Stephanie Hollman’s Tie Dye Sweater on Instagram

Real Housewives of Dallas Instagram Fashion 2020

In today’s installment of quarantine tie dye fash-un, we’ve got Real Housewives of Dallas’ Stephanie Hollman jumping on the bandwagon with her super cute blue and white tie dye sweater on Instagram (according to the caption she’s being entertained on the phone here by Brandi Redmond lol). Which thankfully she did not make herself and is available to shop right now for only $62 — so there’s really no need to be jealous like we very much are of her quarantine living situation



Stephanie Hollman’s Blue Tie Dye Sweater

Click Here to Shop Her Superdown Sweater

Photo & Info: @StephHollman

Originally posted at: Stephanie Hollman’s Tie Dye Sweater