travel plans post covid

If you love to travel, it’s quite likely that you have had plans affected by the pandemic. If you’d been dreaming of a particular trip, you’re probably kicking yourself for waiting.

Yet as restrictions start to relax, it’s hard to balance the desire to travel and support one of the hardest-hit industries against the nervousness created by Covid-19.

As transport providers, attractions, and other complementary tourist service providers begin to alter their protocols and gradually re-open, where will you go?

Don’t Burst the Bubble

Keeping your household bubble intact while traveling is likely to be the safest way initially to see more than your backyard. Holidays that limit your exposure to other households such as camping, RV hire, and holiday home rental are about to become very popular.

Deal or No Deal

Traveler confidence has taken a beating and the industry has responded. Take a look at the offers available to you. There are some great deals around, often accompanied by free last-minute no-quibble cancellation offers.

Make no mistake, the travel sector has taken a huge hit and suppliers large and small want you back.

Watch and Wait

Maybe you’re not quite ready to resume adventuring, but there’s nothing to stop you planning and dreaming of your next vacation.

Having restrictions placed on your freedom of movement certainly focuses your mind. What is it you want to do? Where would you love to go? What had you been putting off for a ‘special’ occasion?

If there’s one thing the current travel restrictions have taught us, it’s that there is no time to waste: why put something off?

Had you been musing about a safari holiday or considering an expedition cruise or looking at adventure travel options? With time on your hands, there’s no better time to plan.

If you’re looking for a new experience you’ve time to consider your options too.

Secret Agent

It’s hard to keep up to date with changes as rules start to relax. What was not allowed yesterday might be open next week. Your travel agent will be able to help you navigate fluctuating regulations as well as find the best offer out of the many to choose from.

We love your excitement when we book your holiday and know that the post-pandemic holiday glow will be somehow sweeter.

If you want some inspiration, check out our virtual vacation webinars.Each week we escape to a different destination.

What travel plans did you cancel because of the pandemic? Will you be visiting that same location once the restrictions are lifted? Or have you made different plans already? What’s the first place you will visit once Covid has become history? Please share with the community!