60 Things Women LOVE About Being 60+ Years Old

Turning 60 isn’t exactly something that most women look forward to. Personally, I was 59-years-old for 3-years before finally admitting to the world (and myself) that I had reached this milestone.

But, looking back, I realize that turning 60 is something to be celebrated. So, today, I want to share 60 things that the women in our community love about being in their 60s. And, I hope that you will also join the conversation.

Let’s age beautifully, inside and out! Check out our own “Aging Beautifully” affirmation cards. They will inspire you to live your life to the fullest and enable you to find joy and passion in the decades ahead.

What do you love about being 60+? What do you think most people get wrong about life after 60? Let’s have a chat!