When I look back on my own downsizing journey, there are so many things I didn’t know that I wish I had known at the time.
While I did get really good at figuring things out over time, it sure would have made the process a lot easier had I known then what I know now. Today’s article and video tell the truth about downsizing and decluttering – what no one tells you but what you need to know.
With the ever-increasing popularity of downsizing and decluttering across all ages and demographics, it’s important for you to know what to expect before you embark on this life-changing decision.
THE GOOD: The Surprising Benefits of Decluttering and Downsizing My Life
After decluttering and downsizing, one of the biggest surprises was how simple my life had become.
Having broken free of the burden of clutter and a home filled with too much stuff, my smaller environment was organized and peaceful, and I knew where everything was.
I was no longer wasting time looking for things.
Living in a smaller home with much less stuff suddenly just made sense!
I had more time, money, freedom, and energy to do all the things I had been wanting to do. I could now focus on what mattered to me because nothing was holding me back. That is, I was in control of my own life. I had all I wanted, all I needed, and had never been happier.
I also realized how little I actually needed and how the quality of my life had improved.
My only question was: Why hadn’t I decluttered and downsized sooner?
THE BAD: The Daily Challenges You Face During the Downsizing and Decluttering Journey
Note that these so-called challenges also became opportunities each day to learn, grow, and become stronger in my resolve to simplify my life.
Each day seemed to bring on a new emotion:
- Overwhelm, stress, peace
- Tears, sadness, joy
- Indecisiveness, decisiveness, clarity
At any given moment, I was filled with self-doubt:
- What if I need it someday?
- How can I possibly let go of my sentimental items?
- What do I need to do to stay motivated when I want to give up?
- Is it worth all this time and effort?
Acknowledging these complex emotions is critical to your decluttering and downsizing success. They’re perfectly normal. Anyone who declutters and downsizes experiences many similar emotions.
The key to success is not to dwell on the emotions and things that hold you back. Instead, constantly remind yourself of WHY you want to downsize and declutter.
Whether it’s to save money, live a simpler life, or have more freedom, shift your focus to one small area, like a drawer, and make one small decision at a time.
This mindset shift is magical because it will help you get unstuck so you can move forward.
THE UGLY: What NOT to Do When Downsizing and Decluttering
Here are 5 big mistakes I made during my journey to owning less. Avoiding these can save you a lot of time, trouble, and heartache:
Trying to Do It All at Once
This is not only impossible but also unwise. Take the time upfront to create a plan and implement your project one area at a time. Set realistic goals, timelines, and intentions for where you’ll live and where your excess items will go.
Trying to Do It Alone
After one exhausting month of decluttering solo, I realized I needed a team. Having support allowed me to create a workable plan and even enjoy the process.
Bringing Too Much Stuff to Your Smaller Home
Overpacking a smaller space is a common mistake. Be mindful of the limited storage in your new home and make thoughtful decisions about what to bring.
Waiting Too Long to Downsize and Declutter
I delayed my move by five years, which led to unnecessary stress, wasted resources, and missed opportunities for joy. Living with less has added years to the quality of my life.
Continuing to Accumulate More
Breaking the cycle of over-accumulation is essential. Learning to say no and understanding your relationship with “more” is critical for living a simpler, more meaningful life.
Misconceptions About Decluttering and Downsizing
“Downsizing Is Stressful and Overwhelming”
While there’s an element of stress, with the right mindset and tools, the process can be smooth, enjoyable, and even fun.
“Decluttering and Downsizing Means Sacrificing Comfort”
This is not true. A thoughtfully downsized home can still reflect your personal style and provide comfort.
“Downsizing Is for Extreme Minimalists”
Downsizing isn’t about extremes – it’s about living a more balanced life with things that serve a purpose and bring joy.
My Top 5 Secrets for Successful Decluttering and Downsizing
Start Small
Complete one area at a time to build momentum and motivation.
Sort into Categories
Use three piles – keep, donate, discard – to help you be more intentional and decisive.
Acknowledge the Emotional Aspect
Letting go can be painful, but remember: memories live in your heart, not in objects.
Focus on Clarity and Freedom
A clutter-free home lets you focus on what matters most: relationships, passions, and personal growth.
Declutter Your Mind
Downsizing isn’t just about your space – it’s about achieving mental clarity and surrounding yourself with what truly matters.
The freedom that comes with decluttering and downsizing is available to anyone, regardless of age, income, or lifestyle. It’s not just for minimalists – it’s for everyone who wants to live a more intentional and fulfilling life.
Remember, downsizing isn’t just about getting rid of things. It’s about living a life aligned with your values and goals. It’s about freedom, clarity, and simplicity.
Time for Reflection:
Have you been thinking about downsizing? What have you attempted to declutter about your home? What mistakes have you made in the process and what did you learn?