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Do you look forward to the new day as you get up in the morning? Is there something that propels you out of a warm, cozy bed to dance into the day ahead?

Many years ago, I was on automatic pilot. My kids got me up in the mornings. Fortunately, they were not predawn risers, but they popped up with an energy and enthusiasm for the day that could not be ignored.

Mid-life, my job and/or exercise were my morning motivators. I went through phases of long distance biking or running and early mornings gave me the time I needed to get in the miles. I do miss those days.

In the current phase of my life, writing is my reason for getting out of bed each morning. Some days I am working on my blog. Some days I am writing for another website, such as Sixty and Me. Other days it’s writing for a course I’m taking, another writing project or my journal. But almost every day this brain dump and a strong cup of coffee are my energizers.

Do You Hit the Snooze Alarm… Again and Again?

There have been periods throughout my life when I hit the snooze or I didn’t even bother to set an alarm. Those were times when I couldn’t see a reason to get out of bed. Sleep was my refuge.

Each of us has gone through those periods. The first challenge is to recognize them before they become a dangerous way of life. The next challenge is to discover a new purpose – a new source of energy. Neither step is easy but they are necessary to a healthy life.

Sixty and Me is a good place to start looking for new inspiration. The conversations allow us to “meet” others who have felt disconnected. You are not alone is an important realization. Then the myriad articles brings stories of discovery and suggestions of new directions. Read them. What resonates? What brings a little flutter to your heart?

Personal R&D – Research and Development

The research and development part is a process. We have to step out of our comfort zone challenging ourselves to try something new – probably several new things. It’s like a business looking for the next great product. Research and development. Trial and error. Over and over until we discover the right trigger or energizer.

Join a club or group. Go to a community event or lecture. Walk through a new neighborhood. Read a different genre of book. Take a course – usually my favorite starting point.

I’ve gone through this process many times over the years, and I’ve learned that I really love learning! I have enrolled in enough classes to qualify as a Professional Student. Adult ed. College courses. Online courses. Exercise classes. Art classes. Craft classes. Weekend retreats.

I think that’s why writing has become my raison d’être. It always challenges me and gives me a terrific reason to research and learn.

Writing does not come easily. Most of what I put on paper (or in the computer) is never shared. It is a brain dump – like running or biking 20 miles or meditating. Writing clears my head and brings perspective to my life. It gives each day a starting point although I’m not sure where it will take me. I like that.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What gets you out of bed in the morning? Do you have routines that energize you for the day? What is next on your research and development agenda? Please join the conversation.