Month: April 2020

Matte, Shine or Gloss Lipstick? Which is Best for Older Women?


Any woman who has ever gone to the makeup counter will tell you that, when it comes to lipstick choices, today’s market is saturated with choices; semi-gloss, matte, super high gloss, twenty-four-hour lipstick, you name it!

With so many choices, how can you tell what is the right lipstick for older women?

Ariane Poole, professional makeup artist with her own line of makeup, offers us her advice and helps to sort out all the available lipsticks on the market today.

Lipstick and Makeup for the Mature Woman

Makeup should make you feel good. You don’t have to wear makeup everyday or if you only like to wear a minimal amount of makeup, that’s just fine.

For many women, lipstick is a staple they use almost daily, even if they only use a couple of makeup items. The choices available today can make choosing a lipstick difficult!

Matte Lipsticks

The hottest lipstick today are the matte lipsticks. While these used to have a reputation for being heavy, dull, cakey, and drying, they are more popular now than ever. How can something with an ugly reputation be so popular?

Ariane says that today’s new formulas are comfortable and look great. While matte will never be described as “hydrating,” the super lasting, intense color that these lipsticks offer is enough to make most women swear by them.

If you try a matte lipstick and you aren’t comfortable wearing it, then they aren’t for you.

The best matte lipstick for older women should never be beige or a color similar to your concealer. Go for reds, browns, and pink rose colors.

Layering Lipstick Colors

Mature women might find that layering their lipsticks works best for them. By applying a matte lipstick first, then using a semi-gloss on top in a similar color, not only gives you a unique lipstick color but it gives you the best of both worlds; the intense long-lasting color of a matte lipstick combined with the shine and hydration of a gloss or semi-gloss lipstick.

Margaret demonstrates her layered lipstick style in the video and if you haven’t seen it before, you must watch how this layering technique works, it’s really amazing!

A Word about Lip Liners

Lip liners is one of those things that works for some women but not others. Some women feel that lip liners are a bit harsh and that they work best for younger women. Others feel that lip liners help to define their lips, especially when using matte lipsticks.

Margaret mentions that if you have never used matte lipsticks before, you should know that once you put them on, the color really stays on, which is why many women use lip liners.

It’s All a Matter of Preference

Whether you choose to use a liquid lip color, a matte lipstick, or a glossy cream in a tube, use whatever color and style you feel your best in.

What is your favorite brand or color of lipstick? What is your preference when it comes to lipstick – Cream? Liquid? Sticks? What did you think of Margaret’s layering technique? Let’s talk lipstick, ladies! We want to hear your opinions!

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Tinsley Mortimer’s Denim Ruffle Dress

Tinsley Mortimer’s Denim Ruffle Dress With Leah

Real Housewives of New York Season 12 Episode 1 Fashion

Tinsley Mortimer’s denim ruffle dress with Leah on last night’s season premiere episode of The Real Housewives of New York was super cute, even in a sepia-tinted flashback. Now if only we could flash back to a time when it was still in stock (and when Leah still had that Chanel bag…a true tragedy if there ever was one) that would be really great.



Tinsley Mortimer’s Denim Ruffle Dress

Click Here to See Her Sold Out Alexis Dress

Click Here to Rent it

Originally posted at: Tinsley Mortimer’s Denim Ruffle Dress

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5 *HOT* Hair Care Tips for Older Women from a Celebrity Stylist (#3 is AMAZING!)


Are bangs good for older women? How to get that shiny hair we had in our younger days? How do we take care of our hair as we get older?

Margaret Manning talks with celebrity stylist Denise McAdam, who has not only worked with the hair for celebrity’s and the Royal family, but for Grace Kelly, about what aging women can do make their crowning glory as beautiful as possible.

Hair Facts for Mature Women

Like everything else, as we age, our hair goes through changes as well. White and grey hair is naturally thinner, and it can suffer from nutrient deficiencies, if we aren’t eating a balanced diet.

“When we were younger, we could just grab a clip and run out the door,” Denise says, “now we need to take a bit more effort.”

As long as we feel good about our hair, we can throw on some scruffy sweats and take the dog for a walk and know that you still look good.

