Heather Gay’s Sequin and Mesh Striped Top at Jen’s Sundance Party

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 1 Episode 6 Fashion

Though we didn’t get a super good look at Heather Gay’s black sequin and mesh striped top at Jen Shah’s Sundance party, I had to do a post on it because A) I thought she looked better than ever B) I loved her hitting on that guy, it was a super fun side of Heather and I love to see it.  While I was happy she left the party with an attractive man, I’m not so happy with the fact that she seemed to also leave with any chance of us getting our hands on this deal of a dazzling shirt.


The Realest Housewife,

Big Blonde Hair



Heather Gay's Sequin and Mesh Striped Top

Click Here to See her Akira Plot Twist Blouse


Originally posted at: Heather Gay’s Sequin and Mesh Striped Top