
We all desire a smooth and fulfilling life path after 60. But what if living the life you desire requires you to become a trailblazer?

And what does being a trailblazer after 60 even mean?

In this new, five-part series for Sixty and Me readers, we are going to explore how to blaze a new path for yourself after 60 through these four empowering steps:

STEP 1: Get clear on what a trailblazer means for you.

STEP 2: Go inward.

STEP 3: Change your perspective on what is possible.

STEP 4: Be carefree.

I will share a little bit about each of these in this article but will cover more of them in greater detail in the forthcoming articles and videos in this series.

For now, we will focus on what defines a trailblazer.

What Defines a Trailblazer?

Whether you are aware of it or not, your perception of what a trailblazer is may actually keep you stuck in a rut more than it inspires you to try a new path in life after 60.

There is a good chance you have looked up to and have been inspired by people who defied the odds and whom society defined as trailblazers.

But what is a trailblazer?

Traditionally, trailblazers have stirred people’s imaginations for thousands of years. They have served as empowering examples to dream bigger, to go beyond the rules and restrictions of society by embracing your true, authentic self.

These individuals seem to possess an inner drive and a fearlessness that makes venturing into the unknown and achieving the impossible doable.

But there is another side to being a trailblazer that has an even bigger effect on society.

Shame and Blame

The effect of shame and blame is rarely spoken about in regard to the negative side of being a trailblazer. It is, however, at the heart of why many people over 60 have a difficult time blazing a new path in life, even if they want to.

Trailblazers don’t just inspire us to be, do, and have more out of life. They can also influence us to be, do, and have less than what we deserve.

This is because they also serve as cautionary tales for what happens when you disrupt the status quo and want to try something new.

For as much as trailblazers are necessary for society as a whole to grow, they encounter varying degrees of negative attacks by those who seek to keep the status quo undisturbed.

While the severity of these attacks vary, what they all have in common is shame and blame.

What can you do to blaze a new path after 60 without conforming to the negative opinions of others?

4 Steps to Blaze a New Path After 60

To be a trailblazer after 60 takes more than just the desire for living your life to the fullest. It also requires more than inner bravery or a fearlessness to overcome the effects of shame and blame.

To be a trailblazer after 60 you will want to have a clear understanding and embodiment of the four steps I am going to guide you through in this five-part series.

For now, here is a brief explanation of each one.

Get Clear on What a Trailblazer Means for You

Following the path other trailblazers take, even if it looks appealing, may not be the best thing for you. That is why to embody what it looks and feels like for you to be a trailblazer requires being more of your true, authentic self.

Go Inward

Going inward is the process of inner discovery through self-introspection. This might sound easy until you get the urge to bypass this all-important step. For it is here that you will get to know more of your true, authentic self and chart the new path you want to go on.

Change Your Perspective on What Is Possible

The road to becoming a trailblazer after 60 can get a little bumpy. To make it a smoother journey, you will want to recognize and release ‘fixed beliefs’ that disempower you. This step involves developing a growth mindset, where new, more empowering beliefs can clear the obstacles on your new path.

Be Carefree

If you desire to be a trailblazer in your life, being carefree and enjoying yourself after 60 is not a luxury, it is essential. You may have your own ideas about what being carefree means. But when it comes to being a trailblazer being carefree means three specific things, which you will learn about in the final article and video of this series.

Join me in the video where I will share additional insights and also guide you through three journal prompts to help you integrate what you are learning.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

In what areas of life have you seen yourself as a trailblazer? In what areas of your life do you desire to blaze a new path for yourself?