Denise and Margaret have a terrific conversation about older women and hair problems and Denise has offered some of her best tips for keeping our hair looking good no matter our age.

Eating Right

While our hormones and stress can play a part in the health of our hair, Denise says our diet is what really influences it. She suggests that if you eat a good diet, your hair will be naturally beautiful, but for those of us who don’t eat right, supplements might help to keep our hair looking its best.

Make Hair Thicker

Denise says to improve the texture of hair, especially fine hair, you can use fine hair serums and oils to help improve texture. She recommends serums over oil, especially if you already have oily hair.

Add Volume with This One Product

To add more volume to your hair, Denise recommends using dry shampoos that will bring volume without making the hair weaker. Conditioners are also important to keep the hair shiny and soft.

Long Hair or Short Hair?

Long hair is great if you plan on putting your hair up or off to one side, but if you can’t be bothered to do anything with your hair other than letting it hang straight down, you should probably consider a shoulder length or shorter.

Bangs- Yes or No?

Bangs (called Fringe in the UK) are a long-standing matter of debate among women of all ages, but especially among older women. Some women feel that bangs are for younger women while others say if you want to wear bangs, then wear them!

Denise says that bangs are a matter of suiting your face. If you have a high forehead, you might want to avoid bangs, however, for some women, bangs will make them look younger.

This is an inspiring video and Denise’s laughter is infectious, so be sure you take the time to check it out!

What supplements do you take for more beautiful hair? Do you think bangs and long hair for older women is appropriate? Do you have some favorite styling products you would recommend for mature hair? Let’s start a conversation!

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5 Reasons Live Online Yoga Lessons Are Awesome for Seniors

5 Reasons Live Online Yoga Lessons Are Awesome for Seniors

The coronavirus has shaken us up. Even
if you never get it, and don’t know anyone who has, the virus and our reactions
to it have changed us individually and collectively. I’m an eternal optimist
(my middle name is Hope), and I see one very positive and powerful trend – live
online yoga classes.

We all know that there are a zillion yoga videos on YouTube. At this moment, I see 388,000,000. Sixty and Me created gentle yoga videos. I’ve made some myself. Those videos are a wonderful resource. I’m glad to know I can find so many yoga videos at any hour of the day.

But something new is happening. Plato
said, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Because many are home-bound, yoga
teachers are offering classes and 1-on-1 sessions online.

Keep reading to find out why live
online yoga lessons are awesome for seniors (and everyone else). I’m offering
my lessons on ZOOM, so any technical references below are for that platform.


Something’s missing in those
388,000,000 YouTube videos, and that’s accountability. The lovely yogi or
yogini who recorded the videos might know that you watched it when you press
“like” or leave a comment, but they won’t really know if you did the yoga.

With the coronavirus, or really
anytime, most of us benefit from some commitments in our week. Retirees often
float a while in the bliss of not going to work, but then find they need some
structure to make life work.

We need to schedule time for important
things like exercise and self-care, so that we don’t let it drift too late in
the day and skip it.

With live classes, you generally have
to register in advance and pay a fee. That small commitment makes you far more
likely to continue committing when you put it on your calendar, get ready, and
actually do the class.

I’ve recently started teaching online.
I “arrive” to the video room early and check in with each of my students. I see
them. As we are doing the class, I see them. If it’s a small class, I can notice
when they are a bit off track with their alignment.

I may say their name and invite them
to adjust. This ability will vary depending on the teacher and how many
students are on the video connection. Just like in a local class, I will notice
if a registered student does not show up.


When I started teaching online, I was
extremely pleased with how efficient it is for me and my students. You can put
breakfast, lunch, or dinner in the oven, do the class, and wrap up just in time
to walk straight into the kitchen and eat!

You don’t have to drive in traffic or
park your car. You can fold your laundry or walk your dog up until class time,
and just plop down in your living room to do the lesson.

If you are a caregiver for kids,
grandkids, a spouse, or another loved one in your home, you can take a short
break from being a caregiver without travel time. It is good for your loved
ones to see you doing something for yourself.


