Tracy Tutor’s Pink Balenciaga Blouse on Instasories

Million Dollar Listing LA 2020 Instagram Fashion

Tracy Tutor’s pink Balenciaga blouse on her Instastories was gorg. She was preparing to do a Facebook Live to answer questions about the MDLLA episode and her book Fear Is Just a Four Letter Word. Another four letter word we associate with Tracy? LOVE. Because that’s how we feel about everything to do with this bad ass boss.

So, after you inevitably buy this Baleneciaga blouse or a Style Stealer of it, make sure you get yourself a copy of her book (The BBH staff copy has just been ordered by Lauren). That way we can all be in control of our lives and the wardrobe that goes along with it.


Sincerely Stylish,


Tracy Tutor's Pink Balenciaga Blouse

Click Here To Shop Her Balenciaga Pink Blouse

Click Here for Additional Stock

Photo: @tracytutor


Originally posted at: Tracy Tutor’s Pink Balenciaga Blouse