brooches are fashionable again

Since the weather has taken a turn for the somewhat cooler temperatures, we are starting to wear more layers, jackets and coverings. And a great way to add some fun and excitement to our fall fashion pieces is with one or all of your brooches!

What Is a Brooch?

When I look up the definition of a brooch, the internet says it’s an ornament fastened to clothing with a hinged pin and catch. Another definition says it is a decorative jewelry item designed to be attached to garments. Well, glory be, ladies – I bet all of you have a bunch of these, and it’s stylish to wear them now – so let’s have fun!

What Variations and Styles Are Available?

These fabulous accessories come in all sizes and colors and materials. I know when I first think of a brooch, I think of metal and lots of bling. But, in keeping with the above definitions, they can certainly include fabric pins, wooden ones and even ceramic pieces!

When I search the retail sites for examples of brooches, I am overwhelmed with the different choices available. There is every animal imaginable, so many options of flowers and even modern designs too!

Of course, you may not need to go to the store at all to participate in this trend. Some of us have had brooches handed down from grandmothers, aunts and even friends. Or you bought them years ago and have forgotten all about them! I think it’s even fun to search out the antique and consignment stores for some variety if you want to add a couple to your collection.

Where Do You Attach a Brooch?

Now, most of us grew up putting a brooch on our collar or lapel of a jacket. And this is certainly an easy place to start, but I would encourage you to go further and experiment with attaching it other places as well, such as a belt, a hat or a handbag/purse.

You can also wear them on a headband or bow in your hair. How about on a wire around your neck as a necklace? You can even wear them on the laces of your shoes or on a fabric belt – it can be the pop of color if the buckle is plain.

Why Do I Love This Look?

Well, I have a confession. I am an accessory addict. Of course I blame my mother for this affliction. But admittance is the first step, right?

That being said, I think attaching a brooch to your clothing is a fun and interesting addition. It can certainly add some pizzazz to almost any look.

I think this can be especially helpful if you’re a woman who gravitates towards solid colored clothing instead of prints! Or someone who doesn’t like a necklace for the fact that it moves around.

Pros of Wearing Brooches

As I stated above, the little ole brooch can bring some bling to basically any wardrobe piece.

Since the brooch is a small piece of jewelry, it can easily be stored without taking up a lot of room.

Also, one of the reasons that accessories resonate with me so much, is the fact that the fit is always perfect! I can gain or lose five pounds, but that brooch still fits the same!

Cons of Wearing Brooches

Now the traditional brooches, with a pin on the back, can actually damage some clothing items. You certainly want to be careful with leather and silk so that a hole isn’t added to your wardrobe piece.

There is a solution for this issue though if you’re crafty. You can remove the pin element and add a magnet to the brooch. This will enable you to wear it without creating a hole in the material. The only caveat is it can come undone a little easier than a pin. Although I have had a pin come undone, too – so it just depends.

I read an interesting article that suggested removing the pin from your garment every time you wear it, even if you tend to wear the same brooch on this same item. By removing the pin, you allow the material to return to its original shape and weave – so said this particular author.


As an advocate of organization in my closet, I’m also a true believer that if you see it, you will wear it. Thus, keeping your brooches with the rest of your jewelry makes it much easier to remember to wear them!

Since my mother has too many brooches to count, she created a hanging organizer. It’s a couple pieces of material so that it’s relatively thick and cushiony. She actually decorated the edging around it, but I think that detail isn’t needed because the pins decorate it fabulously. We hung it on the back of her bedroom door with heavy duty velcro. Here’s a picture of it on Pinterest if you’d like to see it.


Let’s Have a Conversation:

Are you going to join in on the brooch love? And on which clothing items do you like to style them? How do you keep your pins organized? What do you think are the keys to fashion for women over 60? Please share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments.