep Your Health Uppermost in Your

While taking care of
your health is a no-brainer, I’m consistently shocked at the number of people
who forgo something as essential as insurance when they travel. Yes, it is
harder to get insurance after 60, but you can – and must.

Make sure you take your
meds and your prescriptions, and ask your doctor to explain what is in the medicine. Should you run out or
lose it, there are equivalencies in most countries, but usually under a
different name. If the pharmacist knows your medicine’s chemical make-up, they
can find a substitute.

And make sure you
research drug policies at your destination. When I went to Uzbekistan, I was
surprised to find out they banned all forms of codeine. As I crossed the
border, officers went through all my meds looking for telltale signs of the
offending drug.

Remember, hygiene may
not be what you’re used to, so take the usual precautions and avoid foods that
might make you sick. And of course, drink only bottled water and use it to wash
your food.

Be More Cautious About Safety

In some countries, you may have legitimate security concerns, which is why research is so important. I visited Tunisia, in North Africa, a couple of years ago. This small country suffered several serious terrorist attacks in recent years, some targeting tourist resorts, so the concern is legitimate.

Staying away from
crowded areas or demonstrations is a good idea, but so is remembering that
violence can – and does – occur anywhere.

Writing off an entire country because of a few isolated attacks makes little sense to me. Still, as an older woman, I fully realize I’m more vulnerable than someone in their 20s. All that means is that I have to be more careful.

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Let’s Have a Conversation:

How often do you
travel alone? Do you visit foreign countries solo? How do you prepare
beforehand? What tips might you have for beginning solo travelers? Please share
them with our community!