What Do George Clooney and Crosby Stills and Nash Have in Common

And no, this is not a joke! But it could change the way you think about getting older.

Have you seen the movie Up in the Air? George (we’re on a first name basis; he just doesn’t know it yet), plays a traveling corporate downsizer who makes a living flying across the country firing people for employers who don’t want to do it themselves.

Crosby Stills & Nash’s song “Taken at All” is in the soundtrack of the movie, and I found that the two themes woven together create a beautiful and important image and message to remember.

In one scene of the movie George is about to fire someone and tells the man that he (George) is not a shrink, but a wakeup call. He then asks the man if his kids admire him and tells him that the reason kids love athletes is because they follow their dreams. George notices the man’s resume says he minored in French culinary arts. He asks him how much they paid him to give up his dreams, and when was he going to stop and go back to doing what made him happy?

Also read, Creating the Life You Dream of.

Pause the Movie on This Frame for a Moment

Now let’s go to our proverbial record player and look at the CSN song, Taken at All.

It begins with, “This is me; can you take another look.” It asks if the road we’re on is really the only way. Another lyric, “We lost it on the highway” refers to how often we forget and lose sight of our passions and desires due to the internal and external pressures of what we think (and others think) we should be doing. The song ends with the lyric, “Can this road be taken, taken at all.”

My Perspective

The Song

This song encourages us to look at our life in this moment to see how we feel and to ask ourselves if we are on the right path. And if we’re being honest and see that we’re not, it inspires us to consider whether we can still pivot. Is there a possibility of taking another path or perhaps revisiting one we chose not to travel down once before?

The Movie

Then there is the movie which has us contemplate our choices, encouraging us to realize that we can change course, and that it’s never too late to choose a different path.

Have you ever stopped along your highway to consider if the road you’re on is indeed the one you want to be on?

I know that I have found myself miles and miles down a path that was very bumpy, lonely (even though I wasn’t alone), and the scenery sucked! The problem was, I thought I was going in the direction I was supposed to, so I didn’t see that I was making excuses for the rough road and not enjoying the ride. I had blinders on so I couldn’t see the exit signs.

Jobs, careers, relationships, play, rewind, play, rewind… I kept listening more to the voice in my head, instead of the one coming from deep within that can often be easily ignored or not heard at all.

With some personal work I finally got off that loop of a highway and let some passengers out. I was able to see that there were other roads to choose that would be healthier and far more gratifying, and that my age didn’t have to stop me from exploring them.

When we’re young, to quote a lyric in a song from The Sound of Music, “We flit, we float we fleetly flee, we fly,” and don’t think twice about changing paths to do something fun, or creative that transports us to a different time zone where hours fly by unnoticed.

Note to Selves

We can still experience those feelings of curiosity, excitement, joy, creativity and fulfillment! And I dare say even more so than when we were younger because we have the life experience to deeply appreciate when we are on our authentic path!

Let’s make a pact that we won’t just clock in and clock out of our lives, numb to our desires and the possibilities that await us!

Pull off to the side of the road, look out the windshield and ask yourself if you are where you want to be, and if you are going in the direction you want to be going. If the answer is no, it is not too late!

This is our life; right now. This is not a rehearsal for our life. Every day is opening night. Every single day is a chance to walk down our own red carpet feeling so very proud of ourselves because we are living our best damn life, the way we choose to live it!

As I always say, live passionately, live vulnerably, and keep loving later life!

We all deserve to be living our authentic lives!

Let’s Support Each Other in Conversation:

Have you changed course, knowing the path you were on wasn’t right for you? Are you fearful to make a change? What scares you the most? We can talk about it! What thoughts/feelings did this bring up for you?