Live online yoga lessons are ideal for
people who prefer privacy. You may be an introvert. You may love being at home.
Maybe you don’t want to chit-chat with people before or after class at the gym
or yoga studio. You may feel a bit shy about going in public in yoga pants. You
may have cat or dog fur on your yoga pants.

These are all excellent reasons to do
yoga at home, in whatever clothes you want to wear.

If you don’t want anyone to see you
doing the poses, simply turn off your webcam. In Zoom the individual users have
the ability to turn off their audio and video at any time for privacy.

You’ll still benefit from the
accountability because the teacher knows you are there even if he or she cannot
see or hear you. You’re “in the room,” doing the yoga, and getting the
benefits, on your terms.

There’s another element of privacy. It’s mental privacy. When you aren’t
near other people, you won’t watch them do their yoga poses. You can focus
internally, breathe, and feel what your body needs.

Yoga was designed as a personal
spiritual practice and path. Practicing at home is ideal for that quiet mental

Global Impact and Connection

Online, amazing teachers and students
can connect from anywhere. My yoga teacher lives only a 90 minute drive from my
home. I have not made the trip in almost a year. When she offered online classes
due to the coronavirus, I was happy to connect with her in that way.

I am now also taking online classes
with a teacher in California, 3000 miles away. You can pick and choose from the
best instructors in the world!

We can also connect with fellow
students and dear friends. Depending on what video format your teacher uses,
there may be a time and opportunity for students to see each other as well. In
my first few online classes, I cried with joy to see friends and students
joining me from other states and countries.

You can see your local friends at
online yoga class, even if you are still home-bound.


Online lessons are safe for seniors
because you choose your teacher and your class. You can choose a teacher with
experience working with older adults.

It’s safe because you can stay home if
you have a weakened immune system or allergies. You can stay home if you are
self-quarantined because you’ve traveled.

And finally, of course, it’s safe
during the coronavirus. You practice in your own space, on your own mat, with
peace of mind.

What You Need to Know to Get

You will need some level of technical
skill. You will likely need to register for the class online and feel
comfortable paying online with a credit or debit card. You will receive an
email confirmation. Usually you will have a link to click to view the class.

In my case, I allow 15–30 minutes
before each class to make sure my students have logged on and can see and hear

An added bonus of live online yoga
classes is that you have to make a space and put your mat on the floor. You
have created a space for yoga in your home. This is a powerful step towards
creating a habit!

Eckhart Tolle said, “Adversity is a
great opportunity to deepen spiritual awareness. Use it, don’t waste it.”
Adversity is also a great opportunity to try new things. We will all be glad
when the coronavirus is over.

I cannot see ahead much further than a
few days. I see live online yoga classes as a huge positive that has come from
this situation. I am certainly open to continuing online classes even when we
have the option to go to class locally.

I invite you to join me in online yoga classes and wellness services. Click here to book a complimentary phone or video consultation with me. I look forward to meeting you online!

What are you doing to stay connected
to your favorite teachers and wellness guides? What online classes are you
taking from home? What do you enjoy most about them? Please share with our

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Dorinda Medley’s Satin Confessional Blazer

Dorinda Medley’s Satin Confessional Blazer

Real Housewives of New York Season 12 Fashion

Although she may be gangsta, Dorinda Medley totally looks like a class act in her Real Housewives of New York confessionals this season with this gold satin blazer. And if you want it for yourself (her exact colour is sold out however others are still up for grabs) you better click on the link down below quick, because kindergarten’s starting and you don’t want to be late for the bus.*



*Yes I know that doesn’t really make sense, I just needed an excuse to say it.

Dorinda Medley's Satin Confessional Blazer

Also Seen on Hannah Brown in Silver:

Hannah Brown’s Silver Satin Suit

And Kandi Burruss in Pink:

Kandi Burruss' Pink Dress and Blazer on WWHL

Click Here to Shop her Cinq a Sept Blazer in White

Click Here to Shop it in Blue on Sale

Click Here to Shop it in Dark Pink

Click Here to Shop Additional Stock on Sale

Originally posted at: Dorinda Medley’s Satin Confessional Blazer

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