Sonja Morgan’s White Lace Top

Season 12 Episode 3 Real Housewives of New York Fashion

Sonja Morgan looked summery and feminine in her white lace top hanging out with Tinsley Mortimer and Leah McSweeney in a meeting of the blondes. In their conversation we learned that Sonja won’t be having sex with Leah McSweeney so there goes that storyline.

I thought this whole tattoo shaming sitch was quite interesting because I too have a tramp stamp that my husband would kill for me to get removed, which I refuse to based on principal. And I really haven’t wanted another one for quite some time until I saw Leah’s Chanel tattoo which I’m a little obsessed with. So while her tattoos are turning some of the NY Wives off, she may just have sold me on hers as quickly as Sonja sold me on her shirt.


The Realest Housewife,

Big Blonde Hair

Sonja Morgan's White Lace Top

Click Here To Shop Her Sonja by Sonja Morgan White Elsy Lace Top

Originally posted at: Sonja Morgan’s White Lace Top