I’m not talking about secrets that are hidden away in your closet. Also not talking about coming out of the closet with your sexual orientation. This topic is about stuff. Chances are, you don’t really know what’s in some of your closets anymore. If you were to pull everything out, which I’ve done at times, it’s stuff that takes up a lot of space and is not useful anymore! What’s in there? Do you really know?
My Own Story
My sister passed away from cancer five years ago. I miss her every day. She loved to sew and was an outstanding quilter. I have beautiful, quilted pieces that she gave me over the years, and I’ll treasure them forever. Some are in my closet, but I know right where they are, and they aren’t leaving my possession.
When she passed away, we had the task of venturing into her sewing room. It had so much fabric in it, we could hardly walk. She was able to squirrel away bolts and fabric pieces, colorful and neutral, all sorts of sewing gadgets, with patterns, books, and tools for sewing.
Quilters from all over the area came and left with precious pieces from my sister’s stash at a garage sale held in her garage. Our family was able to take anything we thought we would use. Although I don’t really like to sew that much, I took what interested me, which amounted to a very large box of material. At the time, I couldn’t let it go.
I stuffed it away in my top closet where it’s been for four years. I’ve never looked at that box since I put it there. Lately, I’ve thought about that fabric. I know she intended it to be used, not sit on a shelf. I think it’s time to bring it down and see if any of the family or my friends can use it.
Sentimental Value/Fresh Space
Can you relate to this story? Sometimes we hold on to things that have a sentiment attached to them but are of no use in our lives. We can choose to do this, of course, as we need to attach special meaning and sentiment to things at times. In my case, I have limited space that could be put to better use.
Also, who would take care of this stuff when I’m gone? It makes sense for me to go through stuff in my house and decide what I want to do with it. My goal is to eliminate most of what’s gathering dust due to lack of use, and let some fresh air breathe through my home. I want to pare it down to only what sparks a joyful sentiment and is of use.
What Do the Experts Say?
Marie Kondo is an inspiration to me on many levels. In her book, The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up, she talks about how to begin a process of keeping what’s valuable to you. Marie encourages people to focus on what they want to keep instead of what they want to get rid of. That’s a new twist and makes it easier for me. She states to keep the things we enjoy, make us happy and spark a joyful memory.
My Father’s Trophy
Some of what’s tucked away in your closet will spark joy. I have a trophy that my dad won playing in a golf tournament. With it is a picture of him, holding the trophy and smiling his huge warm smile. When looking the trophy over one day, I found a note tucked into the back of it. It was from a friend who played in the tournament with him, teasing him about his win. This brings a smile every time I see it.
Scrapbooking Stuff
I used to sell products for scrapbooking. I had so much product in my home that was not being used that I sold it to a kind lady who answered my Craigslist ad. She was so thrilled to have the items, that it made me happy too! I haven’t missed the stuff and now I have more space.
Time to Take Some Action
Today, I’m bringing my box of sissy’s fabric down from its hiding spot to decide what to do with its contents. Will I keep some? It’s possible. Most of all, someone could really make something beautiful and useful out of it. I’ll try to find that person.
What is hiding in your closet? Would someone benefit from the clothing, the acquired collection of fabric, or other things you haven’t used for quite some time? Bring it out, think it over, and free up space in your home and life. Let me know what you have decided to let go of. Was the decision a tough one? Did it bring someone else joy? Do you regret letting it go?